< Psalmi 106 >

1 Alleluja! Pateiciet Tam Kungam, jo Viņš ir labs, un Viņa žēlastība paliek mūžīgi.
Praise YAH, give thanks to YHWH, for [He is] good, for His kindness [is] for all time!
2 Kas var izteikt Tā Kunga varenos darbus un izstāstīt visu Viņa teicamo slavu?
Who utters the mighty acts of YHWH? Sounds all His praise?
3 Svētīgi tie, kas tiesu tur un dara taisnību vienmēr.
O the blessedness of those keeping judgment, Doing righteousness at all times.
4 Piemini mani, ak Kungs, pēc Sava labā prāta uz Saviem ļaudīm, piemeklē mani ar Savu pestīšanu;
Remember me, O YHWH, With the favor of Your people, Look after me in Your salvation.
5 Ka redzam labumu pie Taviem izredzētiem un priecājamies par Tavu ļaužu prieku un lielāmies ar Tavu īpašumu.
To look on the good of Your chosen ones, To rejoice in the joy of Your nation, To boast myself with Your inheritance.
6 Mēs esam grēkojuši līdz ar saviem tēviem, esam noziegušies un bijuši bezdievīgi.
We have sinned with our fathers, We have done perversely, we have done wickedly.
7 Mūsu tēvi Ēģiptē nelika vērā Tavus brīnumus, tie nepieminēja Tavu lielo žēlastību, bet bija pārgalvīgi jūrmalā pie niedru jūras.
Our fathers in Egypt, Have not considered wisely Your wonders, They have not remembered The abundance of Your kind acts, And provoke by the sea, at the Sea of Suph.
8 Viņš tiem palīdzēja Sava vārda dēļ, ka tiem parādītu Savu varu.
And He saves them for His Name’s sake, To make His might known,
9 Un Viņš rāja niedru jūru, ka tā sasīka, un Viņš vadīja caur dziļumiem kā pa tuksnesi.
And rebukes the Sea of Suph, and it is dried up, And causes them to go Through depths as a wilderness.
10 Un Viņš tos atpestīja no ienaidnieku rokas un tos atsvabināja no nīdētāju rokas.
And He saves them from the hand Of him who is hating, And redeems them from the hand of the enemy.
11 Ūdeņi apsedza viņu pretiniekus, ka neviens no tiem neatlika.
And waters cover their adversaries, One of them has not been left.
12 Tad tie ticēja Viņa vārdiem, tie dziedāja Viņa slavu.
And they believe in His words, they sing His praise,
13 Bet steigšus tie aizmirsa Viņa darbus, tie nenogaidīja Viņa nodomu;
They have hurried—forgotten His works, They have not waited for His counsel.
14 Bet kārot iekārojās tuksnesī un kārdināja Dievu tai posta vietā.
And they lust greatly in a wilderness, And try God in a desert.
15 Tad Viņš tiem deva pēc viņu kārības, bet darīja viņu dvēseles nīkstam.
And He gives to them their request, And sends leanness into their soul.
16 Un tie apskauda Mozu lēģerī un Āronu, Tā Kunga svēto.
And they are envious of Moses in the camp, Of Aaron, YHWH’s holy one.
17 Zeme atvērās un aprija Datanu un apklāja Abirama biedrus.
Earth opens, and swallows up Dathan, And covers over the company of Abiram.
18 Un uguns iedegās viņu pulkā, liesma sadedzināja tos bezdievīgos.
And fire burns among their company, A flame sets the wicked on fire.
19 Tie taisīja teļu Horebā un klanījās tās bildes priekšā,
They make a calf in Horeb, And bow themselves to a molten image,
20 Un pārvērsa savu godu par vērša ģīmi, kas ēd zāli.
And change their glory Into the form of an ox eating herbs.
21 Viņi aizmirsa Dievu, savu Pestītāju, kas lielas lietas bija darījis Ēģiptes zemē,
They have forgotten God their Savior, The doer of great things in Egypt,
22 Brīnumus Hama zemē, briesmīgus darbus pie niedru jūras.
Of wonderful things in the land of Ham, Of fearful things by the Sea of Suph.
23 Tā ka Viņš nodomāja tos izdeldēt, ja Mozus, Viņa izredzētais, nebūtu stājies tai plaisumā Viņa priekšā, novērst Viņa bardzību, lai nesamaitātu.
And He commands to destroy them, Unless Moses, His chosen one, Had stood in the breach before Him, To turn back His wrath from destroying.
24 Tie necienīja to jauko zemi, tie neticēja Viņa Vārdam,
And they kick against the desirable land, They have not given credence to His word.
25 Bet kurnēja savās teltīs un nepaklausīja Tā Kunga balsij.
And they murmur in their tents, They have not listened to the voice of YHWH.
26 Tāpēc Viņš pacēla pret tiem Savu roku, tos nosist tuksnesī
And He lifts up His hand to them, To cause them to fall in a wilderness,
27 Un nogāzt viņu dzimumu starp pagāniem un tos izkaisīt pa tām zemēm.
And to cause their seed to fall among nations, And to scatter them through lands.
28 Tie pieķērās arī BaālPeoram un ēda mirušu upurus,
And they are coupled to Ba‘al-Peor, And eat the sacrifices of the dead,
29 Un apkaitināja To Kungu ar saviem darbiem, ka mocība starp viņiem ielauzās.
And they provoke to anger by their actions, And a plague breaks forth on them,
30 Tad Pinehas cēlās un sodīja, un tā mocība mitējās.
And Phinehas stands, and executes judgment, And the plague is restrained,
31 Un tas viņam tapa pielīdzināts par taisnību uz bērnu bērniem mūžīgi.
And it is reckoned to him for righteousness, From generation to generation—for all time.
32 Un tie Viņu apkaitināja pie bāršanās ūdens, ka Mozum viņu dēļ ļaunums uzgāja.
And they cause wrath by the waters of Meribah, And it is evil to Moses for their sakes,
33 Jo tie padarīja viņa sirdi rūgtu, ka viņš neapdomīgi runāja ar savām lūpām.
For they have provoked his spirit, And he speaks wrongfully with his lips.
34 Tie arī neizdeldēja tās tautas, kā Tas Kungs tiem bija pavēlējis;
They have not destroyed the peoples, As YHWH had commanded to them,
35 Bet tie sajaucās ar pagāniem un mācījās viņu darbus;
And mix themselves among nations, and learn their works,
36 Un kalpoja viņu elkiem, un tie viņiem palika par valgu.
And serve their idols, And they are for a snare to them.
37 Pat savus dēlus un savas meitas tie upurēja nešķīstiem gariem,
And they sacrifice their sons and their daughters to the demons,
38 Un izlēja nenoziedzīgas asinis, savu dēlu un savu meitu asinis, ko tie upurēja Kanaāna elkiem, tā ka zeme tapa apgānīta caur asins vainām.
And they shed innocent blood—Blood of their sons and of their daughters, Whom they have sacrificed to idols of Canaan, And the land is profaned with blood.
39 Un tie sagānījās ar saviem darbiem un maukoja ar savām darīšanām.
And they are defiled with their works, And commit whoredom in their habitual doings.
40 Par to Tas Kungs ļoti iedusmojās pret Saviem ļaudīm un turēja par negantību Savu īpašumu;
And the anger of YHWH Is kindled against His people, And He detests His inheritance.
41 Un Viņš tos nodeva pagānu rokā, un viņu nīdētāji par tiem valdīja.
And gives them into the hand of nations, And those hating them rule over them,
42 Un viņu ienaidnieki tos apbēdināja un tos pazemoja apakš savas rokas.
And their enemies oppress them, And they are humbled under their hand.
43 Viņš tos izglāba daudzkārt, taču tie Viņu apkaitināja ar savu padomu un iznīka savu noziegumu dēļ.
He delivers them many times, And they rebel in their counsel, And they are brought low in their iniquity.
44 Bet Viņš uzlūkoja viņu bēdas un dzirdēja viņu kliegšanu,
And He looks on their distress When He hears their cry,
45 Un pieminēja viņu labad Savu derību, un Viņam bija žēl pēc Savas lielās žēlastības,
And remembers His covenant for them, And is comforted, According to the abundance of His kindness.
46 Un lika tiem atrast sirds žēlastību pie visiem, kas tos turēja cietumā.
And He appoints them for mercies Before all their captors.
47 Atpestī mūs, Kungs, mūsu Dievs, un sapulcini mūs no tiem pagāniem, ka mēs pateicamies Tavam svētam vārdam un lielāmies ar Tavu slavu.
Save us, O our God YHWH, and gather us from the nations, To give thanks to Your Holy Name, To glory in Your praise.
48 Slavēts lai ir Tas Kungs, Israēla Dievs, mūžīgi mūžam, un visi ļaudis lai saka: Āmen! Alleluja.
Blessed [is] YHWH, God of Israel, From age until age. And all the people said, “Amen, praise YAH!”

< Psalmi 106 >