< Psalmi 59 >
1 Dāvida sirds dziesma, pēc: „nesamaitā“; kad Sauls nosūtīja, vaktēt to namu, ka viņu nokautu. Izglāb mani, mans Dievs, no maniem ienaidniekiem, pasargi mani no tiem, kas pret mani ceļas.
For the end. Destroy not: by David for a memorial, when Saul sent, and watched his house to kill him. Deliver me from mine enemies, O God; and ransom me from those that rise up against me.
2 Izglāb mani no ļauna darītājiem un atpestī mani no asins ļaudīm.
Deliver me from the workers of iniquity, and save me from bloody men.
3 Jo redzi tie glūn uz manu dvēseli, vareni sapulcējās pret mani, lai gan neesmu grēkojis nedz noziedzies, ak Kungs!
For, behold, they have hunted after my soul; violent men have set upon me: neither [is it] my iniquity, nor my sin, O Lord.
4 Bez vainas tie tek un sataisās. Uzmosties man palīgā un skaties!
Without iniquity I ran and directed [my course aright]: awake to help me, and behold.
5 Tu, ak Kungs, Dievs Cebaot, Israēla Dievs, uzmosties, piemeklēt visus pagānus, neapžēlojies par nevienu, kas tik viltīgi dodas uz netaisnību. (Sela)
And you, Lord God of hosts, the God of Israel, draw near to visit all the heathen; pity not any that work iniquity. (Pause)
6 Vakarā tie atnāk, rūc kā suņi, un tekā(skraida) apkārt pa pilsētu.
They shall return at evening, and hunger like a dog, and go round about the city.
7 Redzi, tie ar savu muti plukšķ, zobeni ir viņu lūpās, jo - kas to dzird?
Behold, they shall utter a voice with their mouth, and a sword is in their lips; for who, [say they], has heard?
8 Bet Tu, Kungs, par tiem smiesies, Tu apmēdīsi visus pagānus.
But you, Lord, will laugh them to scorn; you will utterly set at nothing all the heathen.
9 Pret viņu varu es gaidīšu uz Tevi, jo Dievs ir mans patvērums.
will keep my strength, [looking] to you; for you, O God, are my helper.
10 Dievs man bagātīgi parāda Savu žēlastību, Dievs man liek ar prieku uzlūkot savus pretiniekus.
[As for] my God, his mercy shall go before me: my God will show me [vengeance] on mine enemies.
11 Nenokauj tos, ka mani ļaudis to neaizmirst, izklīdini tos ar Savu varu, un nogāz tos, ak Kungs, mūsu priekšturamās bruņas!
Slay them not, lest they forget your law; scatter them by your power; and bring them down, O Lord, my defender.
12 Tīri grēks ir viņu lūpu vārdi, tāpēc lai tie top sagūstīti savā lepnībā, viņu lādēšanas un to melu pēc, ko tie runā.
[For] the sin of their mouth, [and] the word of their lips, let them be even taken in their pride.
13 Izdeldē tos dusmībā, izdeldē tos, ka to vairs nav, un lai atzīst, ka Dievs ir valdītājs iekš Jēkaba līdz pasaules galam. (Sela)
And for [their] cursing and falsehood shall utter destruction be denounced: [they shall fall] by the wrath of utter destruction, and shall not be; so shall they know that the God of Jacob is Lord of the ends of the earth. (Pause)
14 Vakarā tie atnāk, rūc kā suņi, un tekā apkārt pa pilsētu.
They shall return at evening, and be hungry as a dog, and go round about the city.
15 Tie skraida šurp un turp barības pēc, un kad nav paēduši, paliek pa nakti.
They shall be scattered hither and there for meat; and if they be not satisfied, they shall even murmur.
16 Bet es dziedāšu no Tava stipruma un teikšu rītos Tavu žēlastību, jo Tu man esi bijis augsts patvērums un glābšana bēdu dienā.
But I will sing to your strength, and in the morning will I exult [in] your mercy; for you have been my supporter, and my refuge in the day of mine affliction.
17 No Tevis es dziedāšu, mans stiprums, jo Tu, Dievs, esi mans patvērums, mans žēlīgais Dievs!
[You are] my helper; to you, my God, will I sing; you are my supporter, O my God, [and] my mercy.