< Marka Evaņg̒elijs 14 >

1 Un pēc divām dienām bija Lieldiena un neraudzētās maizes svētki. Un tie augstie priesteri un rakstu mācītāji meklēja, kā tie Jēzu ar viltu saņemtu un nokautu.
Now it was the Passover and the Unleavened [cakes], after two days. And the High-priests and Scribes were seeking, how, with guile, they might secure, and lay him;
2 Bet tie sacīja: “Tik ne svētkos, lai dumpis neceļas starp ļaudīm.”
for they were saying—Not in the feast, lest there be an uproar of the people.
3 Un kad Viņš bija Betanijā, Sīmaņa, tā spitālīgā, namā, un pie galda sēdēja, tad viena sieva nāca; tai bija akmens trauciņš ar ļoti dārgu un it tīru nardes eļļu, un, to trauciņu salauzusi, tā to lēja uz Viņa galvu.
And, he being in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper, as he was reclining, there came a woman, holding an alabaster-jar of perfume, pure spikenard, very costly; and breaking the jar she was pouring down [the perfume], upon his head.
4 Un tur bija kādi, kas pie sevis apskaitās un sacīja: “Ka labad šī eļļas izšķērdēšana notikusi?
But there were some much displeased among themselves—To what end hath, this waste of the perfume happened?
5 Jo šo eļļu varēja pārdot dārgāki nekā par trīssimt grašiem un izdalīt nabagiem;” un tie kurnēja par to.
For this perfume could have been sold for above three hundred denaries, and given unto the destitute! and they were indignant with her.
6 Bet Jēzus sacīja: “Liekat to mierā. Ko jūs tai raizes darāt? tā labu darbu pie Manis darījusi.
But, Jesus, said—Let her alone! Why are ye reproaching, her? A seemly work, hath she wrought, in me;
7 Jo nabagi ir arvienu pie jums, un kad gribat, jūs tiem varat labu darīt; bet Es neesmu arvienu pie jums.
For, always, have ye, the destitute, with you, and whensoever ye please, ye can, unto them, [at any time] do well! But, me, not, always, have ye.
8 Šī ir darījusi, ko spējusi; tā jau iepriekš Manu miesu ir svaidījusi uz bērēm.
What she had, she used, —She took it beforehand to anoint my body for the burial;
9 Patiesi, Es jums saku: kur vien šis evaņģēlijs kļūs sludināts pa visu pasauli, tur arī to teiks, ko šī darījusi, viņai par piemiņu.”
And, verily, say unto you—Wheresoever the glad-message shall be proclaimed throughout the whole world, —also what she did, will be told for a memorial of her.
10 Un Jūdas Iskariots, viens no tiem divpadsmit, nogāja pie tiem augstiem priesteriem, ka Viņu tiem nodotu.
And, Judas Iscariot, who was one of he twelve, went away unto the High-priests, that, him, he might deliver up unto them.
11 Un tie to dzirdējuši priecājās un solīja tam dot naudu; un tas meklēja, kā tas Viņu izdevīgā laikā nodotu.
Now, when they heard, they rejoiced, and promised to give him, silver; and he was seeking how, at a favourable opportunity, he might, deliver him up.
12 Bet pirmā neraudzētās maizes dienā, kad Lieldienas jēru nokāva, Viņa mācekļi uz Viņu sacīja: “Kur Tu gribi, lai mēs noejam un sataisām, ka Tu Lieldienas jēru vari ēst?”
And, on the first day of the unleavened cakes, when, the passover, they were slaying, his disciples say unto him—Where wilt thou, we depart and make ready, that thou mayest eat the passover?
13 Un Viņš sūtīja divus no Saviem mācekļiem un uz tiem sacīja: “Noejat uz pilsētu. Un jūs sastaps viens cilvēks, ūdens krūzi nesdams. Ejat tam pakaļ.
And he sendeth forth two of his disciples, and saith unto them—Go your way into the city, and there will meet you a man, a jar of water, bearing, —follow him;
14 Un kur viņš ieiet, tur teiciet tam saimniekam: Mācītājs saka: kur ir tā vieta priekš Manis, kur ar Saviem mācekļiem varu ēst Lieldienas jēru?
and, wheresoever he shall enter, say ye unto the householder—The teacher, saith, Where is my lodging, where, the passover, with my disciples, I may eat?
15 Un viņš jums rādīs lielu, ar deķiem izklātu gatavu istabu. Turpat sataisiet priekš mums.”
And, he, unto you, will shew, a large upper-room, spread ready, and, there, make ye ready for us.
16 Un Viņa mācekļi izgāja un nāca pilsētā un atrada tā, kā Viņš tiem bija sacījis: un sataisīja to Lieldienas jēru.
And the disciples went forth, and came into the city, and found, according as he had said unto them, —and they made ready the passover.
17 Un kad vakars metās, tad Viņš nāca ar tiem divpadsmit.
And, when evening arrived, he cometh, with the twelve.
18 Un tiem pie galda sēžot un ēdot, Jēzus sacīja: “Patiesi, Es jums saku: viens no jums, kas ar Mani ēd, Mani nodos.”
And, as they were reclining and eating, Jesus said—Verily, I say unto you—One from among you, will deliver me up, he that is eating with me.
19 Un tie iesāka noskumt un cits pēc cita uz Viņu sacīt: “Vai es tas esmu?”
They began to be grieved, and to be saying unto him, one by one, —Can it be, I?
20 Bet Viņš atbildēja un uz tiem sacīja: “Viens no tiem divpadsmit, kas ar Mani mērc bļodā.
And, he, said unto them—One of the twelve, he that is dipping with me into the [one] bowl:
21 Tas Cilvēka Dēls gan aiziet tā, kā par Viņu ir rakstīts. Bet vai tam cilvēkam, caur ko Tas Cilvēka Dēls top nodots. Šim cilvēkam būtu labāki, ka nemaz nebūtu dzimis.”
Because, the Son of Man, indeed, goeth his way, —according as it is written concerning him; but alas! for that man, through whom the Son of Man is being delivered up, —Well for him, if that man, had not been born!
22 Un tiem ēdot, Jēzus ņēma maizi, svētīja to, pārlauza un tiem to deva un sacīja: “Ņemiet, ēdiet, tā ir Mana miesa.”
And, as they were eating, taking a loaf, he blessed and brake, and gave unto them, and said—Take! this, is, my body;
23 Un Viņš ņēma to biķeri, pateicās un tiem to deva. Un tie visi dzēra no tā.
And, taking a cup, he offered thanks, and gave unto them; and they, all, drank of it.
24 Un Viņš uz tiem sacīja: “Šīs ir Manas asinis, tās jaunās derības asinis, kas par daudziem top izlietas.
And he said unto them—This, is, my blood of the covenant, that is to be poured out in behalf of many.
25 Patiesi, Es jums saku, ka Es vairs nedzeršu no vīna koka augļiem līdz tai dienai, kad Es to no jauna dzeršu Dieva valstībā.”
Verily, I say unto you—No more, will I in anywise drink of the fruit of the vine, until that day when I shall be drinking it new, in the kingdom of God.
26 Un to pateicības dziesmu dziedājuši, tie izgāja uz Eļļas kalnu.
And, having sung praise, they went forth unto the Mount of Olives.
27 Un Jēzus uz tiem sacīja: “Jūs visi šinī naktī apgrēcināsities pie Manis, jo stāv rakstīts: Es ganu sitīšu, un avis taps izklīdinātas.
And Jesus saith unto them—Ye, all, will find cause of stumbling, because it is written, —I will smite the shepherd, and, the sheep, will be scattered abroad;
28 Bet kad Es augšām celšos, tad Es jūsu priekšā gribu noiet uz Galileju.”
But, after my arising, I will go before you into Galilee.
29 Bet Pēteris uz To sacīja: “Un ja visi pie Tevis apgrēcinātos, tomēr es ne.”
And, Peter, said unto him—Even if, all, shall find cause of stumbling, certainly not, I.
30 Un Jēzus uz to sacīja: “Patiesi, Es tev saku: šodien, šinī naktī, pirms gailis otrreiz dziedās, tu Mani trīskārt aizliegsi.”
And Jesus saith unto him—Verily, I say unto thee, thou, this day, in this night, before that twice a cock crow, thrice, will deny me.
31 Bet tas runāja vēl daudz vairāk: “Jebšu man būtu līdz ar Tevi jāmirst, taču es Tevi negribu aizliegt!” Un tāpat arī visi sacīja.
But he, most vehemently, was saying—Even though I must needs die with thee, in nowise, will I, deny thee. Likewise, indeed, were, all besides, saying.
32 Un tie nāca uz vienu muižu, kam vārds Ģetzemane, un Viņš uz Saviem mācekļiem sacīja: “Apsēžaties šeit, kamēr Es Dievu lūgšu.”
And they come into an estate the name of which is Gethsemane, and he saith unto his disciples—Sit ye here, while I pray.
33 Un Viņš ņēma pie sevis Pēteri un Jēkabu un Jāni, un iesāka baiļoties un trīcēt,
And he taketh Peter and James and John with him, and began to be exceedingly amazed, and in great distress;
34 Un uz tiem sacīja: “Mana dvēsele ir visai noskumusi līdz nāvei. Paliekat šeitan un esiet nomodā.”
and he saith unto them—Encompassed with grief is my soul, unto death: Abide ye here, and be watching.
35 Un maķenīt pagājis Viņš krita pie zemes un lūdza, ja tas varētu būt, lai tā stunda Viņam aizietu garām.
And, going forward a little, he fell upon the ground, and was praying that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him;
36 Un Viņš sacīja: “Abba, Tēvs, Tu spēji visas lietas! Ņem šo biķeri no Manis! Tomēr ne ko Es gribu, bet ko Tu gribi.”
and was saying—Abba! O Father! All things, are possible to thee: Bear aside this cup from me; but not what, I, will, but what, thou, [wilt].
37 Un Viņš nāk un atrod tos guļam un saka uz Pēteri: “Sīmani, vai tu guli? Vai tu nevienu stundu nespēji būt nomodā?
And he cometh and findeth them sleeping, and saith unto Peter—Simon! art thou sleeping? Hadst thou not strength, one hour, to watch?
38 Esat nomodā un lūdzat Dievu, ka neiekrītat kārdināšanā. Gars gan ir labprātīgs, bet miesa ir vāja.”
Be watching and praying, that ye enter not into temptation: the, spirit, indeed, is willing, but, the flesh, weak.
39 Un Viņš atkal nogājis, Dievu lūdza, sacīdams šos pašus vārdus.
And, again, departing, he prayed, [the same thing, saying].
40 Un Viņš griezās atpakaļ, un atrada tos atkal guļam, jo viņu acis bija miega pilnas, un tie nezināja, ko Viņam atbildēt.
And, again, coming, he found them sleeping, for their eyes were being, weighed down, —and they knew not what to answer him.
41 Un Viņš nāca trešu lāgu un uz tiem sacīja: “Guliet nu vēl un dusiet! jau ir gan; tā stunda ir nākusi! Redzi, Tas Cilvēka Dēls top nodots grēcinieku rokās.
And he cometh the third time, and saith unto them—Ye are sleeping the remaining time and taking your rest: —It is enough! the hour hath come! Lo! the Son of Man is being delivered up into the hands of sinners.
42 Ceļaties, ejam; redzi, kas Mani nodod, tas ir tuvu klāt.”
Be rousing yourselves, let us be leading on! Lo! he that is delivering me up, hath drawn near.
43 Un tūdaļ, Viņam vēl runājot, atnāca Jūdas, viens no tiem divpadsmit, un līdz ar viņu daudz ļaužu ar zobeniem un nūjām no tiem augstiem priesteriem un rakstu mācītājiem un vecajiem.
And, straightway, while yet he is speaking, Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, cometh near, and, with him, a multitude, with swords and clubs, from the High-priests and the Scribes and the Elders.
44 Bet tas, kas Viņu nodeva, tiem bija devis zīmi sacīdams: “Kuru es skūpstīšu, tas ir Tas, To gūstat, un To novediet droši.”
He that is delivering him up hath given an agreed sign unto them, saying—Whomsoever I shall kiss, he, it is! Secure him, and be leading away, safely.
45 Un tas nāca un tūdaļ Viņam piegājis sacīja: “Rabbi, Rabbi!” un Viņu skūpstīja.
And, coming, straightway, stepping forward to him, he saith—Rabbi! and openly kissed him.
46 Un tie rokas pielika pie Viņa un To saņēma.
And, they, thrust their hands on him, and secured him.
47 Bet viens no tiem, kas pie Viņa stāvēja, zobenu izvilcis, cirta tā augstā priestera kalpam un tam nocirta ausi.
[A certain] one of the by-standers, drawing a sword, smote the servant of the High priest, and took off his, ear.
48 Un Jēzus atbildēja un uz tiem sacīja: “Tā kā uz kādu slepkavu jūs esat izgājuši ar zobeniem un nūjām, Mani gūstīt.
And Jesus, answering, said unto them—As against a robber, came ye forth, with swords and clubs, to arrest me?
49 Ikdienas Es pie jums esmu sēdējis, Dieva namā mācīdams, un jūs Mani neesat gūstījuši. Bet lai tie raksti taptu piepildīti.”
Daily, was I with you, in the temple, teaching; and ye secured me not. But, that, the Scriptures, may be fulfilled…
50 Un visi Viņa mācekļi Viņu atstāja un bēga.
And they, all, forsook, him, and fled.
51 Un viens jauneklis Viņam gāja pakaļ, tas bija ar audekli apsedzies uz kailām miesām, un tie jaunekļi pēc tā tvarstīja.
And, a certain young man, was following with him, having cast about himself a fine Indian cloth, over his naked body, —and they are securing him;
52 Bet to audekli pamezdams, tas no tiem izbēga pliks.
but, he, leaving behind the cloth, fled naked.
53 Un tie Jēzu noveda pie tā augstā priestera, un tur sapulcējās visi augstie priesteri un vecaji un rakstu mācītāji.
And they led away Jesus unto the High-priest; and all the High-priests and the Elders and the Scribes gather together.
54 Un Pēteris no tālienes Viņam gāja pakaļ tā augstā priestera pilī iekšā, un sēdēja pie tiem sulaiņiem un sildījās pie uguns.
And, Peter, afar of, followed him, as far as within, into the court of the High-priest; and was sitting with the attendants, and warming himself by the light.
55 Bet tie augstie priesteri un visa tā tiesa meklēja liecību pret Jēzu, ka tie Viņu nonāvētu, un neatrada.
Now, the High-priest, and all the High-council, were seeking, against Jesus, testimony, with the intent to put him to death, —and were not finding any;
56 Jo daudzi deva viltīgu liecību pret Viņu, un viņu liecības nebija vienādas.
for, many, were bearing false-witness against him, and the testimonies were not, agreed.
57 Un citi cēlušies deva viltīgu liecību pret Viņu, sacīdami:
And some, standing up, were bearing false-witness against him, saying—
58 “Mēs esam dzirdējuši, ka Viņš sacījis: “Es gribu šo rokām taisīto Dieva namu noplēst un trijās dienās citu, ne rokām taisītu, uzcelt.””
We, heard him saying, I, will pull down this shrine, the one made by hand, and, in three days, another, not made by hand, will I raise.
59 Un arī šī viņu liecība nebija vienāda.
And, not even so, was the testimony, agreed.
60 Un tas augstais priesteris cēlās viņu vidū, jautāja Jēzum un sacīja: “Vai Tu uz to nekā neatbildi, ko šie pret Tevi liecina?”
And, the High-priest rising up into the midst, questioned Jesus, saying—Answerest thou, nothing? What are these, against thee, witnessing?
61 Bet Viņš cieta klusu un neatbildēja nenieka. Un atkal tas augstais priesteris Viņam jautāja un uz Viņu sacīja: “Vai Tu esi Kristus, tā Augsti teicamā Dēls?”
But, he, was silent, and answered, nothing. Again, the High-priest was questioning him, and saith unto him—Art, thou, the Christ the Son of the Blessed?
62 Bet Jēzus sacīja: “Es tas esmu. Un jūs redzēsiet To Cilvēka Dēlu sēžam pie Tā Visuspēcīgā labās rokas un nākam ar debess padebešiem.”
And Jesus said—I, am; and ye shall see the Son of Man—sitting, on the right hand, of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven.
63 Tad tas augstais priesteris saplēsa savus svārkus un sacīja: “Kam vēl vajag liecinieku?
And, the High-priest, having rent asunder his inner-garments, saith—What, further, need have we, of witnesses?
64 Jūs Viņa zaimošanu esat dzirdējuši! Kā jums šķiet?” Bet tie visi Viņu notiesāja, ka Viņš nāvi esot pelnījis.
Heard ye the profanity? What, to you, doth it appear? And they, all, condemned him to be, worthy, of, death.
65 Un citi iesāka Viņu apspļaudīt un apsegt Viņa vaigu un Viņu sist dūrēm un uz Viņu sacīt: “Uzmini mūs, pravietis būdams.” Un tie sulaiņi Viņam sita vaigā.
And some began to be spitting at him, and, covering up his face, and to be buffeting him, and saying to him—Prophesy! And, the attendants, with smart blows, took him.
66 Un kad Pēteris priekšnamā bija, tad viena no tā augstā priestera kalponēm nāca,
And, Peter, being, below in the court, there cometh one of the maid-servants of the High-priest;
67 Un redzēja, ka Pēteris sildījās, un to uzlūkoja un sacīja: “Tu arīdzan biji pie Tā Jēzus no Nacaretes.”
and, seeing Peter warming himself, having looked at him, saith—And, thou, wast, with the Nazarene—with Jesus.
68 Bet viņš liedzās, sacīdams: “Es Viņu nepazīstu, nedz zinu, ko tu runā.” Un tas izgāja no tā priekšnama. Un gailis dziedāja.
But, he, denied, saying—I neither know [him], nor do I well understand what, thou, sayest; and went out into the porch.
69 Un tā meita to atkal redzēja un iesāka sacīt uz tiem, kas klāt stāvēja: “Šis ir viens no tiem.”
And, the maid-servant, seeing him, began, again, to be saying unto the by-standers—This one, is, from among them.
70 Bet tas atkal liedzās. Un par mazu brīdi tie, kas apkārt stāvēja, atkal uz Pēteri sacīja: “Patiesi, tu esi viens no tiem, jo tu esi Galilejs, un tava valoda tiem ir līdzīga.”
But, he, again, was denying. And, after a little again, the by-standers, were saying unto Peter—Truly, thou, art, from among them; for thou art, a Galilaean, also.
71 Un tas sāka nolādēties un nodievoties: “Es nepazīstu To Cilvēku, par ko jūs runājiet.”
And, he, began to be cursing and swearing—I know not this man, of whom ye are speaking!
72 Un gailis dziedāja otru reizi; un Pēteris pieminēja to vārdu, ko Jēzus uz to bija sacījis: “Pirms nekā gailis divreiz dziedās, tu Mani trīs reiz aizliegsi;” un viņš iesāka raudāt.
And, straightway, a second time, a cock, crowed; and Peter was reminded of the declaration, how Jesus had said to him—Before a cock, twice, crow, thrice, wilt thou deny me. And, when he thought thereon, he began to weep.

< Marka Evaņg̒elijs 14 >