< Psalmi 14 >
1 Dāvida dziesma. Dziedātāju vadonim. Ģeķi saka savā sirdī Dieva nav; tie ir samaitājušies un sagānījušies ar savu darbošanos, neviena nav, kas labu dara.
For the music director. A psalm of David. Only fools tell themselves, “God doesn't exist.” They are completely immoral; they commit terrible sins; not a single one of them does anything good.
2 Tas Kungs skatās no debesīm uz cilvēku bērniem, raudzīt, vai jel kas būtu prātīgs, kas meklē Dievu.
The Lord watches from heaven to see whether anyone understands—if there's anyone who wants to come to God.
3 Bet tie visi atkāpušies, visnotaļ smirdoši tapuši, neviena nav, kas labu dara, nav it neviena.
They have all gone their own way, they are totally depraved; none of them does anything good, not even one.
4 Vai tad nav nekādas atzīšanas tiem ļauna darītājiem, kas ēd manus ļaudis, tā kā ēd maizi, bet To Kungu tie nepiesauc?
Won't these people who do evil ever learn? They consume my people as if they were eating bread, and refuse to pray to the Lord.
5 Tad tie bīdamies izbīstas, jo Dievs ir pie tās taisnās cilts.
Look, they will become terrified, because God is with those who live right.
6 Jūs nievājat nabaga padomu, bet Tas Kungs ir viņa patvērums.
The wicked dismiss the plans of the poor people, but the Lord looks after them.
7 Ak! Kaut no Ciānas nāktu Israēla pestīšana! Kad Tas Kungs atkal atved Savus cietuma ļaudis, tad Jēkabs priecāsies un Israēls līksmosies.
If only the Lord's salvation would come from Zion! When the Lord restores his people, the people of Jacob will celebrate, and the people of Israel will be glad.