< Psalmi 43 >

1 Tiesā mani, Dievs, un iztiesā manu tiesu pret tiem nesvētiem ļaudīm, izglāb mani no tiem viltīgiem un netaisniem.
A Psalm of David. Judge me, O God, and plead my cause, against an ungodly nation: deliver me from the unjust and crafty man.
2 Jo Tu esi mans stiprais Dievs, kāpēc Tu mani atstūmi? Kāpēc man būs staigāt noskumušam, kad ienaidnieks spaida?
For you, O God, are my strength: therefore have you cast me off? and why do I go sad of countenance, while the enemy oppresses [me]?
3 Sūti Savu gaišumu un Savu patiesību, ka tie mani vada un noved uz Tavu svēto kalnu un Tavā dzīvoklī;
Send forth your light and your truth: they have led me, and brought me to your holy mountain, and to your tabernacles.
4 Ka es ieeju pie Dieva altāra, pie tā stiprā Dieva, kas man par prieku un līksmību, un Tev uz koklēm pateicos, ak Dievs, mans Dievs!
And I will go in to the altar of God, to God who gladdens my youth: I will give thanks to you on the harp, O God, my God.
5 Ko tu bēdājies, mana dvēsele, un esi tik nemierīga iekš manis? Cerē uz Dievu, jo es Viņam vēl pateikšos, ka tas manam vaigam par pestīšanu un mans Dievs.
Therefore are you very sad, O my soul? and therefore do you trouble me? Hope in God; for I will give thanks to him, [who is] the health of my countenance, [and] my God.

< Psalmi 43 >