< Psalmi 86 >
1 Dāvida lūgšana. Kungs, atgriez Savas ausis, paklausi mani, jo es esmu bēdīgs un nabags.
“A prayer of David.” Incline thine ear, O LORD! and hear me, For I am poor and distressed!
2 Pasargi manu dvēseli, jo es esmu bezvainīgs; palīdz, mans Dievs, Savam kalpam, kas uz Tevi paļaujas.
Preserve my life, for I am devoted to thee! Save, O thou my God! thy servant who trusteth in thee!
3 Esi man žēlīgs, ak Kungs! jo es saucu uz Tevi cauru dienu.
Have pity upon me, O Lord! For to thee do I cry daily!
4 Iepriecini Sava kalpa dvēseli, jo mana dvēsele, Kungs, nesās uz Tevi.
Revive the soul of thy servant, For to thee, O Lord! do I lift up my soul!
5 Jo Tu, Kungs, esi labs, un piedod labprāt no lielas žēlastības visiem, kas Tevi piesauc.
For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; Yea, rich in mercy to all that call upon thee!
6 Kungs, klausies uz manu lūgšanu un ņem vērā manas piesaukšanas balsi.
Give ear, O LORD! to my prayer, And attend to the voice of my supplication!
7 Bēdu laikā es Tevi piesaucu, jo Tu mani paklausi.
In the day of my trouble I call upon thee, For thou dost answer me!
8 Neviens starp tiem dieviem nav kā Tu, Kungs, un tā nav nekas kā Tavi darbi.
Among the gods there is none like thee, O Lord! And there are no works like thy works!
9 Visas tautas, Kungs, ko Tu esi radījis, nāks un pielūgs Tavā priekšā, un godās Tavu vārdu.
All the nations which thou hast made must come and worship before thee, O Lord! And glorify thy name!
10 Jo Tu esi liels un dari brīnumus, Tu esi Dievs, Tu vien.
For great art thou, and wondrous are thy works; Thou alone art God!
11 Māci man, Kungs, Tavu ceļu, es staigāšu iekš Tavas patiesības; valdi manu sirdi pie tā viena, Tavu vārdu bīties.
Teach me, O LORD! thy way, That I may walk in thy truth; Unite all my heart to fear thy name!
12 Kungs, mans Dievs, es Tevi slavēšu no visas sirds, un godāšu Tavu vārdu mūžīgi.
I will praise thee, O Lord, my God! with my whole heart; I will give glory to thy name for ever!
13 Jo Tava žēlastība ir liela pār mani un Tu manu dvēseli esi atpestījis no tās dziļās elles. (Sheol )
For thy kindness to me hath been great; Thou hast delivered me from the depths of the underworld! (Sheol )
14 Ak Dievs, lepni ļaudis ceļas pret mani un varas darītāju bars meklē manu dvēseli un Tevi netur priekš savām acīm.
O God! the proud have risen against me; Bands of cruel men seek my life, And set not thee before their eyes.
15 Bet Tu, Dievs Kungs, esi sirds žēlīgs un lēnprātīgs, pacietīgs un no lielas žēlastības un uzticības.
But thou, O Lord! art a God full of compassion and kindness, Long-suffering, rich in mercy and truth!
16 Atgriezies pie manis un esi man žēlīgs, dod Savu spēku Savam kalpam, un atpestī Savas kalpones dēlu.
Look upon me, and have compassion upon me! Give thy strength to thy servant, And save the son of thy handmaid!
17 Dari zīmi pie manis, ka man labi klājās, ka mani nīdētāji to redz un kaunas, ka Tu, Kungs, man palīdzi un mani iepriecini.
Show me a token for good, That my enemies may see it and be confounded; Because thou, O LORD! helpest and comfortest me!