< Ceturtā Mozus 3 >
1 Šie nu ir Ārona un Mozus dzimumi, tai dienā, kad Tas Kungs runāja uz Mozu Sinaī kalnā.
These are some of the things that happened to Aaron and Moses/me when Yahweh spoke to Moses/me on Sinai Mountain.
2 Un šie ir Ārona dēlu vārdi: tas pirmdzimtais Nadabs un Abijus, Eleazars un Ītamars.
Aaron’s four sons were Nadab the oldest, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.
3 Šie ir Ārona dēlu vārdi, kas bija svaidīti priesteri, kas bija iesvētīti, kalpot priestera amatā.
They were appointed [MTY] (OR, Moses/I appointed them) to be priests.
4 Bet Nadabs un Abijus nomira Tā Kunga priekšā, kad tie svešu uguni bija nesuši Tā Kunga priekšā Sinaī tuksnesī; un tiem nebija dēlu; bet Eleazars un Ītamars bija priesteri, Ārona, sava tēva, priekšā.
But, while Yahweh was watching, Nadab and Abihu died in the Sinai Desert because they burned [incense] in a manner that was different from what Yahweh had commanded. They had no sons, so Eleazar and Ithamar were the [only] sons of Aaron who [were left to be] priests, along with their father Aaron.
5 Un Tas Kungs runāja uz Mozu sacīdams:
Then Yahweh said to Moses/me,
6 Pieved Levja cilti un stādi to priestera Ārona priekšā, lai tie viņam kalpo,
“Bring [the men of] the tribe of Levi and present them to Aaron, in order that they may assist him.
7 Lai tie kopj viņa kopšanu un visas draudzes kopšanu priekš saiešanas telts, stāvēdami telts kalpošanā.
They will serve Aaron and all the other Israeli people, while they do their work inside the Sacred Tent and outside it.
8 Un lai tie glabā visus saiešanas telts rīkus un kopj visu Israēla bērnu kopšanu, stāvēdami telts kalpošanā.
They must serve all the Israeli people by taking care of all the things that are inside the Sacred Tent.
9 Un dod tos Levitus Āronam un viņa dēliem; tie viņam pavisam ir atdoti no Israēla bērniem.
Appoint them to [help] Aaron and his two sons. I have chosen them from all the Israeli people to do that.
10 Bet Āronu un viņa dēlus tev būs iecelt, lai tie kopj savu priestera amatu, bet svešiniekam, kas pieies, būs mirt.
Appoint Aaron and his two sons to do the work that priests do. But anyone else who comes close to the Sacred Tent [to do that work] must be executed.”
11 Un Tas Kungs runāja uz Mozu sacīdams:
Yahweh also told Moses/me,
12 Redzi, tos Levitus Es esmu ņēmis no Israēla bērnu vidus visu pirmdzimušo vietā, kas māti atplēš, no Israēla bērniem, un tie Leviti lai Man pieder.
“Note that from all the Israelis, I have chosen the men of the tribe of Levi to take the places of all the firstborn sons of the Israeli people. The male descendants of Levi belong to me,
13 Jo visi pirmdzimtie Man pieder no tās dienas, kad Es visus pirmdzimušos kāvu Ēģiptes zemē; Es Sev esmu svētījis visus pirmdzimušos Israēla starpā no cilvēkiem līdz lopiem; tie Man lai pieder, - Es esmu Tas Kungs.
because truly all the firstborn [males] belong to me. That is because on the day that I killed all the firstborn [sons] of the people of Egypt, I [spared] all the firstborn [sons] of the Israelis and set them apart for myself. I also set apart the firstborn [males] of your domestic animals. They belong to me, Yahweh.”
14 Un Tas Kungs runāja uz Mozu Sinaī tuksnesī un sacīja:
Yahweh spoke to Moses/me again in the Sinai Desert. He said,
15 Skaiti Levja dēlus pēc viņu tēvu namiem, pēc viņu ciltīm; visus no vīriešu kārtas, kam viens mēnesis un pāri, tos tev būs skaitīt.
“Count the male members of the tribe of Levi. Write down their names and the names of their clans and family groups. Count all the males who are at least one month old.”
16 Un Mozus tos skaitīja pēc Tā Kunga vārda, kā viņam bija pavēlēts.
So Moses/I counted them, just as Yahweh commanded.
17 Šie nu ir Levja bērni ar saviem vārdiem: Geršons un Kehāts un Merarus.
Levi had [three] sons, whose names were Gershon, Kohath, and Merari.
18 Un šie ir Geršona dēlu vārdi pēc viņu ciltīm: Libnus un Zimeūs.
Gershon had [two] sons: Libni and Shimei. The clans that were descended from them had the same names as those [two] sons.
19 Un Kehāta bērni pēc savām ciltīm: Amrams un Jecears, Hebrons un Uzijels.
Kohath had [four] sons: Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel. The clans that were descended from them had the same names as those [four] sons.
20 Un Merarus dēli pēc savām ciltīm: Maēlus un Muzus. Šās ir Levitu ciltis pēc savu tēvu namiem.
Merari had [two] sons: Mahli and Mushi. The clans that were descended from them had the same names as those [two] sons. Those are the clans that were descended from Levi.
21 No Geršona bija Libniešu cilts un Zimiešu cilts; šīs ir Geršoniešu ciltis.
The two clans descended from Gershon are those that were descended from [his sons] Libni and Shimei.
22 Viņu skaitītie, visi no vīriešu kārtas, vienu mēnesi un vecāki, to skaits bija septiņi tūkstoši un pieci simti.
In those two clans there were 7,500 males who were at least one month old.
23 Geršoniešu cilts apmetās aiz tā dzīvokļa pret vakariem.
They were told to set up their tents on the west side of the Sacred Tent.
24 Un Geršoniešu tēva nama virsnieks bija Eliazavs, Laēļa dēls.
The leader of those two clans was Eliasaph, the son of Lael.
25 Un Geršona dēli apkopa pie saiešanas telts to telti, viņas apsegu un saiešanas telts durvju priekškaramo.
Their work was to take care of the Sacred Tent, including the coverings of the tent, the curtain at the entrance of the tent,
26 Un pagalma gardīnes un durvju priekškaramo pagalmā, kas tam dzīvoklim un altārim visapkārt līdz ar viņu virvēm, un visu, kas tur darāms.
the (curtains/large pieces of cloth) that formed the walls around the courtyard that is around the tent and around the altar, the curtains that were at the entrance of the courtyard, and the ropes [for fastening the tent]. They also did all the work of taking care of the things outside the Sacred Tent.
27 Un no Kehāta ir Amramiešu cilts un Jeceariešu cilts un Hebroniešu cilts un Uziēliešu cilts; šīs ir Kehātiešu ciltis.
The clans that were descended from Kohath were those descended from his four sons: Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel.
28 Skaits visiem, kas no vīriešu kārtas, vienu mēnesi un vecāki, bija astoņi tūkstoši un seši simti, kas kopa svētuma kopšanu.
In those four clans there were 8,600 males who were at least one month old. The work of the men of the clans was to take care of [the things that are inside] the Sacred Tent.
29 Kehāta dēlu cilts apmetās klāt pie tā dzīvokļa pret dienasvidus pusi.
They set up their tents on the south side of the Sacred Tent.
30 Un Kehātiešu ciltīm tēvu nama virsnieks bija Elicafans, Uzijeļa dēls.
The leader of those four clans was Elizaphan, the son of Uzziel.
31 Un tie apkopa to šķirstu un to galdu un to lukturi un tos altārus un svētās vietas rīkus, ar ko to darbu dara, un to priekškaramo un visu, kas tur darāms.
The work of the men of those clans was to take care of the sacred chest, the table [on which the priest put the sacred bread], the lampstand, the altars, all the items that the priest used in the Sacred Tent, and the curtain that is inside the tent. Their work was also to take care of the things inside the tent.
32 Un Levitu virsnieku virsnieks bija Eleazars, Ārona dēls, tas priesteris, uzraugs tiem, kas kopj svētās vietas kopšanu.
Aaron’s son Eleazar was the leader of all the male descendants of Levi. He supervised all the work that was done at the Sacred Tent.
33 No Merarus ir Maēliešu cilts un Muziešu cilts. Šīs ir Merariešu ciltis.
The clans that were descended from Merari were those descended from [his sons] Mahli and Mushi.
34 Un viņu skaitītie, visi no vīriešu kārtas, vienu mēnesi un vecāki, bija seši tūkstoši un divi simti.
In those two clans there were 6,200 males who were at least one month old.
35 Un Merariešu ciltīm tēvu nama virsnieks bija Curiēls, Abikaīļa dēls, tie apmetās klāt pie tā dzīvokļa pret ziemeļiem.
They were told to set up their tents on the north side of the Sacred Tent. The leader of those two clans was Zuriel, the son of Abihail.
36 Un Merarus dēli uzraudzīja un kopa tā dzīvokļa galdus un viņa kārtis un viņa stabus un viņa kājas un visus viņa rīkus un visu, kas tur darāms.
The work of the men of those two clans was to take care of the frames that held up the tent, the crossbars, the pillars, and the bases. They also did all the work that was connected with those items.
37 Un arī pagalma stabus visapkārt un viņu kājas un viņa naglas un viņa virves.
Their work was also to take care of the posts [that held up the curtains that formed the walls of] the courtyard, and all the bases, tent pegs, and ropes [that fastened those curtains].
38 Un tie, kas apmetās dzīvokļa priekšā pret rītiem, priekš saiešanas telts pret austrumu, bija Mozus un Ārons ar saviem dēliem, kopdami svētuma kopšanu priekš Israēla bērniem. Bet svešiniekam, kas tur pieiet, būs mirt.
Aaron and Moses/I and Aaron’s sons were told to set up their/our tents in the area in front of the Sacred Tent, on the east side. Their/Our work was to supervise the work that would be done in and around the Sacred Tent, for the benefit of the Israeli people. Only the priests were permitted to do that. [Yahweh declared that] we should execute anyone else who went near the tent [to do the work that the priests do].
39 Viss Levitu skaits, ko Mozus un Ārons pēc viņu ciltīm skaitīja uz Tā Kunga pavēli, visi, kas no vīriešu kārtas vienu mēnesi un pāri, bija divdesmit divi tūkstoši.
When Aaron and Moses/I counted all the males who were at least one month old, who belonged to the clans descended from Levi, the total was 22,000.
40 Un Tas Kungs runāja uz Mozu: skaiti visus Israēla bērnu pirmdzimušos no vīriešu kārtas, kam viens mēnesis un pāri, un izdabū viņu vārdu skaitu.
Then Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Now count all the [other] firstborn males in Israel who are at least one month old, and write down their names.
41 Un Levitus tev būs ņemt priekš manis (Es esmu Tas Kungs) visu pirmdzimušo Israēla bērnu vietā, un Levitu lopus visu pirmdzimušo Israēla bērnu lopu vietā.
Also, set apart for me the descendants of Levi to be substitutes for the firstborn males of the other Israelis. And set apart for me the livestock of the descendants of Levi to be substitutes for the firstborn livestock of the other Israeli people.”
42 Un Mozus skaitīja, kā Tas Kungs tam bija pavēlējis, visus Israēla bērnu pirmdzimušos,
So Moses/I did that. He/I counted the firstborn males of all the Israeli people, as Yahweh had commanded.
43 Un visi pirmdzimušie no vīriešu kārtas pēc vārdu skaita, kas vienu mēnesi un vecāki, kā tie tapa skaitīti, bija divdesmit divi tūkstoši divi simti septiņdesmit un trīs.
The total of those who were at least one month old was 22,273.
44 Un Tas Kungs runāja uz Mozu sacīdams:
Then Yahweh said to Moses/me,
45 Ņem Levitus visu Israēla bērnu pirmdzimto vietā un Levitu lopus viņu lopu vietā; jo tiem Man būs piederēt. Es esmu Tas Kungs.
“Set apart the descendants of Levi to be substitutes for [the firstborn males of] the other Israeli people. The descendants of Levi belong to me, Yahweh.
46 Bet par tiem divsimt septiņdesmit trim, kam būs tapt izpirktiem, kas pie Israēla bērnu pirmdzimtiem pāri ir par tiem Levitiem,
There are 273 more firstborn males of the other Israeli people than of the descendants of Levi.
47 Par ikvienu galvu tev būs ņemt piecus sudraba sēķeļus, pēc svētās vietas sēķeļa; - viens sēķeļis ir divdesmit ģeras,
To pay for these 273 males, collect five pieces of silver for each of them. Each of those pieces of silver must weigh the same as each of the silver coins that are stored in the Sacred Tent. Give this silver to Aaron and his sons.”
48 Un to naudu tev būs dot Āronam un viņa dēliem, to naudu, ar ko tie pārējie izpirkti.
49 Tad Mozus ņēma to izpirkšanas naudu no tiem, kas bija pāri par tiem Levitu izpirktiem;
So Moses/I did that. He/I collected the silver from those 273 males.
50 No Israēla bērnu pirmdzimtiem viņš ņēma to naudu, tūkstoš trīssimt sešdesmit un piecus sēķeļus, pēc svētās vietas sēķeļa.
The total was 1,365 pieces of silver. Each silver coin weighed the same as each of the silver coins stored in the Sacred Tent.
51 Un Mozus deva to izpirkšanas naudu Āronam un viņa dēliem pēc Tā Kunga vārda, kā Tas Kungs Mozum bija pavēlējis.
Moses/I gave these silver coins to Aaron and his sons, as Yahweh had commanded.