< Salamana Pamācības 24 >
1 Neiekarsies uz nelabiem cilvēkiem un nekāro būt ar viņiem;
Be not thou envious of wicked men, neither crave to be with them;
2 Jo viņu sirds domā uz postu, un viņu lūpas runā mokas.
For, violence, their heart muttereth, and, mischief, their lips do speak.
3 Ar gudrību uzceļ namu un ar saprašanu to stiprina,
In wisdom, is a house builded, and, in understanding, is it established;
4 Un ar samaņu pilda kambarus ar visādu dārgu un jauku bagātību.
And, in knowledge, chambers are filled, with all acquisitions, costly and fair.
5 Gudrs vīrs ir spēcīgs, un vīrs, kam atzīšana, ir varens spēkā;
A wise man, is mighty, and, a man of knowledge, becometh alert in vigour.
6 Jo ar gudriem padomiem tu izvedīsi savu karu, un uzvarēšana ir, kur padoma devēju papilnam.
Surely, with concerted measures, shalt thou make for thyself war, and, success, lieth in the greatness of the counsellor.
7 Ģeķim gudrība ir neaizsniedzama; savu muti lai tas neatdara pilsētas vārtos.
Unattainable to a foolish man, are the dictates of wisdom, in the gate, he openeth not his mouth.
8 Kas tīšām ļaunu dara, tas jāsauc blēdis pār visiem blēžiem.
He that deviseth to do mischief, him, shall men call, a master of plots.
9 Ģeķības nodomi ir grēks, un mēdītājs cilvēkiem ir negantība.
The purpose of folly, is sin, and, an abomination to mankind, is a buffoon.
10 Ja tu bēdu dienā nogursi, tad tavs spēks pagalam.
Thou hast been slothful in the day of straitness, Strait, is thy strength.
11 Glāb, kas uz nāvi pazudināti, un kas pie kaušanas top vesti, vai tu no tiem atrausies?
Deliver thou such as are being led forth to death, and, them who are tottering to slaughter, oh that thou wouldst hold back!
12 Ja tu saki: „Redzi, mēs to nezinām!“Vai tad tas, kas sirdis pārmana, to nemana, un kas tavu dvēseli pasargā, to nezin un cilvēkiem neatmaksās pēc viņu darba?
Though thou say, Lo! we knew not this, Shall not, he that proveth hearts, himself, discern? And, he that formeth thy soul, himself, know? and bring back to a son of earth according to his deed?
13 Ēd, mans dēls, medu, jo tas ir labs, un tīrs medus ir salds tavā mutē;
My son, eat thou honey, because it is good, —and droppings from the comb [because they are] sweet to thy palate:
14 Tāpat tavai dvēselei būs gudrības atzīšana, ja tu to atrodi; jo ir pastara diena, un tava gaidīšana nebūs veltīga.
Thus, take knowledge of wisdom, for thine own soul; If thou find it, then there is a future, and, thine expectation, shall not be cut off.
15 Neglūn, tu bezdievīgais, uz taisnā dzīvokli, neposti viņa vietu;
Do not lie in wait, thou lawless man, against the home of the righteous, —neither destroy thou his place of rest;
16 Jo taisnais krīt septiņ reiz un ceļas augšām; bet bezdievīgie nogrimst nelaimē.
For, seven times, may the righteous fall and yet arise, but, lawless men, shall stumble into calamity.
17 Nepriecājies, kad tavs ienaidnieks krīt, un lai tava sirds nelīksmojās, kad viņš klūp,
When thine enemy falleth, do not thou rejoice, and, when he stumbleth, let not thy heart exult:
18 Ka Tas Kungs to neredz, un tas viņa acīm neriebj, un viņš savu dusmību no tā nenovērš.
Lest Yahweh see it, and it be wicked in his eyes, and he turn away from him his anger.
19 Neapskaities par ļauniem un neiekarsies par bezdievīgiem!
Burn not with vexation against evil doers, be not envious of lawless men;
20 Jo ļaunam nenāk cerētais gals; bezdievīgo spīdeklis izdzisīs.
For there shall be no future for the wicked, The lamp of the lawless, shall go out.
21 Mans dēls, bīsties To Kungu un ķēniņu, un nejaucies ar dumpiniekiem.
Revere thou Yahweh, my son, and the king, and, with the fickle, have thou no fellowship;
22 Jo piepeši nāks viņiem nediena, - un abēju sodu, kas to zin!
For, suddenly, shall arise their calamity; and, the misfortune of their years, who knoweth?
23 Arī šie ir gudro vārdi: Tiesā cilvēka vaigu uzlūkot nav labi.
These things also, concern the wise, To take note of faces in judgment, is not good.
24 Kas uz vainīgo saka: „Tev taisnība!“to cilvēki lād un ļaudis ienīst.
He that saith to the lawless man, Righteous, thou art, peoples shall denounce him, populations shall curse him;
25 Bet tie (viņiem) mīļi, kas (tādu) pārmāca, un pār tiem nāks visu labākā svētība.
But, to reprovers, one should be pleasant, and, upon them, should come an excellent blessing:
26 Kas pareizi atbildējis, ir kā saldu muti devis.
Lips, should one kiss with one who answereth in right words.
27 Padari savu darbu laukā un apkopies tīrumā, un tad vēl uztaisi savu namu.
Prepare, in the open, thy work, and make ready, in the field, for thyself, Afterwards, shalt thou build thy house.
28 Nedod velti liecību pret savu tuvāko! Vai tu mānīsi ar savām lūpām?
Do not become a needless witness against thy neighbour, so mightest thou open too wide thy lips:
29 Nesaki: „Kā viņš man darījis, tā es viņam darīšu; es tam atmaksāšu pēc viņa darba!“
Do not say—According to what he hath done to me, so, will I do to him, I will repay every one according to his work.
30 Es gāju gar sliņķa tīrumu un gar ģeķa vīna kalnu.
By the field of the sluggard, I passed, and by the vineyard of a man lacking sense;
31 Un redzi, tur auga tik nātres vien, un dadži pārņēma visu, un viņa akmeņu mūris bija sagruvis.
And lo! there had come up all over it—thorns, there had covered the face thereof—thistles, and, the stone fence thereof, had been thrown down.
32 Un es to ieraudzīju, to liku vērā: es to redzēju, ņēmos mācību:
So I observed it, for myself, I applied my heart, I looked—I accepted correction:
33 Guli maķenīt, snaud maķenīt, saliec maķenīt rokas miegā;
A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest:
34 Tad tava nabadzība tev pienāks nākdama, un tavs trūkums kā apbruņots vīrs.
So shall come in, as a highwayman, thy poverty, and, thy want, as one armed with a shield.