< Nechemijas 7 >

1 Kad nu mūris bija uztaisīts, tad es iecēlu durvis, un vārtu sargi un dziedātāji un leviti tapa iecelti,
and to be like/as as which to build [the] wall and to stand: stand [the] door and to reckon: overseer [the] gatekeeper and [the] to sing and [the] Levi
2 Un es pavēlēju savam brālim Hananum un Hananijam, Jeruzālemes pils virsniekam, (jo tas bija uzticams vīrs un dievbijīgs pār daudziem),
and to command [obj] Hanani brother: male-sibling my and [obj] Hananiah ruler [the] palace upon Jerusalem for he/she/it like/as man truth: faithful and to fear: revere [obj] [the] God from many
3 Un uz tiem sacīju: Lai Jeruzālemes vārti netop atdarīti, pirms saule nesilda, un tiem vēl klāt esot durvis lai atkal aizslēdz un aizšauj. Un Jeruzālemes iedzīvotājus ieceļat par sargiem, ikkatru uz savu vakti un ikkatru savam namam pretim.
(and to say *Q(K)*) to/for them not to open gate Jerusalem till to warm [the] sun and till they(masc.) to stand: appoint to shut [the] door and to grasp and to stand: appoint charge to dwell Jerusalem man: anyone in/on/with custody his and man: anyone before house: home his
4 Bet pilsēta bija plata un liela un ļaužu tur bija maz un nami nebija uzcelti,
and [the] city broad: wide hand: spacious and great: large and [the] people little in/on/with midst her and nothing house: home to build
5 Tad mans Dievs man iedeva sirdī, sapulcināt virsniekus un priekšniekus un tos ļaudis, lai sarakstītu radu rakstus. Un es atradu vienu radu rakstu grāmatu par tiem, kas pirmie bija pārnākuši, un es atradu, ka tur tā bija rakstīts:
and to give: put God my to(wards) heart my and to gather [emph?] [obj] [the] noble and [obj] [the] ruler and [obj] [the] people to/for to enroll and to find scroll: book [the] genealogy [the] to ascend: rise in/on/with first and to find to write in/on/with him
6 Šie ir tie valsts bērni, kas bija pārnākuši no tā cietuma, kur NebukadNecars, Bābeles ķēniņš, tos bija aizvedis, un kas ir griezušies atpakaļ uz Jeruzālemi un uz Jūdu, ikviens savā pilsētā;
these son: descendant/people [the] province [the] to ascend: rise from captivity [the] captivity which to reveal: remove Nebuchadnezzar king Babylon and to return: return to/for Jerusalem and to/for Judah man: anyone to/for city his
7 Kas nākuši ar Zerubabeli, ar Ješuū, Nehemiju, Azariju, Raāmiju, Naēmanu, Mordohaju, Bilšanu, Mizperetu, Biģevaju, Neūmu, Baēnu. Šis ir Israēla vīru skaits.
[the] to come (in): come with Zerubbabel Jeshua Nehemiah Azariah Raamiah Nahamani Mordecai Bilshan Mispereth Bigvai Nehum Baanah number human people Israel
8 Pareūs bērni bija divtūkstoš simt septiņdesmit divi;
son: descendant/people Parosh thousand hundred and seventy and two
9 Zeroatijas bērni: trīssimt septiņdesmit divi;
son: descendant/people Shephatiah three hundred seventy and two
10 Arus bērni: sešsimt piecdesmit divi;
son: descendant/people Arah six hundred fifty and two
11 PaātMoaba bērni, no Ješuūs un Joaba bērniem: divtūkstoš astoņsimt astoņpadsmit;
son: descendant/people Pahath-moab Pahath-moab to/for son: descendant/people Jeshua and Joab thousand and eight hundred eight ten
12 Elama bērni: tūkstoš divsimt piecdesmit četri;
son: descendant/people Elam thousand hundred fifty and four
13 Zatus bērni: astoņsimt četrdesmit pieci;
son: descendant/people Zattu eight hundred forty and five
14 Zakajus bērni: septiņsimt sešdesmit;
son: descendant/people Zaccai seven hundred and sixty
15 Banus bērni: sešsimt četrdesmit astoņi;
son: descendant/people Binnui six hundred forty and eight
16 Bebajus bērni: sešsimt divdesmit astoņi;
son: descendant/people Bebai six hundred twenty and eight
17 Azgada bērni: divtūkstoš trīssimt divdesmit divi;
son: descendant/people Azgad thousand three hundred twenty and two
18 Adonikama bērni: sešsimt sešdesmit septiņi;
son: descendant/people Adonikam six hundred sixty and seven
19 Biģevajus bērni: divtūkstoš sešdesmit septiņi;
son: descendant/people Bigvai thousand sixty and seven
20 Adina bērni: sešsimt piecdesmit pieci;
son: descendant/people Adin six hundred fifty and five
21 Atera bērni no Hizkijas (nama): deviņdesmit astoņi;
son: descendant/people Ater to/for Hezekiah ninety and eight
22 Hašuma bērni: trīssimt divdesmit astoņi;
son: descendant/people Hashum three hundred twenty and eight
23 Becajus bērni: trīssimt divdesmit četri;
son: descendant/people Bezai three hundred twenty and four
24 Ariva bērni: simts divpadsmit;
son: descendant/people Hariph hundred two ten
25 Gibeona bērni: deviņdesmit pieci;
son: descendant/people Gibeon ninety and five
26 Bētlemes un Netofas vīri: simts astoņdesmit astoņi;
human Bethlehem Bethlehem and Netophah hundred eighty and eight
27 Anatotas vīri: simts divdesmit astoņi;
human Anathoth hundred twenty and eight
28 BetAsmavetas vīri: četrdesmit divi;
human Beth-azmaveth Beth-azmaveth forty and two
29 KiriatJearimas, Kaviras un Beērotas vīri: septiņsimt četrdesmit trīs;
human Kiriath-jearim Kiriath-jearim Chephirah and Beeroth seven hundred forty and three
30 Rāmas un Gabas vīri: sešsimt divdesmit viens;
human [the] Ramah and Geba six hundred twenty and one
31 Mikmasas vīri: simts divdesmit divi;
human Michmash hundred and twenty and two
32 Bēteles un Ajas vīri: simts divdesmit trīs;
human Bethel Bethel and [the] Ai hundred twenty and three
33 Otra Nebus vīri: piecdesmit divi;
human Nebo another fifty and two
34 Otra Elama bērni: tūkstoš divsimt piecdesmit četri;
son: descendant/people Elam another thousand hundred fifty and four
35 Harima bērni: trīssimt divdesmit;
son: descendant/people Harim three hundred and twenty
36 Jērikus bērni: trīssimt četrdesmit pieci;
son: descendant/people Jericho three hundred forty and five
37 Lodas, Adidas un Onus bērni: septiņsimt divdesmit viens;
son: descendant/people Lod Hadid and Ono seven hundred and twenty and one
38 Zenaūs bērni: trīstūkstoš deviņsimt trīsdesmit.
son: descendant/people Senaah three thousand nine hundred and thirty
39 Priesteri: Jedajas bērni, no Ješuūs nama: deviņsimt septiņdesmit trīs;
[the] priest son: descendant/people Jedaiah to/for house: household Jeshua nine hundred seventy and three
40 Imera bērni: tūkstoš piecdesmit divi;
son: descendant/people Immer thousand fifty and two
41 Pašhura bērni: tūkstoš divsimt četrdesmit septiņi;
son: descendant/people Pashhur thousand hundred forty and seven
42 Harima bērni: tūkstoš septiņpadsmit.
son: descendant/people Harim thousand seven ten
43 Leviti: Ješuūs bērni no Kadmiēļa, no Odavijas bērniem: septiņdesmit četri.
[the] Levi son: descendant/people Jeshua to/for Kadmiel to/for son: descendant/people to/for Hodevah seventy and four
44 Dziedātāji, - Asafa bērni: simts četrdesmit astoņi.
[the] to sing son: descendant/people Asaph hundred forty and eight
45 Vārtu sargi: Šaluma bērni, Atera bērni, Talmona bērni, Akuba bērni, Atita bērni, Zobaja bērni: simts trīsdesmit astoņi.
[the] gatekeeper son: descendant/people Shallum son: descendant/people Ater son: descendant/people Talmon son: descendant/people Akkub son: descendant/people Hatita son: descendant/people Shobai hundred thirty and eight
46 Dieva nama kalpotāji: Cikus bērni, Azuva bērni, Tabaota bērni,
[the] temple servant son: descendant/people Ziha son: descendant/people Hasupha son: descendant/people Tabbaoth
47 Ķerus bērni, Ziūs bērni, Padona bērni,
son: descendant/people Keros son: descendant/people Siaha son: descendant/people Padon
48 Lebana bērni, Agaba bērni, Zalmajus bērni,
son: descendant/people Lebanah son: descendant/people Hagaba son: descendant/people Shalmai
49 Anana bērni, Ģideļa bērni, Gaāra bērni.
son: descendant/people Hanan son: descendant/people Giddel son: descendant/people Gahar
50 Reajus bērni, Recina bērni, Nekoda bērni,
son: descendant/people Reaiah son: descendant/people Rezin son: descendant/people Nekoda
51 Gazama bērni, Uzus bērni, Paseūs bērni,
son: descendant/people Gazzam son: descendant/people Uzza son: descendant/people Paseah
52 Besajus bērni, Meūnima bērni, Nevusima bērni,
son: descendant/people Besai son: descendant/people Meunim son: descendant/people (Nephushesim *Q(K)*)
53 Bakbuka bērni, Akuva bērni, Arura bērni,
son: descendant/people Bakbuk son: descendant/people Hakupha son: descendant/people Harhur
54 Baceluta bērni, Mekida bērni, Arsas bērni,
son: descendant/people Bazluth son: descendant/people Mehida son: descendant/people Harsha
55 Barkus bērni, Sisera bērni, Tamus bērni,
son: descendant/people Barkos son: descendant/people Sisera son: descendant/people Temah
56 Necius bērni, Ativus bērni,
son: descendant/people Neziah son: descendant/people Hatipha
57 Salamana kalpu bērni, Sotajus bērni, Sofereta bērni, Pridus bērni,
son: descendant/people servant/slave Solomon son: descendant/people Sotai son: descendant/people Sophereth son: descendant/people Peruda
58 Jaēlus bērni, Darkona bērni, Ģideļa bērni,
son: descendant/people Jaalah son: descendant/people Darkon son: descendant/people Giddel
59 Šefatijas bērni, Atila bērni, Poķereta bērni no Cebaīm, Amona bērni,
son: descendant/people Shephatiah son: descendant/people Hattil son: descendant/people Pochereth-hazzebaim Pochereth-hazzebaim son: descendant/people Amon
60 Dieva nama kalpotāju un Salamana kalpu bērnu bija pavisam trīssimt deviņdesmit divi.
all [the] temple servant and son: descendant/people servant/slave Solomon three hundred ninety and two
61 Un šie pārnāca līdz no TelMelakas, TelArzus, Ķeruba, Adona, Imera. Bet tie sava tēva namu un savu dzimumu nevarēja pierādīt, vai tie bija no Israēla.
and these [the] to ascend: rise from Tel-melah Tel-melah Tel-harsha Tel-harsha Cherub Addon and Immer and not be able to/for to tell house: household father their and seed: children their if from Israel they(masc.)
62 Delajas bērni, Tobijas bērni, Nekoda bērni: sešsimt četrdesmit divi.
son: descendant/people Delaiah son: descendant/people Tobiah son: descendant/people Nekoda six hundred and forty and two
63 Un no priesteriem: Abajus bērni, Akoca bērni, Barzilajus bērni, kas no Barzilajus, tā Gileādieša, meitām sievu bija ņēmis, un pēc viņa vārda bija nosaukts.
and from [the] priest son: descendant/people Habaiah son: descendant/people Hakkoz son: descendant/people Barzillai which to take: marry from daughter Barzillai [the] Gileadite woman: wife and to call: call by upon name their
64 Šie savus radu rakstus meklēja bet neatrada; tāpēc tie no priestera amata tapa atmesti.
these to seek writing their [the] to enroll and not to find and to defile from [the] priesthood
65 Un zemes soģis uz tiem sacīja: lai neēd no tā vissvētākā, tiekams priesteris celtos ar urim un tumim.
and to say [the] governor to/for them which not to eat from holiness [the] holiness till to stand: appoint [the] priest to/for Urim and Thummim
66 Visa šī draudze bija kopā: četrdesmit divi tūkstoši trīssimt sešdesmit,
all [the] assembly like/as one four ten thousand thousand three hundred and sixty
67 Bez kalpiem un kalponēm, - šo bija septiņtūkstoš trīssimt trīsdesmit septiņi. Un tiem bija divsimt četrdesmit pieci dziedātāji un dziedātājas.
from to/for alone: besides servant/slave their and maidservant their these seven thousand three hundred thirty and seven and to/for them to sing and to sing hundred
68 Viņu zirgu bija septiņsimt trīsdesmit seši, viņu zirgēzeļu divsimt četrdesmit pieci,
(horse their seven hundred thirty and six mule their hundred *R*) and forty and five
69 Kamieļu četrsimt trīsdesmit pieci, ēzeļu seštūkstoš septiņsimt divdesmit.
camel four hundred thirty and five donkey six thousand seven hundred and twenty
70 Un no cilts virsniekiem šie deva ko pie tā darba: zemes soģis piemeta pie tās mantas tūkstoš zelta gabalus, piecdesmit bļodas un piecsimt trīsdesmit priesteru svārkus.
and from end head: leader [the] father to give: give to/for work [the] governor to give: give to/for treasure gold drachma thousand bowl fifty tunic priest thirty and five hundred
71 Un no cilts virsniekiem piemeta pie tās mantas uz to darbu divdesmit tūkstoš zelta gabalus un divtūkstoš divsimt mārciņas sudraba.
and from head: leader [the] father to give: give to/for treasure [the] work gold drachma two ten thousand and silver: money mina thousand and hundred
72 Un ko tie citi ļaudis meta, tas bija divdesmit tūkstoš zelta gabali un divtūkstoš mārciņas sudraba un sešdesmit septiņi priesteru svārki.
and which to give: give remnant [the] people gold drachma two ten thousand and silver: money mina thousand and tunic priest sixty and seven
73 Un priesteri un leviti un vārtu sargi un dziedātāji un tie ļaudis un tie Dieva nama kalpotāji un viss Israēls dzīvoja savās pilsētās.
and to dwell [the] priest and [the] Levi and [the] gatekeeper and [the] to sing and from [the] people and [the] temple servant and all Israel in/on/with city their and to touch [the] month [the] seventh and son: descendant/people Israel in/on/with city their

< Nechemijas 7 >