< Psalmi 99 >
1 Tas Kungs ir ķēniņš, - tautas dreb; Viņš sēž pār ķerubiem, - zeme trīc.
The Lord is king; let the nations tremble: he is throned upon cherubs; let earth quake.
2 Tas Kungs ir liels iekš Ciānas, un Viņš ir augsts pār visiem ļaudīm.
The Lord is great in Zion, he is high over all the nations.
3 Tavu lielo un bijājamo Vārdu lai teic, jo Tas ir svēts;
Let them praise your great and terrible name. Holy is he.
4 Ar taisnību Tu esi nodibinājis ķēniņa stiprumu, kas tiesu mīļo; Tu esi iecēlis tiesu un taisnību iekš Jēkaba.
You are a king who loves justice, equity you have established: justice and right you have wrought for Jacob.
5 Paaugstinājiet To Kungu, mūsu Dievu, un pielūdziet Viņa kāju pamesla priekšā; Viņš ir svēts.
Exalt the Lord our God, bow down at his footstool. Holy is he.
6 Mozus un Ārons starp Viņa priesteriem, un Samuēls starp tiem, kas piesauc Viņa Vārdu; tie piesauca To Kungu, un Viņš tos paklausīja.
Among his priests were Moses and Aaron, Samuel among those who called on his name. They called to the Lord, and he gave them answer.
7 Viņš runāja uz tiem padebeša-stabā; tie turēja Viņa liecības un tos likumus, ko Viņš tiem bija devis.
He spoke to them in the pillar of cloud, they kept his commands and the statute he gave them.
8 Kungs, mūsu Dievs, Tu tos paklausīji, Tu stiprais Dievs tiem piedevi un biji atriebējs par viņu darbiem.
Lord our God, you gave them answer. A God of forgiveness were you to them, who suffered their deeds to go unpunished.
9 Paaugstinājiet To Kungu, mūsu Dievu, un pielūdziet Viņa svētā kalnā, jo Tas Kungs, mūsu Dievs, ir svēts.
Exalt the Lord our God; bow down at his holy mountain. For holy is the Lord our God.