< Psalmi 75 >

1 Asafa dziesma, dziedātāju vadonim, dziedama, pēc: „nesamaitā!“Mēs Tev pateicamies, Dievs, mēs pateicamies, ka Tavs vārds ir it tuvu; Tavi brīnumi top slavēti.
For the end, Destroy not, a Psalm of a Song for Asaph. We will give thanks to you, O God, we will give thanks, and call upon your name: I will declare all your wonderful works.
2 „Kad Es īsto laiku pratīšu, tad Es it taisni tiesāšu.
When I shall take a set time, I will judge righteously.
3 Zeme un visi viņas iedzīvotāji trīc, bet Es viņas pīlārus esmu stiprinājis.“(Sela.)
The earth is dissolved, and all that dwell in it: I have strengthened its pillars. (Pause)
4 Es sacīju uz tiem lielīgiem: nelielāties; un uz tiem bezdievīgiem: nelepojaties ar varu;
I said to the transgressors, Do not transgress; and to the sinners, Lift not up the horn.
5 Nelielāties ar varu, un nerunājiet tik pārgalvīgi.
Lift not up your horn on high; speak not unrighteousness against God.
6 Ka (nekāds palīgs nenāks) nedz no rīta puses, nedz no vakara puses, nedz no tuksneša kalniem.
For [good comes] neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the desert mountains.
7 Bet Dievs ir soģis, kas citu pazemo un citu paaugstina.
For God is the judge; he puts down one, and raises up another.
8 Jo Tam Kungam biķeris ir rokā, kur stiprs vīns papilnam iejaukts, un Viņš dod no tā dzert; bet visiem bezdievīgiem virs zemes būs dzert un izsūkt tās mieles.
For [there is] a cup in the hand of the Lord, full of unmingled wine; and he has turned [it] from side to side, but its dregs have not been wholly poured out; all the sinners of the earth shall drink [them].
9 Bet es to pasludināšu mūžīgi, es dziedāšu Jēkaba Dievam,
But I will exult for ever: I will sing praises to the God of Jacob.
10 Un salauzīšu visiem bezdievīgiem galvas, ka taisniem galvas top paaugstinātas.
And I will break all the horns of sinners; but the horns of the righteous one shall be exalted.

< Psalmi 75 >