< Psalmi 74 >

1 Asafa pamācība. Ak Dievs, kāpēc Tu mūs mūžīgi atstūmis, un Tava dusmība kūp pār Tavas ganības avīm?
Understanding for Asaph. O God, why hast thou cast us off unto the end: why is thy wrath enkindled against the sheep of thy pasture?
2 Piemini Savu draudzi, ko Tu mantojis no veciem laikiem, un Sev par mantību atpestījis, Ciānas kalnu, uz kā Tu dzīvo.
Remember thy congregation, which thou hast possessed from the beginning. The sceptre of thy inheritance which thou hast redeemed: mount Sion in which thou hast dwelt.
3 Cel Savas kājas uz to mūžīgo postījumu; ienaidnieks visu ir samaitājis svētā vietā.
Lift up thy hands against their pride unto the end; see what things the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary.
4 Tavi pretinieki rūc Tavā namā, savas zīmes tie likuši par zīmēm.
And they that hate thee have made their boasts, in the midst of thy solemnity. They have set up their ensigns for signs,
5 Tie izrādās, tā kā biezā mežā cirtēji cirvjus cilā.
And they knew not both in the going out and on the highest top. As with axes in a wood of trees,
6 Un nu tie viņas izgreznojumu visnotaļ sadauza ar cirvjiem un veseriem.
They have cut down at once the gates thereof, with axe and hatchet they have brought it down.
7 Tie Tavā svētā vietā met uguni, līdz zemei tie sagāna Tava vārda mājas vietu.
They have set fire to thy sanctuary: they have defiled the dwelling place of thy name on the earth.
8 Tie saka savā sirdī: izpostīsim tos(namus) pavisam; visus Dieva lūgšanas namus tai zemē tie ir sadedzinājuši.
They said in their heart, the whole kindred of them together: Let us abolish all the festival days of God from the land.
9 Savas zīmes mēs neredzam: neviena pravieša vairs nav, nedz kāda cita pie mums, kas zinātu, cik ilgi tā būs.
Our signs we have not seen, there is now no prophet: and he will know us no more.
10 Cik ilgi, ak Dievs, pretinieks nievās, un ienaidnieks zaimos Tavu vārdu mūžam?
How long, O God, shall the enemy reproach: is the adversary to provoke thy name for ever?
11 Kāpēc Tu atrauj Savu roku, ak, Savu labo roku? Izvelc to no Savas azotes un dari galu.
Why dost thou turn away thy hand: and thy right hand out of the midst of thy bosom for ever?
12 Taču Dievs ir mans ķēniņš no iesākuma, kas pasniedz visu palīgu zemes virsū.
But God is our king before ages: he hath wrought salvation in the midst of the earth.
13 Tu caur Savu spēku jūru esi pāršķīris, Tu esi salauzījis pūķu galvas ūdenī.
Thou by thy strength didst make the sea firm: thou didst crush the heads of the dragons in the waters.
14 Tu esi satriecis levijatana galvas, Tu to esi devis par barību tai tautai tuksnesī.
Thou hast broken the heads of the dragon: thou hast given him to be meat for the people of the Ethiopians.
15 Tu esi izšķēlis avotus un upes, Tu esi izkaltējis varenas upes.
Thou hast broken up the fountains and the torrents: thou hast dried up the Ethan rivers.
16 Tiem pieder diena un nakts, Tu esi radījis gaismu un sauli.
Thine is the day, and thine is the night: thou hast made the morning light and the sun.
17 Tu zemei esi licis visas robežas, vasaru un ziemu Tu esi darījis.
Thou hast made all the borders of the earth: the summer and the spring were formed by thee.
18 Piemini to, ka ienaidnieks To Kungu nievā, un ģeķu ļaudis zaimo Tavu vārdu.
Remember this, the enemy hath reproached the Lord: and a foolish people hath provoked thy name.
19 Nenodod zvēram Savas ūbeles dvēseli, Savu bēdīgo pulku neaizmirsti mūžam.
Deliver not up to beasts the souls that confess to thee: and forget not to the end the souls of thy poor.
20 Piemini to derību, jo zemes alas ir palikušas par slepkavu bedrēm.
Have regard to thy covenant: for they that are the obscure of the earth have been filled with dwellings of iniquity.
21 Lai nospiestais neaiziet ar kaunu, lai bēdīgie un nabagi slavē Tavu vārdu.
Let not the humble be turned away with confusion: the poor and needy shall praise thy name.
22 Celies, Dievs, iztiesā Savas tiesas, piemini tās nievāšanas, kas Tev notiek no tiem ģeķiem ik dienas.
Arise, O God, judge thy own cause: remember thy reproaches with which the foolish man hath reproached thee all the day.
23 Neaizmirsti Savu pretinieku kliegšanu; to troksni, kas vienmēr pret Tevi no Taviem ienaidniekiem.
Forget not the voices of thy enemies: the pride of them that hate thee ascendeth continually.

< Psalmi 74 >