< Pāvilavēstulē Romiešiem 6 >

1 Ko nu lai sakām? Vai mums grēkā būs palikt, lai žēlastība vairojās?
What shall we say then? Let us continue in sin, that grace may abound still more?
2 Nemaz ne! Kā mēs, kas grēkam esam miruši, iekš tā vēl gribētu dzīvot?
God forbid! How shall we, who died to sin, live any longer in it?
3 Jeb vai jūs nezināt, ka, cik no mums ir kristīti uz Kristu Jēzu, tie uz Viņa nāvi ir kristīti?
Are ye ignorant, that all of us who were baptized into Jesus Christ, were baptized into his death?
4 Tad nu mēs līdz ar Viņu caur kristību esam aprakti nāvē, lai, kā Kristus ir uzmodināts no miroņiem caur Tā Tēva godību, tāpat arī mēs staigājam atjaunotā dzīvībā.
We then by this baptism into his death were buried with him; that as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, so we also might walk in newness of life.
5 Jo ja mēs esam dēstīti līdzīgā nāvē ar Viņu, tad arī augšāmcelšanā Viņam būsim līdzīgi,
For if we have been made completely like him in his death, we shall be made like him in his resurrection also;
6 To zinādami, ka mūsu vecais cilvēks līdz ir krustā sists, lai grēcīgā miesa iznīkst, ka mēs grēkam vairs nekalpojam.
knowing this, that our old man was crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that we might no longer be in slavery to sin;
7 Jo, kas nomiris, tas ir taisnots no grēka.
for he that hath died hath been set free from sin.
8 Bet ja mēs ar Kristu esam miruši, tad ticam, ka ar Viņu arī dzīvosim,
And if we died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him;
9 Zinādami, ka Kristus no miroņiem uzmodināts vairs nemirst; nāve pār Viņu vairs nevalda.
since we know that Christ, having been raised from the dead, dieth no more; death hath dominion over him no longer.
10 Jo ko Viņš miris, to Viņš grēkam nomiris vienreiz; bet ko Viņš dzīvo, to Viņš dzīvo Dievam.
For in that he died, he died to sin once for all; but in that he liveth, he liveth to God.
11 Tāpat turaties arī jūs, ka grēkam esat nomiruši, bet dzīvojiet Dievam iekš Kristus Jēzus, mūsu Kunga.
Thus do ye too consider yourselves as dead to sin, but alive to God, through Jesus Christ.
12 Tad nu lai grēks nevalda jūsu mirstamā miesā, paklausīt viņas kārībām;
Let not then sin reign in your mortal body, bringing you into subjection to its lusts,
13 Nedz padodiet savus locekļus grēkam par netaisnības ieročiem; bet padodiet sevi pašus Dievam, tā kā no miroņiem dzīvus, un savus locekļus Dievam par taisnības ieročiem.
nor yield up your members to sin as instruments of unrighteousness; but yield up yourselves to God, as being alive from the dead, and your members to God as instruments of righteousness.
14 Jo grēks pār jums nevaldīs; jo jūs neesat apakš bauslības, bet apakš žēlastības.
For sin shall not hold dominion over you; for ye are not under the Law, but under grace.
15 Ko nu? Vai mums būs grēkot, tāpēc ka neesam apakš bauslības, bet apakš žēlastības? Ne mūžam!
What then? Are we to sin, because we are not under the Law, but under grace? God forbid!
16 Vai nezināt, ka jūs tam esat kalpi, kam padodaties par kalpiem uz paklausību, paklausīdami, vai grēkam uz nāvi, vai paklausībai uz taisnību?
Know ye not, that whomever ye choose to obey as a master, his bondmen ye are, whether of sin whose fruit is death, or of obedience whose fruit is righteousness?
17 Bet gods Dievam, ka jūs, kas bijuši grēka kalpi, no sirds dziļuma esat palikuši paklausīgi tai mācības priekšzīmei, uz ko esat nodoti,
But thanks be to God that, though ye were the bondmen of sin, ye became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching which was delivered to you;
18 Un atsvabināti no grēka esat palikuši par kalpiem taisnībai.
and being made free from sin, ye became the bondmen of righteousness.
19 Es runāju cilvēcīgi jūsu miesas vājības dēļ; jo tā kā jūs savus locekļus bijāt padevuši kalpot nešķīstībai un netaisnībai uz netaisniem darbiem, tāpat padodiet tagad savus locekļus, kalpot taisnībai uz svētiem darbiem.
I speak in a way common among men on account of the weakness of your flesh. For as ye once yielded your members as slaves to impurity and to iniquity, in order to commit iniquity, so now yield your members as bondmen to righteousness in order to become holy.
20 Jo kad jūs bijāt grēka kalpi, tad jūs bijāt svabadi no taisnības.
For when ye were the slaves of sin, ye were not the bondmen of righteousness.
21 Kāds auglis tad jums to brīdi bija? Tāds, par ko jūs tagad kaunaties; jo viņa gals ir nāve.
What fruit then had ye at that time from those things of which ye are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death.
22 Bet tagad, kad jūs no grēka esat atsvabināti un Dievam kalpojat, tad jums ir savs auglis, ka paliekat svēti; bet tas gals ir mūžīga dzīvošana. (aiōnios g166)
But now having been delivered from the slavery of sin, and having become the bondservants of God, ye have holiness as the fruit, and everlasting life as the end. (aiōnios g166)
23 Jo grēka nopelns ir nāve; bet Dieva dāvana ir mūžīga dzīvība iekš Kristus Jēzus, mūsu Kunga. (aiōnios g166)
For the wages of sin is death; but the free gift of God is everlasting life, through Christ Jesus our Lord. (aiōnios g166)

< Pāvilavēstulē Romiešiem 6 >