< Psalmi 83 >

1 Asafa dziesma. Ak Dievs, neciet klusu, neesi kā mēms un nekavējies, ak stiprais Dievs!
A Canticle Psalm of Asaph. O God, who will ever be like you? Do not be silent, and do not be unmoved, O God.
2 Jo redzi, Tavi ienaidnieki trako un Tavi nīdētāji paceļ galvu.
For behold, your enemies have sounded off, and those who hate you have carried out a head.
3 Tie ņēmās viltīgus padomus pret Taviem ļaudīm un sarunājās pret tiem, ko Tu glabā.
They have acted with malice in counsel over your people, and they have plotted against your holy ones.
4 Tie saka tā: nāciet, izdeldēsim tos, ka tie vairs nav tauta, un ka Israēla vārds vairs netop pieminēts.
They have said, “Come, let us scatter them from the nations and not allow the name of Israel to be remembered any longer.”
5 Jo no sirds tie kopā ir sarunājušies un derību pret Tevi derējuši,
For they plotted unanimously. Joined together against you, they ordained a covenant:
6 Edoma un Ismaēliešu teltis, Moabs un Hagarieši,
the tabernacle of Edomites and Ishmaelites, and Moab and the Hagarites,
7 Ģebals, Amons un Amaleks, Fīlisti ar Tirus iedzīvotājiem.
and Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek, the foreigners among the inhabitants of Tyre.
8 Arī Asurs stāv viņiem klāt un ir Lata bērniem par elkoni. (Sela)
For even Assur comes with them. They have become the helpers of the sons of Lot.
9 Dari tiem kā Midijanam, kā Siseram, kā Jabinam pie Kisones upes.
Do to them as you did to Midian and Sisera, just as to Jabin at the torrent of Kishon.
10 Tie ir samaitāti Endorā un palikuši zemei par mēsliem.
They perished at Endor, and they became like the dung of the earth.
11 Dari tos un viņu lielos kungus tā kā Orebu un Zebu, un visus viņu virsniekus kā Zebahu un Calmunu,
Set their leaders to be like Oreb and Zeeb, and Zebah and Zalmunna: all their leaders
12 Kas sacīja: ņemsim to jauko Dieva zemi sev par mantu.
who said, “Let us possess the Sanctuary of God for an inheritance.”
13 Mans Dievs, dari tos par viesuli, par pelavām vēja priekšā.
My God, set them like a wheel, and like stubble before the face of the wind.
14 Tā kā uguns mežu sadedzina, un kā liesma kalnus iededzina;
Set them like a fire burning up the forest, and like a flame burning up the mountains.
15 Tāpat dzenies tiem pakaļ ar Savu vētru un iztrūcini tos ar Savām aukām.
So will you pursue them in your tempest, and disturb them in your wrath.
16 Pildi viņu vaigus ar kaunu, ka tie, Kungs, meklē Tavu Vārdu.
Fill their faces with shame, and they will seek your name, O Lord.
17 Lai tie top kaunā un iztrūcinājās mūžīgi mūžam un kļūst apkaunoti un iet bojā.
Let them be ashamed and troubled, from age to age, and let them be confounded and perish.
18 Lai tie atzīst, ka Tu vien ar Savu Vārdu esi Tas Kungs, tas Visuaugstākais pār visu pasauli.
And let them know that the Lord is your name. You alone are the Most High in all the earth.

< Psalmi 83 >