< Jaņa Atklāsmes Grāmata 4 >

1 Pēc tam es redzēju, un raugi, durvis bija atvērtas debesīs, un tā pirmā balss, ko es dzirdēju tā kā bazūni ar mani runājam, sacīja: uzkāp šurp, Es tev rādīšu, kam pēc būs notikt.
After this, in my vision, I saw an open door in the heavens, and the first voice that I heard was like the blast of a trumpet speaking to me. It said – ‘Come up here and I will show you what must take place.’
2 Un tūdaļ es biju garā, un redzi, tur goda krēsls bija celts debesīs, un tur Viens sēdēja uz tā goda krēsla.
Immediately after this I fell into a trance. There stood a throne in heaven, and on the throne was One seated.
3 Un ģīmis Tam, kas tur sēdēja, bija līdzīgs jaspis un sardis akmenim; un visapkārt tam goda krēslam bija varavīksne, kas izskatījās tā kā smaragds.
He who was seated on it was in appearance like a jasper and a sardius; and around the throne there was a rainbow of the color of an emerald.
4 Un visapkārt ap to goda krēslu bija divdesmit četri krēsli, un uz tiem krēsliem es redzēju divdesmit četrus vecajus sēžam, apģērbtus baltām drēbēm, un tiem bija zelta kroņi uz galvām.
And around the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and on these I saw twenty-four elders sitting clothed in white robes; and on their heads they had crowns of gold.
5 Un no tā goda krēsla iziet zibeņi, pērkoni un balsis; un tur bija septiņi degoši eļļas lukturi, kas tā goda krēsla priekšā deg; tie ir tie septiņi Dieva gari.
Out from the throne come flashes of lightning, cries, and peals of thunder! There are seven torches burning in front of the throne, which are the seven spirits of God;
6 Un tā goda krēsla priekšā bija tā kā glāzes jūra, kristālam līdzīga, un tā goda krēsla vidū un visapkārt ap to goda krēslu četri dzīvi radījumi, pilni ar acīm priekšā un aizmugurē.
and in front of the throne is what seemed to be a sea of glass, resembling crystal, while within the space before the throne and around the throne are four creatures full of eyes in front and behind.
7 Un tas pirmais no tiem dzīviem bija lauvam līdzīgs, un tas otrais vērsim līdzīgs, un tam trešam bija tā kā cilvēka vaigs, un tas ceturtais bija skrejošam ērglim līdzīgs.
The first creature is like a lion, the second creature like a calf, the third creature has a face like a man’s, and the fourth creature is like an eagle on the wing.
8 Un tiem četriem dzīviem bija ikvienam seši spārni, un tie bija visapkārt un iekšpusē pilni ar acīm, un tie bez atpūšanās dienām naktīm sauc: svēts, svēts, svēts ir Tas Kungs Dievs, Tas Visuvaldītājs, kas bijis un kas ir un kas nāk.
These four creatures have each of them six wings, and all around, and within, they are full of eyes; and day and night they never cease to say – ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, our God, the Almighty, who was, and who is, and who will be.’
9 Un kad tie dzīvie godu un slavu un pateikšanu dod Tam, kas sēž uz tā goda krēsla, kas dzīvo mūžīgi mūžam, (aiōn g165)
And, whenever these creatures give praise and honor and thanks to him who is seated on the throne, to him who lives for ever and ever, (aiōn g165)
10 Tad tie divdesmit četri vecaji nometās zemē priekš Tā, kas sēž uz tā goda krēsla, un pielūdz To, kas dzīvo mūžīgi mūžam, un met savus kroņus tā goda krēsla priekšā sacīdami: (aiōn g165)
the twenty-four elders prostrate themselves before him who is seated on the throne, and worship him who lives for ever and ever, and throw down their crowns before the throne, saying – (aiōn g165)
11 Kungs, Tu esi cienīgs ņemt godu un slavu un spēku, jo Tu visas lietas esi radījis un caur Tavu prātu tās ir un ir radītas.
‘Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive all praise, and honor, and power, for you did create all things, and at your bidding they came into being and were created.’

< Jaņa Atklāsmes Grāmata 4 >