< Marka Evaņg̒elijs 9 >
1 Un Viņš uz tiem sacīja: “Patiesi, Es jums saku: citi no tiem, kas še stāv, nāvi nebaudīs, pirms tie nebūs redzējuši Dieva valstību ar spēku nākam.”
And He said to them, “I tell you assuredly: there are some standing here who will certainly not taste death until they see the Kingdom of God present with power.”
2 Un pēc sešām dienām Jēzus ņēma līdz Pēteri un Jēkabu un Jāni un tos veda savrup uz vienu augstu kalnu. Un Viņš tapa apskaidrots viņu priekšā.
After six days Jesus took Peter, James and John and led them up on a high mountain alone by themselves. Then He was transfigured in front of them;
3 Un Viņa drēbes tapa spožas un ļoti baltas tā kā sniegs, ka neviens balinātājs virs zemes tā nevar balināt.
His clothing became shining, exceedingly white, like snow, such as no launderer on earth is able to whiten.
4 Un tiem Elija ar Mozu parādījās un runāja ar Jēzu.
And Elijah appeared to them, along with Moses, and they were conversing with Jesus.
5 Un Pēteris atbildēja un uz Jēzu sacīja: “Rabbi, šeit mums labi; taisīsim trīs būdas, vienu Tev un vienu Mozum un vienu Elijam.”
Well Peter reacted by saying to Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good for us to be here; let us make three shelters: one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.”
6 Jo tas nezināja, ko tas runāja; jo tie bija pārbijušies.
(Because they were terrified, he didn't know what to say.)
7 Un viens padebesīs nāca, tos apēnodams; un balss nāca no tā padebeša sacīdama: “Šis ir Mans mīļais Dēls, klausiet Viņu.”
With that a cloud was covering them and a Voice came out of the cloud: “This is my Son, the beloved. Listen to Him!”
8 Un tūdaļ tie skatījās visapkārt un nevienu vairs pie sevis neredzēja, bet Jēzu vien.
And then, looking around, they no longer saw anyone with them except Jesus.
9 Un noejot no tā kalna, Viņš tiem piekodināja, ka tie nevienam nesacītu, ko tie redzējuši, pirms Tas Cilvēka Dēls no miroņiem nebūs augšām cēlies.
Now as they were coming down from the mountain, He ordered them not to recount to any one the things they had seen until the Son of the Man had risen from the dead.
10 Un tie to vārdu paturēja savā prātā un apjautājās, kas tas esot: no miroņiem augšām celties?
So they kept this word to themselves, questioning what the ‘rising from the dead’ meant.
11 Un tie Viņam jautāja sacīdami: “Kā tad tie rakstu mācītāji saka, ka Elijam jānāk papriekš?”
And they asked Him, saying, “Why do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?”
12 Bet Viņš atbildēdams uz tiem sacīja: “Gan Elija papriekš nākdams atkal visu sataisīs; un kā ir rakstīts par To Cilvēka Dēlu, ka Tam daudz būs ciest un tapt nicinātam?
So in answer He said to them: “Elijah indeed does come first, and restores all things; also how it is written concerning the Son of the Man that He must suffer many things and be treated with contempt.
13 Bet Es jums saku: ka Elija arī ir nācis, bet tie tam ir darījuši, ko gribēdami, tā kā par to ir rakstīts.”
Still, I say to you that ‘Elijah’ has also come, and they did to him as they wished, as it is written about him.”
14 Un Viņš pie Saviem mācekļiem nācis, redzēja daudz ļaužu pie tiem un rakstu mācītājus, kas ar tiem apjautājās.
Upon coming to the disciples, He saw a large crowd around them, and scribes arguing with them.
15 Un tūdaļ visi ļaudis, kad tie To redzēja, izbijās un pieskrējuši To sveicināja.
Well as soon as the crowd saw Him they were excited and ran to greet Him.
16 Un Viņš tiem rakstu mācītājiem vaicāja: “Ko jūs ar tiem apjautājaties?”
He asked the scribes, “What are you discussing with them?”
17 Un viens no tiem ļaudīm atbildēdams sacīja: “Mācītāj, es savu dēlu pie Tevis esmu atvedis, tam ir mēms gars.
In answer a man in the crowd said: “Teacher, I brought you my son, who has a mute spirit.
18 Un kad tas viņu sakampj, tad tas to rausta; un tas puto un griež zobus un izdilst; un es Taviem mācekļiem esmu sacījis, lai tie to izdzen, bet tie nav varējuši.”
And wherever it seizes him it throws him down, and he foams at the mouth and gnashes his teeth, and becomes rigid. Indeed, I spoke to your disciples, that they might cast it out, but they could not.”
19 Bet Viņš tam atbildēja un sacīja: “Ak tu neticīgā cilts? Cik ilgi Es pie jums būšu? Cik ilgi Es jūs panesīšu? Vediet to pie Manis.”
But He answered him by saying: “O unbelieving generation, how long shall I be with you, how long shall I put up with you? Bring him to me!”
20 Un tie to atveda pie Viņa, un kad tas gars Viņu redzēja, tad tas tūdaļ to plosīja, un tas pie zemes krizdams vārtījās putodams.
So they brought him to Him. Upon seeing Him the spirit convulsed him, and falling to the ground he started wallowing, foaming at the mouth.
21 Un Viņš viņa tēvam jautāja: “Cik ilgi viņam tā noticies?” Bet tas sacīja: “No bērnu dienām.
Then He asked his father, “How long has this been happening to him?” And he said: “From childhood.
22 Un dažkārt viņš to ir iemetis ugunī, ka viņš to nomāktu; bet ja Tu ko spēj, tad palīdzi mums, apžēlojies par mums!”
Really, it has often thrown him both into fire and into water to destroy him. But if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.”
23 Bet Jēzus uz to sacīja: “Kaut tu varētu ticēt! tas visu spēj, kas tic.”
Jesus said to him, “It's ‘if you can believe’; all things are possible to the one who believes.”
24 Un tūdaļ tā bērna tēvs brēca un sacīja ar asarām: “Es ticu, Kungs, palīdzi manai neticībai!”
Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!”
25 Bet Jēzus redzēdams, ka tie ļaudis satecēja, apdraudēja to nešķīsto garu, uz to sacīdams: “Tu mēmais un kurlais gars, Es tev pavēlu, izej ārā no tā un neieej vairs iekš tā.”
When Jesus saw that the crowd was running up, He rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to it, “You mute and deaf spirit, I am commanding you, get out of him and never enter him again!”
26 Un tas izgāja, brēkdams un to gauži plosīdams, un viņš tapa tā kā mironis, tā ka daudzi sacīja: tas ir nomiris.
Then it yelled, convulsed him violently, and came out. Well he looked to be dead; so much so that many said, “He's dead.”
27 Bet Jēzus to ņēma pie rokas, to uzcēla, un tas pacēlās.
But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up, and he stayed on his feet.
28 Un kad Viņš namā bija iegājis, Viņa mācekļi tam savrup jautāja: “Kāpēc mēs nespējām to izdzīt?”
Well upon His entering a house His disciples asked Him privately, “Why couldn't we cast it out?”
29 Un Viņš uz tiem sacīja: “Šī suga citādi nevar iziet, kā vien caur lūgšanu un gavēšanu.”
He said to them, “This kind can come out by nothing except prayer and fasting.”
30 Un no turienes izgājuši, tie pārstaigāja Galileju, un Viņš negribēja, ka to kas zinātu.
Having gone out from there they were passing through Galilee, and He did not want anyone to know;
31 Jo Viņš Savus mācekļus mācīja un uz tiem sacīja: “Tas Cilvēka Dēls taps nodots cilvēku rokās, un tie To nokaus, un nokauts Viņš trešā dienā augšām celsies.”
because He was teaching His disciples and saying to them, “The Son of the Man is going to be betrayed into the hands of men, and they will kill him; and once killed he will rise on the third day.”
32 Bet tie šo vārdu nesaprata un bijās Viņu jautāt.
But they were not understanding this information, yet were afraid to ask Him.
33 Un Viņš nāca Kapernaūmā, un mājās būdams Viņš tiem jautāja: “Ko jūs savā starpā esat apjautājušies uz ceļa?”
Then He came to Capernaum; and once in the house He asked them, “What were you debating among yourselves on the road?”
34 Bet tie cieta klusu; jo tie savā starpā bija sarunājušies uz ceļa, kurš esot tas lielākais?
But they kept silent, because on the road they had debated among themselves who was greater.
35 Un Viņš apsēdās, atsauca tos divpadsmit un uz tiem sacīja: “Ja kas grib pirmais būt, tas lai ir no visiem tas pēdīgais un visu kalps.”
So He sat down, called the twelve and said to them, “If anyone desires to be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.”
36 Un Viņš ņēma vienu bērnu un to veda viņu vidū un to skūpstīja un uz tiem sacīja:
Then He took a child and stood him in their midst, and embracing him said to them,
37 “Ja kas vienu no šiem bērniem uzņem Manā Vārdā, tas Mani uzņem; bet kas Mani uzņem, tas neuzņem Mani, bet To, kas Mani sūtījis.”
“Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me receives not only me, but the One who sent me.”
38 Bet Jānis Tam atbildēja un sacīja: “Mācītāj! Mēs vienu redzējām Tavā Vārdā velnus izdzenam, tas neturas pie mums, un mēs tam to esam lieguši, tāpēc ka tas neturas pie mums.”
So John answered Him saying, “Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, one who doesn't follow us; and we forbade him, because he doesn't follow us.”
39 Bet Jēzus sacīja: “Neliedziet viņam, jo neviens nedara brīnumu Manā Vārdā, kas tūdaļ no Manis varētu ļaunu runāt.
But Jesus said: “Do not forbid him, because no one who works a miracle in my name can soon afterward speak evil of me.
40 Jo kas nav pret mums, tas ir ar mums.
For he who is not against you is for you.
41 Jo, ja kas jūs dzirdinās ar biķeri ūdens Manā Vārdā, tāpēc ka jūs Kristum piederat, patiesi, Es jums saku: tam sava alga nezudīs.
Further, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink in my name, because you are Christ's, I tell you with certainty, he will by no means lose his reward.
42 Un ja kas apgrēcina vienu no šiem vismazākajiem, kas tic uz Mani, tam būtu labāki, ka tam dzirnu akmeni pie kakla piekārtu un to iemestu jūrā.
“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe into me to fall, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea.
43 Jeb kad tev tava roka apgrēcina, nocērt to; tas tev ir labāki, ka tu kroplis ieej dzīvošanā, nekā tev ir divas rokas, un tu noej ellē, tai neizdzēšamā ugunī, (Geenna )
Further, if your hand is causing you to fall, cut it off; it is better for you to enter into the Life maimed than having both hands to go away into Gehenna, into the unquenchable fire— (Geenna )
44 Kur viņu tārps nemirst, un tas uguns neizdziest.
where ‘their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.’
45 Un kad tava kāja tevi apgrēcina, tad nocērt to; tas tev ir labāki, ka tu tizls ieej dzīvošanā, nekā tev ir divas kājas, un topi mests ellē, tai neizdzēšamā ugunī, (Geenna )
And if your foot is causing you to fall, cut it off; it is better for you to enter into the Life lame than having both feet to be thrown into Gehenna, into the unquenchable fire— (Geenna )
46 Kur viņu tārps nemirst, un tas uguns neizdziest.
where ‘their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.’
47 Un kad tava acs tevi apgrēcina, tad izrauj to; tas tev ir labāki, ka tu vienacis ieej Dieva valstībā, nekā tev ir divas acis, un tu topi iemests elles ugunī, (Geenna )
And if your eye is causing you to fall, pluck it out; it is better for you to enter into the Kingdom of God with one eye than having both eyes to be thrown into the Gehenna of fire— (Geenna )
48 Kur viņu tārps nemirst, un tas uguns neizdziest.
where ‘the worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.’
49 Jo ikviens ugunī taps sālīts; un ikkatrs upuris ar sāli taps sālīts.
“Further, everyone will be seasoned with fire, and every sacrifice will be seasoned with salt.
50 Sāls gan ir laba lieta, bet ja sāls tapusi nesālīga, ar ko tad to darīs derīgu? Turat sāli iekš sevis un turat mieru savā starpā.”
Salt is good, but if the salt loses its saltiness, with what will you season it? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another.”