< Salamana Pamācības 15 >
1 Lēna atbilde klusina bardzību, bet rūgta valoda ceļ dusmas.
A kind reply wards off anger, but hurtful words make people mad.
2 Gudra mēle dara mācību mīlīgu, bet ģeķu mute izverd ģeķību.
What wise people say makes knowledge attractive, but stupid people talk a lot of nonsense.
3 Tā Kunga acis ir visās malās un ņem vērā ļaunus un labus.
The Lord sees everywhere, watching the evil and the good.
4 Mēle, kas mierina, ir dzīvības koks, bet netikla lauž sirdi.
Gentle words are a source of life, but telling lies does a lot of damage.
5 Ģeķis smejas par sava tēva pamācīšanu, bet kas mācību pieņem, pieaugs gudrībā.
Only a foolish son despises his father's instruction, but one who accepts correction is sensible.
6 Taisna namā ir liela svētība, bet pie bezdievīga ienākuma posts.
There's plenty of treasure where good people live, but the income of the wicked brings them trouble.
7 Gudro lūpas sēj atzīšanu, bet ģeķu sirds tāda vis nav.
Wise people share their knowledge, but stupid people don't think like that.
8 Bezdievīgo upuris Tam Kungam ir negantība, bet taisno lūgšana viņam labi patīk.
The Lord hates the sacrifices of the wicked, but he loves the prayers of the good.
9 Bezdievīga ceļš Tam Kungam ir negantība, bet kas pēc taisnības dzenās, to viņš mīl.
The Lord hates the ways of the wicked, but he loves those who do what is right.
10 Grūta pārmācīšana būs tam, kas no ceļa atstājās; kas pamācīšanu ienīst, tas nomirs.
If you leave the right path you will be severely disciplined; anyone who hates correction will die.
11 Elle un viņas bezdibenis ir Tā Kunga priekšā, vai tad ne jo vairāk cilvēku bērnu sirdis! (Sheol )
Those already dead have no secrets from the Lord—how much more does he know our thoughts! (Sheol )
12 Mēdītājs nemīl to, kas viņu pamāca, viņš nemetās pie gudriem.
Scoffers don't like to be corrected, so they don't go to the wise for advice.
13 Priecīga sirds dara vaigu priecīgu, bet sirdēsti nospiež garu.
If you're happy inside, you'll have a cheerful face, but if you're sad, you look crushed.
14 Prātīga vīra sirds meklē atzīšanu, bet ģeķu vaigs ganās ģeķībā.
An insightful mind looks for knowledge, but stupid people feed on foolishness.
15 Bēdīga cilvēka dienas ir visas līdz ļaunas, bet priecīgai sirdij ir dzīres bez mitēšanās.
The life of poor people is hard, but if you stay cheerful, it's a continual feast.
16 Labāk ir mazumiņš ar Tā Kunga bijāšanu, nekā liela manta, kur raizes klāt.
It's better to respect the Lord and only have a little than to have plenty of money and the trouble that comes with it.
17 Kāpostu virums ar mīlestību ir labāks, nekā barots vērsis ar naidu.
Better a dinner of vegetables where there's love than eating meat with hatred.
18 Sirdīgs(dusmīgs) vīrs ceļ ķildu, bet lēnprātīgais klusina bāršanos.
Short-tempered people stir up trouble, but those slow to anger calm things down.
19 Sliņķa ceļš ir kā ērkšķu krūms, bet taisno tekas ir līdzenas.
The way of lazy people is overgrown with thorns, but the path of the good is an open highway.
20 Gudrs dēls iepriecina tēvu, bet ģeķīgs cilvēks pulgo savu māti.
A wise son makes his father happy, but a stupid man despises his mother.
21 Ģeķība neprātīgiem ir prieks, bet prātīgs vīrs staigā pareizi.
Stupidity makes people with no sense happy, but sensible people do what is right.
22 Kur padoma nav, tur nodoms netiek galā, bet caur daudz padoma devējiem tas izdodas.
Plans fall apart without good advice, but with plenty of advisors they're successful.
23 Vīrs priecājās par savas mutes atbildi, un vārds īstenā laikā, cik tas labs!
A good answer makes people happy—it's great to say the right thing at the right moment!
24 Gudram dzīvības ceļš iet uz augšu, lai izbēg no elles apakšā. (Sheol )
Life's path for the wise leads upwards, so that they can avoid the grave below. (Sheol )
25 Lepniem Tas Kungs namu noposta, bet uztaisa atraitnes ežas.
The Lord pulls down the house of the proud, but he protects the boundaries of the widow's property.
26 Ļauna vīra nodomi Tam Kungam ir negantība, bet laipnīga valoda šķīsta.
The Lord hates the thoughts of the wicked, but he honors the words of the pure.
27 Rautin raujot cilvēks izposta savu namu, bet kas kukuļus ienīst, tas dzīvos.
People greedy for ill-gotten gains make trouble for their families, but those who hate bribes will live.
28 Taisna sirds apdomā, ko atbildēt, bet bezdievīgo mute izverd ļaunumu.
Good people think how best to answer questions, but stupid people say all kinds of evil things.
29 Tas Kungs ir tālu no bezdievīgiem, bet taisno lūgšanu viņš paklausa.
The Lord keeps his distance from the wicked, but he hears the prayers of the good.
30 Spožas acis iepriecina sirdi; laba vēsts stiprina kaulus.
Bright eyes make you happy, and good news makes you feel good.
31 Auss, kas klausa dzīvības mācībai, mājos gudro vidū.
If you pay attention to positive advice you'll be one of the wise.
32 Kas mācību atmet, tas zaudē dvēseli; bet kas mācībai klausa, ņemas gudrībā.
If you ignore instruction you have no self-esteem, but if you listen to correction you gain understanding.
33 Tā Kunga bijāšana ir pamācīšana uz gudrību, un pazemība ved godā.
Respect for the Lord teaches wisdom; humility goes before honor.