< Psalmi 35 >
1 Dāvida dziesma. Ej tiesā, Kungs, ar tiem, kas ar mani iet tiesā, karo ar tiem, kas ar mani karo.
BY DAVID. Strive, YHWH, with my strivers, fight with my fighters,
2 Sagrāb priekšturamās bruņas un ieroci un celies man par palīgu.
Take hold of shield and buckler, and rise for my help,
3 Izvelc šķēpu un zobenu pret tiem, kas man dzenās pakaļ; saki uz manu dvēseli: Es esmu tava pestīšana.
And draw out spear and lance, To meet my pursuers. Say to my soul, “I [am] your salvation.”
4 Lai top kaunā un par apsmieklu, kas manu dvēseli meklē, lai top dzīti atpakaļ un likti kaunā, kas pret mani ļaunu domā.
They are ashamed and blush, those seeking my soul, Turned backward and confounded, Those devising my evil.
5 Lai tie top kā pelavas vējā, un Tā Kunga eņģelis lai tos aizdzen.
They are as chaff before wind, And a messenger of YHWH driving away.
6 Viņu ceļš lai paliek tumšs un slidens, un Tā Kunga eņģelis lai tos vajā.
Their way is darkness and slipperiness, And a messenger of YHWH—their pursuer.
7 Jo bez vainas tie priekš manis apslēpuši sava tīkla bedri, bez vainas tie priekš manas dvēseles rakuši bedri.
For without cause they hid their net [in] a pit for me, Without cause they dug for my soul.
8 Posts tam uzies, kad viņš to nezin, un viņa tīkls, ko tas ir paslēpis, sagūstīs viņu pašu; sev par postu viņš tur iekritīs.
Desolation meets him—he does not know, And his net that he hid catches him, He falls into it for desolation.
9 Bet mana dvēsele priecāsies iekš Tā Kunga, un līksmosies par Viņa pestīšanu.
And my soul is joyful in YHWH, It rejoices in His salvation.
10 Visi mani kauli sacīs: Kungs, kas ir kā Tu? Tu bēdīgo izglābi no tā, kas ir stiprāks, nekā viņš, arī bēdīgo un nabagu no viņa laupītāja.
All my bones say, “YHWH, who is like You, Delivering the poor from the [one] stronger than he, And the poor and needy from his plunderer.”
11 Viltus liecinieki ceļas, tie prasa no manis, ko es nezinu.
Violent witnesses rise up, That which I have not known they ask me.
12 Tie man maksā ļaunu par labu; mana dvēsele ir atstāta.
They pay me evil for good, bereaving my soul,
13 Bet es, kad tie bija neveseli, apvilku maisu un mērdēju savu dvēseli ar gavēšanu un lūdzu no sirds dibina.
And I—in their sickness my clothing [is] sackcloth, I have humbled my soul with fastings, And my prayer returns to my bosom.
14 Es tā staigāju, tā kā viņš man būtu par draugu un brāli, es gāju noskumis, nospiests, tā kā kas žēlojās par savu māti.
As [if] a friend, as [if] my brother, I habitually walked, As a mourner for a mother, I have bowed down mourning.
15 Bet kad es straipalēju, tad tie priecājās un sapulcējās, nelieši, ko es nepazinu, sapulcējās pret mani; tie plosās un nepaliek klusu.
And they have rejoiced in my halting, And have been gathered together, The strikers were gathered against me, And I have not known, They have torn, and they have not ceased;
16 Ar viltīgiem mēdītājiem un kumosu lišķiem tie griež zobus pret mani.
With profane ones, mockers in feasts, Gnashing their teeth against me.
17 Kungs, cik ilgi Tu to gribi redzēt? Izglāb manu dvēseli no viņu postīšanas, manu vientuli no jauniem lauvām.
Lord, how long do You behold? Keep my soul back from their desolations, My only one from young lions.
18 Es Tev pateikšos lielā draudzē, ļaužu pulkā es Tevi slavēšu
I thank You in a great assembly, I praise You among a mighty people.
19 Lai par mani nepriecājās, kas mani ienīst par nepatiesu, nedz mirkšķina ar acīm, kas mani nīdē bez vainas.
Do not let my enemies rejoice over me [with] falsehood, Those hating me without cause wink the eye.
20 Jo no miera tie nerunā, bet izgudro viltīgus vārdus pret tiem klusiem iekš zemes.
For they do not speak peace, And against the quiet of the land, They devise deceitful words,
21 Tie atplēš savu muti pret mani, tie saka: tā, tā, mūsu acs to redzējusi!
And they enlarge their mouth against me, They said, “Aha, aha, our eye has seen.”
22 Kungs, Tu to redzi, neciet klusu, Kungs, neesi tālu no manis!
You have seen, O YHWH, Do not be silent, O Lord—do not be far from me,
23 Uzmodies un celies par manu tiesu, mans Dievs un mans Kungs, par manu lietu.
Stir up, and wake to my judgment, My God, and my Lord, to my plea.
24 Tiesā mani pēc Tavas taisnības, Kungs, mans Dievs, ka tie par mani nepriecājās.
Judge me according to Your righteousness, O YHWH my God, And they do not rejoice over me.
25 Lai tie nesaka savā sirdī: labi, tas mums pa prātam; lai tie nesaka: mēs viņu esam aprijuši.
They do not say in their heart, “Aha, our desire.” They do not say, “We swallowed him up.”
26 Lai kopā top kaunā un par apsmieklu, kas priecājās par manu nelaimi; lai top apģērbti ar kaunu un negodu tie, kas pret mani lielās.
They are ashamed and confounded together, Who are rejoicing at my evil. They put on shame and confusion, Who are magnifying themselves against me.
27 Priecīgi lai dzied un līksmojās, kam patīk mana taisnība, lai tie saka vienmēr: augsti slavēts lai ir Tas Kungs, kam labs prāts pie Sava kalpa labklāšanās.
They sing and rejoice, who are desiring my righteousness, And they continually say, “YHWH is magnified, Who is desiring the peace of His servant.”
28 Tad mana mēle sludinās Tavu taisnību, un ikdienas Tavu slavu.
And my tongue utters Your righteousness, All the day Your praise!