< Psalmi 71 >

1 Uz tevi, Kungs, es paļaujos, ne mūžam neliec man palikt kaunā.
By David, [a Psalm sung by] the sons of Jonadab, and the first that were taken captive. O Lord, I have hoped in you: let me never be put to shame.
2 Izglāb mani caur Savu taisnību un atsvabini mani, atgriez Savu ausi pie manis un atpestī mani.
In your righteousness deliver me and rescue me: incline your ear to me, and save me.
3 Esi man par patvērumu, kur es varu dzīvot, kur vienmēr varu bēgt. Tu esi solījis, mani atpestīt, jo Tu esi mans kalns un mana stiprā pils.
Be to me a protecting God, and a strong hold to save me: for you are my fortress and my refuge.
4 Mans Dievs, izglāb mani no bezdievīgā rokas, no netaisnā un varas darītāja rokas,
Deliver me, O my God, from the hand of the sinner, from the hand of the transgressor and unjust man.
5 Jo Tu esi mana cerība, Kungs, Dievs, mana drošība no manas jaunības.
For you are my support, O Lord; O Lord, [you are] my hope from my youth.
6 Uz Tevi es esmu paļāvies no mātes miesām, Tu mani esi izvilcis no mātes miesām, mana dziesma Tevi teic bez mitēšanās.
On you have I been stayed from the womb: from the belly of my mother you are my protector: of you is my praise continually.
7 Es esmu daudziem par ērmu, bet Tu esi mans stiprais patvērums.
I am become as it were a wonder to many: but you are [my] strong helper.
8 Lai mana mute pildās ar Tavu teikšanu, cauru dienu ar Tavu godu.
Let my mouth be filled with praise, that I may hymn your glory, [and] your majesty all the day.
9 Neatmet mani vecumā, neatstāj mani, kad spēks man zūd.
Cast me not off at the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength fails.
10 Jo mani ienaidnieki mani aprunā, un kas uz manu dvēseli glūn, tie kopā spriež padomu
For mine enemies have spoken against me; and they that lay wait for my soul have taken counsel together,
11 Sacīdami: Dievs viņu ir atstājis, dzenaties pakaļ, sagrābiet viņu, jo glābēja nav.
saying, God has forsaken him: persecute you and take him; for there is none to deliver [him].
12 Dievs, neesi tālu no manis, mans Dievs, steidzies man palīgā.
O God, go not far from me, O my God, draw near to my help.
13 Lai top kaunā, lai iet bojā, kas manai dvēselei turas pretī, ar kaunu un smieklu lai top apsegti, kas meklē manu nelaimi.
Let those that plot against my soul be ashamed and utterly fail: let those that seek my hurt be clothed with shame and dishonor.
14 Bet es vienmēr cerēšu un vairošu visu Tavu slavu.
But I will hope continually, and will praise you more and more.
15 Mana mute izteiks Tavu taisnību, cauru dienu Tavu pestīšanu, jebšu to nemāku izskaitīt.
My mouth shall declare your righteousness openly, [and] your salvation all the day; for I am not acquainted with the affairs [of men].
16 Es staigāšu Tā Kunga spēkā, es pieminēšu Tavu taisnību, Tevi vien.
I will go on in the might of the Lord: O Lord, I will make mention of your righteousness only.
17 Ak Dievs, Tu mani esi mācījis no manas jaunības; un līdz šim es pasludināju Tavus brīnumus.
O God, you have taught me from my youth, and until now will I declare your wonders;
18 Tad nu arīdzan, kad vecums un sirmi mati ir klāt, neatstāj mani, ak Dievs, tiekams es Tavu elkoni būšu pasludinājis bērnu bērniem un Tavu stiprumu visiem pēcnākamiem.
even until I am old and advanced in years. O God, forsake me not; until I shall have declared your arm to all the generation that is to come:
19 Tava taisnība, ak Dievs, ir it augsta, Tu dari lielas lietas; Dievs, kas ir tāds kā Tu?
even your power and your righteousness, O God, up to the highest [heavens, even] the mighty works which you has done: O God, who is like to you?
20 Tu man lieci redzēt daudz bēdas un mokas, Tu mani darīsi atkal dzīvu, un mani izvilksi no zemes dziļumiem.
What afflictions many and sore have you showed me! yet you did turn and quicken me, and brought me again from the depths of the earth.
21 Vairo manu godu, un iepriecini mani atkal.
You did multiply your righteousness, and did turn and comfort me, and brought me again out of the depths of the earth.
22 Es Tevi arī slavēšu ar stīgu skaņām par Tavu uzticību, mans Dievs; es Tevi slavēšu ar koklēm, ak Svētais iekš Israēla!
I will also therefore give thanks to you, O God, [because of] your truth, on an instrument of psalmody: I will sing psalms to you on the harp, O Holy One of Israel.
23 Manas lūpas gavilēs, kad es Tev dziedāšu, un mana dvēsele, ko Tu esi atpestījis.
My lips shall rejoice when I sing to you; and my soul, which you have redeemed.
24 Un arī mana mēle Tavu taisnību izrunās cauru dienu, jo tie ir tapuši kaunā un apkaunoti, kas meklē manu nelaimi.
Moreover also my tongue shall dwell all the day upon your righteousness; when they shall be ashamed and confounded that seek my hurt.

< Psalmi 71 >