< Psalmi 109 >

1 Dāvida dziesma, dziedātāju vadonim. Ak Dievs, ko es slavēju, nestāv klusu!
For the Chief Musician. A Psalm by David. God of my praise, don’t remain silent,
2 Jo bezdievīgu muti un viltīgu muti tie pret mani ir atvēruši, tie runā uz mani ar melu mēli.
for they have opened the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of deceit against me. They have spoken to me with a lying tongue.
3 Ar naidīgiem vārdiem tie metās ap mani un karo pret mani bez vainas.
They have also surrounded me with words of hatred, and fought against me without a cause.
4 Par to, ka es tos mīlēju, tie turas man pretī; bet es lūdzu Dievu.
In return for my love, they are my adversaries; but I am in prayer.
5 Tie man maksā ļaunu par labu un ienaidību par mīlestību.
They have rewarded me evil for good, and hatred for my love.
6 Cel pār to vienu bezdievi, un viens pretinieks lai viņam stāv pa labo roku.
Set a wicked man over him. Let an adversary stand at his right hand.
7 Kad viņš top tiesāts, tad lai top pazudināts, un viņa Dieva lūgšana lai viņam top par grēku.
When he is judged, let him come out guilty. Let his prayer be turned into sin.
8 Lai viņa dienas iet mazumā, un viņa amatu cits lai dabū.
Let his days be few. Let another take his office.
9 Viņa bērni lai paliek par bāriņiem un viņa sieva par atraitni.
Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow.
10 Lai viņa bērni skraida apkārt un ubago un maizes meklē tālu no savām izpostītām māju vietām.
Let his children be wandering beggars. Let them be sought from their ruins.
11 Lai tas parādu dzinējs izplēš visu, kas tam pieder, un sveši lai aplaupa viņa peļņu.
Let the creditor seize all that he has. Let strangers plunder the fruit of his labor.
12 Lai tam nav, kas parāda žēlastību, un lai nav, kas žēlo viņa bāriņus.
Let there be no one to extend kindness to him, neither let there be anyone to have pity on his fatherless children.
13 Lai viņa pēcnākamie top izdeldēti; viņu vārds lai izzūd otrā augumā.
Let his posterity be cut off. In the generation following let their name be blotted out.
14 Viņa tēvu noziegums lai top pieminēts Tā Kunga priekšā, un viņa mātes grēki lai neizzūd.
Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered by Yahweh. Don’t let the sin of his mother be blotted out.
15 Lai tie vienmēr paliek Tā Kunga priekšā, un viņa piemiņa lai no zemes top izdeldēta.
Let them be before Yahweh continually, that he may cut off their memory from the earth;
16 Tādēļ ka viņš nebūt nepieminēja žēlastību darīt, bet vajāja bēdīgo un nabagu un to, kam bija noskumusi sirds, ka viņš to nokautu.
because he didn’t remember to show kindness, but persecuted the poor and needy man, the broken in heart, to kill them.
17 Tāpēc ka viņš lāstu gribēja, tas viņam nāks; un svētības viņam negribējās, tad tā arī paliks tālu no viņa.
Yes, he loved cursing, and it came to him. He didn’t delight in blessing, and it was far from him.
18 Un viņš aptērpās ar lāstu, tā kā ar drēbēm, un tas nāca viņa iekšās kā ūdens un kā eļļa viņa kaulos.
He clothed himself also with cursing as with his garment. It came into his inward parts like water, like oil into his bones.
19 Tad lai tas viņam ir kā apģērbs, ar ko tas apsedzās, un josta, ar ko tas allaž apjožas.
Let it be to him as the clothing with which he covers himself, for the belt that is always around him.
20 Šī alga lai notiek no Tā Kunga maniem pretiniekiem un tiem, kas ļaunu runā pret manu dvēseli.
This is the reward of my adversaries from Yahweh, of those who speak evil against my soul.
21 Bet Tu, ak Kungs, dari ar mani Sava vārda pēc, jo Tava žēlastība ir laba; izglāb mani.
But deal with me, Yahweh the Lord, for your name’s sake, because your loving kindness is good, deliver me;
22 Jo es esmu bēdīgs un nabags, un mana sirds iekš manis ir ievainota.
for I am poor and needy. My heart is wounded within me.
23 Es aizeju kā ēna pavakarē, un topu vajāts kā sisenis.
I fade away like an evening shadow. I am shaken off like a locust.
24 Mani ceļi šļūk no gavēšanas, un mana miesa izdilusi, ka treknuma vairs nav.
My knees are weak through fasting. My body is thin and lacks fat.
25 Un es tiem esmu par apsmieklu; kad tie mani redz, tad tie krata galvu.
I have also become a reproach to them. When they see me, they shake their head.
26 Palīdz man, Kungs, mans Dievs, atpestī mani pēc Savas žēlastības!
Help me, Yahweh, my God. Save me according to your loving kindness;
27 Tad tie atzīs, ka tā Tava roka, ka Tu, Kungs, to darījis.
that they may know that this is your hand; that you, Yahweh, have done it.
28 Kad tie lād, tad Tu svētī; kad tie ceļas, tad lai top kaunā; bet Tavs kalps lai priecājās.
They may curse, but you bless. When they arise, they will be shamed, but your servant shall rejoice.
29 Mani pretinieki lai ar kaunu top apģērbti un ar savu negodu apsegti kā ar svārkiem.
Let my adversaries be clothed with dishonor. Let them cover themselves with their own shame as with a robe.
30 Es Tam Kungam no sirds pateikšu ar savu muti un Tam dziedāšu lielā draudzē.
I will give great thanks to Yahweh with my mouth. Yes, I will praise him among the multitude.
31 Jo tam bēdīgam Viņš stāv pa labo roku, to atpestīdams no tiem, kas viņa dvēseli notiesā.
For he will stand at the right hand of the needy, to save him from those who judge his soul.

< Psalmi 109 >