< Rutes 2 >
1 Un Naēmjai bija radinieks no viņas vīra, varen turīgs vīrs no Elimeleka rada, un viņa vārds bija Boas.
But there was a man related to Elimelech, a powerful man, and very wealthy, named Boaz.
2 Tad Rute, tā Moabiešu sieva, sacīja uz Naēmju: ļauj man jel tīrumā iet, tad es vārpas aiz tā lasīšu, kura acīs es žēlastību atradīšu. Un tā uz viņu sacīja: ej, mana meita.
And Ruth, the Moabite, said to her mother-in-law, “If you order, I will go into the field and gather the ears of grain which escape the reaping hand, wherever I will find favor with the father of a family, who will be compassionate to me.” She answered her, “Go, my daughter.”
3 Tad viņa gāja un nāca un lasīja tīrumā aiz pļāvējiem. Un notikās, ka tas tīrums piederēja Boasam, kas bija no Elimeleka rada.
And so she went and gathered the ears of grain after the completion of the reaping. But it happened that this field was owned by Boaz, who was of the kindred of Elimelech.
4 Un redzi, Boas nāca no Bētlemes un sacīja uz tiem pļāvējiem: Tas Kungs lai jums palīdz; un tie sacīja uz viņu: Tas Kungs lai tevi svētī.
And behold, he came out of Bethlehem and said to the reapers, “The Lord be with you.” They answered him, “May the Lord bless you.”
5 Tad Boas sacīja uz savu puisi, kas bija celts pār pļāvējiem: kas tā tāda jauna sieviete?
And Boaz said to the young man who was in charge of the reapers, “Whose young woman is this?”
6 Un tas puisis, kas bija celts pār pļāvējiem, atbildēja un sacīja: šī ir tā jaunā Moabiešu sieva, kas ar Naēmju ir atpakaļ griezusies no Moaba zemes.
He answered him, “This is the Moabite woman, who came with Naomi, from the land of the Moabites,
7 Un tā sacīja: ļauj man jel (vārpas) lasīt un krāt kūlīšu starpā pļāvējiem pakaļ; tā viņa nākusi un palikusi agri no rīta līdz šim laikam, un viņa daudz nepaliek mājās.
and she asked to gather the remnants of the ears of grain, following the steps of the reapers, and from morning until now she has remained in the field, and, indeed, not for one moment has she returned home.”
8 Tad Boas sacīja uz Ruti: klausies mana meita, neej tu citā tīrumā lasīt, tev arī nebūs no šejienes aiziet, bet šeitan tev būs turēties pie manām kalponēm.
And Boaz said to Ruth, “Listen to me, daughter. Do not go to gather in any other field, nor depart from this place, but join with my young women,
9 Tavas acis lai skatās uz to tīrumu, ko tie pļaus, un tu staigā tiem pakaļ; es arī puišiem esmu pavēlējis, ka neviens lai tevi neaiztiek, un kad tev slāpst, tad ej pie traukiem un dzer no tā, ko puiši būs smēluši.
and follow where they reap. For I have given orders to my young men, so that no one is to harass you. And so, whenever you are thirsty, go to the vessels, and drink from the waters that the young men also drink.”
10 Tad viņa metās uz savu vaigu un klanījās pie zemes un uz viņu sacīja: kāpēc es žēlastību esmu atradusi tavās acīs, ka tu mani uzlūko, un es tomēr esmu sveša?
She, falling on her face and paying homage on the ground, said to him: “How did this happen to me, that I should find favor before your eyes, and that you would condescend to accept me, a foreign woman?”
11 Un Boas atbildēja un uz viņu sacīja: man ir stāstīts viss, ko tu esi darījusi pie savas vīramātes pēc sava vīra miršanas, un ka tu esi atstājusi savu tēvu un savu māti un savu dzimtas zemi un gājusi pie ļaudīm, ko tu papriekš nepazini.
He answered her, “Everything has been reported to me, what things you have done for your mother-in-law after the death of your husband, and how you left your parents, and the land in which you were born, and came to a people you did not know before.
12 Lai Tas Kungs tev atmaksā, ko tu darījusi, un tava alga lai ir pilnīga no Tā Kunga, Israēla Dieva, apakš kura spārniem tu esi nākusi, patvērumu dabūt.
May the Lord repay you for your work, and may you receive a full reward from the Lord, the God of Israel, to whom you have come, and under whose wings you have taken refuge.”
13 Un viņa sacīja: lai es žēlastību atrodu tavās acīs, mans kungs, jo tu mani esi iepriecinājis un savu kalponi mīlīgi uzrunājis, jebšu es neesmu kā viena no tavām kalponēm.
She said, “I have found favor before your eyes, my lord, who has consoled me, and you have spoken to the heart of your handmaid, who is unlike one of your young women.”
14 Un Boas uz viņu sacīja: ap ēdamo laiku nāc šurp un ēd no maizes un iemērc savu kumosu skābumā. Tad viņa apsēdās pie tiem pļāvējiem, un viņai pasniedza ceptas vārpas, un tā ēda un paēda un viņai atlika.
And Boaz said to her, “When mealtime begins, come here, and eat bread, and dip your morsel in the vinegar.” And so she sat beside the reapers, and she piled up parched grain for herself, and she ate and was satisfied, and carried off the leftovers.
15 Kad nu viņa cēlās atkal lasīt, tad Boas pavēlēja saviem puišiem un sacīja: lai viņa arī starp kūlīšiem lasa, un nedariet viņai kauna.
And then she arose from there, so as to gather the ears of grain, according to the custom. But Boaz commanded his servants, saying, “If she is even willing to reap with you, do not prevent her,
16 Izvelciet arīdzan priekš viņas no kūlīšiem un lai tur paliek, ka viņa to salasa, un nerājiet viņu.
and purposely let fall some from your bundles, and allow them to remain, so that she may gather without blushing, and let no one rebuke her gathering.”
17 Tā viņa lasīja pa tīrumu līdz vakaram un izkūla, ko viņa bija salasījusi, un tas bija kāda ēfa miežu.
And so she gathered in the field until evening. And striking and threshing with a staff what she had gathered, she found about the measure of an ephah of barley, that is, three measures.
18 Un viņa to ņēma un nāca pilsētā, un viņas vīramāte redzēja, ko tā bija salasījusi. Tad viņa izvilka un viņai deva, kas viņai ēdot bija atlicis.
Carrying this, she returned into the city and showed it to her mother-in-law. Moreover, she offered it to her and even gave her the leftovers of her food, with which she had been satisfied.
19 Tad viņas vīramāte uz viņu sacīja: kur tu šodien esi lasījusi un kur tu esi strādājusi? Svētīts lai ir, kas tevi uzlūkojis. Un viņa stāstīja savai vīramātei, pie kā tā bija strādājusi, un sacīja: tā vīra vārds, pie ka es šodien esmu strādājusi, ir Boas.
And her mother-in-law said to her, “Where have you gathered today, and where have you found work? Blessed is he who took pity on you!” And she informed her with whom she had been working, and she said the man’s name, that he was called Boaz.
20 Tad Naēmja sacīja uz savu vedeklu: svētīts lai tas ir no Tā Kunga, kas savu žēlastību nav atrāvis ne no dzīviem, ne no mirušiem. Un Naēmja uz viņu sacīja: tas vīrs mums ir rada, no mūsu tuviniekiem viņš ir.
Naomi answered her, “May he be blessed by the Lord, because the same kindness which he provided for the living, he also kept for the dead.” And again she said: “This man is our near relative.”
21 Tad Rute, tā Moabiešu sieva, sacīja: viņš arī uz mani sacīja: turies pie maniem ļaudīm, kamēr tie visu manu pļaušanu būs pabeiguši.
And Ruth said, “He charged me with this also, that from now on I should join with his reapers until all the crop has been reaped.”
22 Tad Naēmja sacīja uz savu vedeklu Ruti: tas ir labi, mana meita, ka tu ar viņa kalponēm izej, lai citā tīrumā tev nedara pāri.
And her mother-in-law said to her, “It is better, my daughter, to go out reaping with his young women, lest in a stranger’s field someone may confront you.”
23 Tā viņa turējās pie Boasa kalponēm, lasīdama, kamēr miežu pļaušana un kviešu pļaušana bija pabeigta, un dzīvoja pie savas vīramātes.
And so, she joined with the young women of Boaz, and from then on reaped with them, until the barley and the wheat were stored in the barns.