< Psalmi 93 >
1 Tas Kungs ir ķēniņš un ar godību ģērbies, Tas Kungs ir ģērbies un apjozies ar spēku; tādēļ pasaule stāv stipra, ka nešaubās.
For the day before the Sabbath, when the land was [first] inhabited, the praise of a Song by David. The Lord reigns; he has clothed himself with honour: the Lord has clothed and girded himself with strength; for he has established the world, which shall not be moved.
2 Tavs valdības krēsls stāv stiprs no sendienām; Tu esi no mūžības.
Your throne is prepared of old: you are from everlasting.
3 Upes paceļ, ak Kungs, upes paceļ savu kaukšanu, upes paceļ savu krākšanu.
The rivers have lifted up, O Lord, the rivers have lifted up their voices,
4 Pār lielu ūdeņu krākšanu, pār varenām jūras bangām Tas Kungs ir jo varens augstībā.
at the voices of many waters: the billows of the sea are wonderful: the Lord is wonderful in high places.
5 Tavas liecības ir visai uzticamas; svētums ir Tava nama jaukums, ak Kungs, mūžīgi.
Your testimonies are made very sure: holiness becomes your house, O Lord, for ever.