< Pāvilavēstulē Romiešiem 15 >

1 Bet mums, kas esam stipri, pienākas panest nestipro vājības un nevis sev pašiem būt pa prātam.
We, the strong, ought to take on our own shoulders the weaknesses of those who are not strong, and not merely to please ourselves.
2 Jo ikviens no mums lai savam tuvākam ir pa prātam uz labu un par uztaisīšanu.
Let each of us please our neighbor for our neighbor’s good, to help in the building up of their character.
3 Jo arī Kristus nav Sev pašam bijis pa prātam, bet kā stāv rakstīts: “Tavu nievātāju nievāšanas Man ir uzkritušas.”
Even the Christ did not please himself! On the contrary, as scripture says of him – ‘The reproaches of those who were reproaching you fell upon me.’
4 Jo viss, kas ir papriekš rakstīts, tas mums papriekš rakstīts par mācību, lai mums cerība būtu caur paciešanu un Dieva rakstu iepriecināšanu.
Whatever was written in the scriptures in days gone by was written for our instruction, so that, through patient endurance, and through the encouragement drawn from the scriptures, we might hold fast to our hope.
5 Bet lai tas paciešanas un iepriecināšanas Dievs jums dod vienādu prātu jūsu starpā pēc Kristus Jēzus,
And may God, the giver of this patience and this encouragement, grant you to be united in sympathy in Christ,
6 Ka jūs vienprātīgi vienā mutē varat pagodināt Dievu un mūsu Kunga Jēzus Kristus Tēvu.
so that with one heart and one voice you may praise the God and Father of Jesus Christ, our Lord.
7 Tāpēc uzņematies cits citu, itin kā arī Kristus jūs ir uzņēmis Dievam par godu.
Therefore always receive one another as friends, just as the Christ himself received us, to the glory of God.
8 Un es saku, ka Jēzus Kristus ir palicis par apgraizīšanas kalpu Dieva patiesības labad, ka Viņš apstiprinātu to tēvu apsolīšanas;
For I tell you that Christ, in vindication of God’s truthfulness, has become a minister of the covenant of circumcision, so that he may fulfill the promises made to our ancestors,
9 Un ka pagāni Dievu slavētu par to žēlastību, tā kā ir rakstīts: “Tāpēc es Tevi gribu teikt starp pagāniem un Tavam vārdam dziedāt.”
and that the Gentiles also may praise God for his mercy. As scripture says – ‘Therefore will I make acknowledgment to you among the Gentiles and sing in honor of your name.’
10 Un atkal tas saka: “Priecājaties, jūs pagāni, līdz ar Viņa ļaudīm.”
And again it says – ‘Rejoice, you Gentiles, with God’s people.’
11 Un atkal: “Slavējat To Kungu, visi pagāni, un teiciet Viņu, visas tautas.”
And yet again – ‘Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles, and let all Peoples sing his praises.’
12 Un atkal Jesaja saka: “Tur būs Isajus sakne, un (Viņš) kas celsies valdīt pār pagāniem; uz To pagāni cerēs.”
Again, Isaiah says – ‘There will be a Scion of the house of Jesse, One who is to arise to rule the Gentiles; on him will the Gentiles rest their hopes.’
13 Bet Tas cerības Dievs lai jūs piepilda ar visu prieku un mieru iekš ticības, ka varat būt bagāti iekš cerības caur Svētā Gara spēku.
May God, who inspires our hope, grant you perfect happiness and peace in your faith, until you are filled with this hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
14 Tomēr, mani brāļi, es pats arīdzan no jums gan zinu, ka arī jūs paši esat pilni labprātības, piepildīti ar visu atzīšanu, ka jūs varat cits citu paskubināt.
I am persuaded, my friends – yes, I Paul, with regard to you – that you are yourselves full of kindness, furnished with all Christian learning, and well able to give advice to one another.
15 Bet vietām jums, mani brāļi, drošāki esmu rakstījis, jums atgādinādams caur to žēlastību, kas man ir dota no Dieva,
But in parts of this letter I have expressed myself somewhat boldly – by way of refreshing your memories –
16 Lai es esmu Jēzus Kristus kalps pie pagāniem, strādādams to svēto Dieva evaņģēlija darbu, lai pagāni paliek par patīkamu upuri, kas svētīts caur Svēto Garu
because of the charge with which God has entrusted me, that I should be an assistant of Christ Jesus to go to the Gentiles – that I should act as a priest of God’s good news, so that the offering up of the Gentiles may be an acceptable sacrifice, consecrated by the Holy Spirit.
17 Tad nu man Dievam kalpojot ir ko teikties iekš Kristus Jēzus.
It is, then, through my union with Christ Jesus that I have a proud confidence in my work for God.
18 Jo es neiedrošināšos ko runāt, ko Kristus pagānu paklausības labad caur mani nav strādājis ar vārdiem un darbiem,
For I will not dare to speak of anything but what Christ has done through me to win the obedience of the Gentiles –
19 Caur zīmju un brīnumu spēku, caur Dieva Gara spēku, tā ka es Kristus evaņģēliju esmu izpaudis no Jeruzālemes visapkārt līdz Illirijai,
by my words and actions, through the power displayed in signs and marvels, and through the power of the Holy Spirit. And so, starting from Jerusalem and going as far as Illyria, I have told in full the good news of the Christ;
20 Un tā no sirds darbojies, evaņģēliju pasludināt, kur Kristus vārds vēl netapa piesaukts, ka es to namu neuzceltu uz cita pamatu;
yet always with the ambition to tell the good news where Christ’s name had not previously been heard, so as to avoid building on another’s foundations.
21 Bet itin kā ir rakstīts: kam no tā nav sludināts, tie redzēs; un kas nav dzirdējuši, tie dabūs zināt.
But as scripture says – ‘They to whom he had never been proclaimed will see; and they who have never heard will understand!’
22 Tāpēc es arī daudzreiz esmu aizkavēts pie jums nākt.
That is why I have so often been prevented from coming to you.
23 Bet kad tagad šinīs zemēs man vairs nav vietas, un man jau no daudz gadiem gribās pie jums nākt,
But now there are no further openings for me in these parts, and I have for several years been longing to come to you whenever I may be going to Spain.
24 Tad es uz Spāniju iedams pie jums nākšu; jo es ceru, ka pārstaigādams jūs redzēšu, un no jums uz turieni tapšu pavadīts, kad es papriekš maķenīt ar jums būšu papriecājies.
For my hope is to visit you on my journey, and then to be sent on my way by you, after I have first partly satisfied myself by seeing something of you.
25 Bet tagad es eju uz Jeruzālemi, tiem svētiem palīdzību nesdams.
Just now, however, I am on my way to Jerusalem, to take help to Christ’s people there.
26 Jo Maķedonijai un Akajai ir paticis, kādas dāvanas samest priekš tiem nabagiem, kas ir starp tiem svētiem Jeruzālemē,
For Macedonia and Greece have been glad to make a collection for the poor among Christ’s people at Jerusalem.
27 Jo tiem tā ir paticis; tie ir arīdzan viņu parādnieki. Jo ja pagāni pie viņu garīgām dāvanām daļu ir dabūjuši, tad arī šiem pienākas ar tām laicīgām viņiem kalpot.
Yes, they were glad to do so; and indeed it is a duty which they owe to them. For the Gentile converts who have shared their spiritual blessings are in duty bound to minister to them in the things of this world.
28 Tad to pabeidzis un šo augli tiem apzieģelējis es noiešu caur jums uz Spāniju.
When I have settled this matter, and have secured for the poor at Jerusalem the enjoyment of these benefits, I will go, by way of you, to Spain.
29 Un es zinu, ka es pie jums nākdams ar pilnu Kristus evaņģēlija svētību nākšu.
And I know that, when I come to you, it will be with a full measure of blessing from Christ.
30 Bet es jūs lūdzu, brāļi, caur mūsu Kungu Jēzu Kristu un caur Tā Gara mīlestību, ka jūs līdz ar mani cīnāties, par mani Dievu lūgdami,
I beg you, then, friends, by Jesus Christ, our Lord, and by the love inspired by the Spirit, to join me in earnest prayer to God on my behalf.
31 Lai es topu izglābts no tiem neticīgiem Jūdejā, un lai šī mana kalpošana, kas Jeruzālemes labad notiek, tiem svētiem būtu patīkama,
Pray that I may be rescued from those in Judea who reject the faith, and that the help which I am taking to Jerusalem may prove acceptable to Christ’s people;
32 Ka es pēc Dieva prāta ar prieku varu nākt pie jums un līdz ar jums atspirdzinājos.
so that, God willing, I may be able to come to you with a joyful heart, and enjoy some rest among you.
33 Un tas miera Dievs lai ir ar jums visiem. Āmen.
May God, the giver of peace, be with you all. Amen.

< Pāvilavēstulē Romiešiem 15 >