< Psalmi 54 >
1 Dāvida mācības dziesma. Dziedātāju vadonim, uz koklēm. Kad Zifieši nāca un Saulam sacīja: vai Dāvids pie mums nav paslēpies? Ak Dievs atpestī mani caur Savu vārdu un nes man tiesu caur Savu varu.
For the music director. With stringed instruments. A psalm (maskil) of David, concerning the time when the Ziphites came to Saul and told him, “David is hiding among us.” God, because of your very nature, please save me! Vindicate me by your power!
2 Ak Dievs, klausi manu lūgšanu, liec vērā, ko mana mute runā.
God, please hear my prayer; listen to what I'm saying.
3 Jo svešinieki ceļas pret mani, un briesmīgi ļaudis meklē manu dvēseli; tie netur Dievu priekš savām acīm. (Sela)
For strangers are coming to attack me—violent men who don't care about God are trying to kill me. (Selah)
4 Redzi, Dievs man ir par palīgu; Tas Kungs ir tas, kas manu dvēseli uztur.
But God helps me; the Lord saves my life!
5 Viņš maksās to ļaunumu maniem nicinātājiem; izdeldē tos pēc Tavas uzticības.
The evil my enemies have done will come back upon them. I depend on you to destroy them.
6 Tad es Tev upurēšu ar labu prātu, es pateikšos, Kungs, Tavam Vārdam, ka tas ir tik labs.
I will happily offer a sacrifice to you; I will praise the kind of person you are, Lord, for you are good.
7 Jo Viņš mani izglābis no visām bēdām, ka mana acs ar prieku uzlūko manus ienaidniekus.
For he has saved me from all my troubles; and I have seen those who hated me defeated.