< Augstā Dziesma 3 >

1 Naktī savā gultā es meklēju to, ko mana dvēsele mīl; es meklēju, bet viņu neatradu.
By night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loves: I sought him, but found him not; I called him, but he listened not to me.
2 Es celšos jel un iešu pilsētā apkārt pa gatvēm un ielām; es meklēšu to, ko mana dvēsele mīl. Es meklēju, bet viņu neatradu.
I will rise now, and go about in the city, in the marketplaces, and in the streets, and I will seek him whom my soul loves: I sought him, but I found him not.
3 Sargi mani atrada, kas pilsētā iet apkārt: vai jūs neesat redzējuši to, ko mana dvēsele mīl?
The watchmen who go their rounds in the city found me. [I said], Have you seen him whom my soul loves?
4 Kad es maķenīt tiem biju pagājusi garām, tad es atradu to, ko mana dvēsele mīl; es viņu turu un to neatlaidīšu, kamēr es viņu vedīšu savas mātes namā, savas dzemdētājas kambarī.
[It was] as a little [while] after I parted from them, that I found him whom my soul loves: I held him, and did not let him go, until I brought him into my mother's house, and into the chamber of her that conceived me.
5 Es jūs mīļi lūdzu, jūs Jeruzālemes meitas, pie tām stirnām un kalnu kazām, neuztraucat un nemodinājat mīlestību, kamēr tai pašai patīk.
I have charged you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the powers and by the virtues of the field, that you rouse not nor awake [my] love, until he please.
6 Kas ir šī, kas no tuksneša nāk kā dūmu stabs, apkvēpināta ar mirrēm un vīraku, ar visādām veikalnieku zālēm?
Who is this that comes up from the wilderness as pillars of smoke, perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, with all powders of the perfumer?
7 Redzi, ap Salamana krēslu apkārt ir sešdesmit varoņi no Israēla varoņiem.
Behold Solomon's bed; sixty mighty men of the mighty ones of Israel are round about it.
8 Tie visi tur zobenus, mācīti karot; ikkatram savs zobens pie gurniem pret nakts bailēm.
They all hold a sword, being expert in war: every man [has] his sword upon his thigh because of fear by night.
9 Ķēniņš Salamans sev licis taisīt nesamu krēslu no Lībanus kokiem.
King Solomon made himself a litter of woods of Lebanon.
10 Viņa stabus viņš taisīja no sudraba, to lēni no zelta, to sēdekli no purpura, viņa iekšpuse bija izpušķota no Jeruzālemes meitu mīlestības.
He made the pillars of it silver, the bottom of it gold, the covering of it scarlet, in the midst of it a pavement of love, for the daughters of Jerusalem.
11 Ejat ārā un uzlūkojiet, Ciānas meitas, ķēniņu Salamanu ar to kroni, ar ko viņa māte to kronēja viņa kāzu dienā un viņa sirds līksmības dienā.
Go forth, you daughters of Sion, and behold king Solomon, with the crown wherewith his mother crowned him, in the day of his espousals, and in the day of the gladness of his heart.

< Augstā Dziesma 3 >