< Marka Evaņg̒elijs 13 >

1 Un Viņam no Dieva nama izejot, viens no Viņa mācekļiem uz To sacīja: “Mācītāj, lūk, kādi akmeņi tie ir, un kādas ēkas.”
As Jesus was walking out of the Temple Courts, one of his disciples said to him, “Teacher, look what fine stones and buildings these are!”
2 Un Jēzus atbildēja un uz to sacīja: “Vai tu visas šās lielās ēkas redzi? Tur akmens uz akmens netaps atstāts, kas netaps noplēsts.”
“Do you see these great buildings?” asked Jesus. “Not a single stone will be left here on another, which will not be thrown down.”
3 Un kad Viņš sēdēja uz Eļļas kalna Dieva namam pretī, tad Pēteris un Jēkabs un Jānis un Andrejs Viņu jautāja sevišķi:
When Jesus had sat down on the Mount of Olives, facing the Temple, Peter, James, John and Andrew questioned him privately,
4 “Saki mums, kad tas būs, un kāda tā zīme, kad viss tas piepildīsies?”
“Tell us when this will be, and what will be the sign when all this is drawing to its close.”
5 Bet Jēzus tiem atbildēja un iesāka runāt: “Pielūkojiet, ka neviens jūs nepieviļ.
Then Jesus began, “See that no one leads you astray.
6 Jo daudzi nāks Manā Vārdā sacīdami: es tas esmu; un daudz pievils.
Many will take my name, and come saying ‘I am He’, and will lead many astray.
7 Bet kad jūs dzirdēsiet karus un kara valodas, tad nebēdājaties, jo tam būs tā notikt; bet tas gals vēl nav klāt.
“And, when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed; such things must occur; but the end is not yet.
8 Jo tauta celsies pret tautu un valsts pret valsti un vietām būs zemes trīcēšanas, bada laiki un dumpji.
For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be earthquakes in various places; there will be famines. This will be but the beginning of the birth-pangs.
9 Tas būs to grūto bēdu iesākums; bet lūkojiet jūs uz sevi pašiem; jo tie jūs nodos augstās tiesās un baznīcās; un jūs tapsiet šausti un Manis dēļ valdnieku un ķēniņu priekšā vesti, tiem par liecību.
“See to yourselves! They will betray you to courts of law; and you will be taken to synagogues and beaten; and you will be brought up before governors and kings for my sake, so that you can bear witness before them.
10 Un evaņģēlijam būs papriekš tapt sludinātam visām tautām.
But the good news must first be proclaimed to every nation.
11 Kad nu tie jūs vedīs, jūs nododami, tad nebēdājaties iepriekš, kas jums būs jārunā, nedz apdomājaties; bet kas jums tanī pašā stundā taps dots, to runājiet; jo jūs neesat tie, kas runā, bet Tas Svētais Gars.
Whenever they betray you and hand you over for trial, do not be anxious beforehand as to what you will say, but say whatever is given you at the moment; for it will not be you who speak, but the Holy Spirit.
12 Bet tad brālis brāli nodos pie nāves un tēvs dēlu; un bērni celsies pret vecākiem un viņus nonāvēs.
Brother will betray brother to death, and the father his child; and children will turn against their parents, and cause them to be put to death;
13 Un jūs tapsiet ienīdēti no visiem Mana Vārda dēļ; bet kas pastāv līdz galam, tas taps izglābts.
and you will be hated by everyone because of me. Yet the person who endures to the end will be saved.
14 Bet kad jūs to izpostīšanas negantību redzēsiet, par ko pravietis Daniēls ir runājis, ka tā stāv, kur neklājās (kas to lasa, tas lai to labi apdomā), tad lai bēg uz kalniem tie, kas ir Jūdu zemē.
“As soon, however, as you see ‘the Foul Desecration’ standing where it ought not” (the reader must consider what this means) “then those of you who are in Judea must take refuge in the mountains;
15 Un kas uz jumta ir, tas lai nenokāpj namā un tur lai neieiet, ko no sava nama iznest.
and a person on the house-top must not go down, or go in to get anything out of their house:
16 Un kas ir laukā, tas lai neatgriežas atpakaļ savas drēbes paņemt.
nor must one who is on their farm turn back to get their cloak.
17 Bet vai tām grūtām un tām zīdītājām tanīs dienās.
And alas for pregnant women, and for those who are nursing infants in those days!
18 Bet lūdzat, ka jūsu bēgšana nenotiek ziemas laikā.
Pray, too, that this may not occur in winter.
19 Jo tanī laikā būs tādas lielas bēdas, kādas nav bijušas no paša iesākuma, kamēr Dievs pasauli radījis līdz šim, un kādas arī nebūs.
For those days will be a time of distress, the like of which has not occurred from the beginning of God’s creation until now – and never will again.
20 Un ja Tas Kungs šās dienas nepaīsinātu, tad neviens netaptu izglābts; bet to izredzēto dēļ ko Viņš izredzējis, Viņš tās dienas ir paīsinājis.
And, had not the Lord put a limit to those days, not a single soul would escape; but, for the sake of God’s own chosen people, he did limit them.
21 Un ja kas tanī laikā uz jums sacīs: redzi, še ir Kristus, jeb redzi, tur Viņš ir; tad neticiet.
“And at that time if anyone should say to you ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ ‘Look, there he is!’, do not believe it;
22 Jo viltīgi Kristi un viltīgi pravieši celsies un lielas zīmes un brīnumus darīs, ka pieviltu, ja tas varētu notikt, arī tos izredzētos.
for false Christs and false prophets will arise, and display signs and marvels, to lead astray, were it possible, even God’s people.
23 Bet jūs pielūkojiet; redzi, Es jums to visu papriekš esmu sacījis.
But see that you are on your guard! I have told you all this beforehand.
24 Bet tanīs dienās, pēc tām bēdām, saule aptumšosies, un mēnesis nedos savu spīdumu;
“In those days, after that time of distress, the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give her light,
25 Un debess zvaigznes nokritīs, un debess stiprumi kustināsies.
the stars will be falling from the heavens, and the forces that are in the heavens will be convulsed.
26 Un tad redzēs To Cilvēka Dēlu nākam padebešos ar lielu spēku un godību.
Then will be seen the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory;
27 Un tad Viņš sūtīs Savus eņģeļus un sakrās Savus izredzētos no tiem četriem vējiem, no zemes gala līdz debess galam.
and then he will send the angels, and gather his people from the four winds, from one end of the world to the other.
28 Bet mācaties līdzību no vīģes koka: kad viņa zars jau iezeļ, un lapas plaukst, tad jūs nomaniet, vasaru esam klātu.
“Learn the lesson taught by the fig tree. As soon as its branches are full of sap, and it is bursting into leaf, you know that summer is near.
29 Tā arīdzan, kad jūs šo visu redzēsiet notiekam, tad ziniet, ka tas ir tuvu priekš durvīm.
And so may you, as soon as you see these things happening, know that he is at your doors.
30 Patiesi, Es jums saku: šī cilts nezudīs, tiekams viss tas būs noticis.
I tell you that even the present generation will not pass away, until all these things have taken place.
31 Debess un zeme zudīs, bet Mani vārdi nezudīs.
The heavens and the earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.
32 Bet par to dienu jeb stundu neviens nezina, ne tie eņģeļi, kas debesīs, ne Tas Dēls, kā vien Tas Tēvs.
“But about that day, or the hour, no one knows – not even the angels in heaven, not even the Son – but only the Father.
33 Pielūkojiet, esiet modrīgi un lūdziet, jo jūs nezināt, kad tas laiks ir.
“See that you are on the watch; for you do not know when the time will be.
34 Tā kā viens cilvēks, citur noiedams, atstāja savu namu un deva saviem kalpiem varu un ikkatram savu darbu, un pavēlēja durvju sargam būt nomodā.
It is like a man going on a journey, who leaves his home, puts his servants in charge – each having their special duty – and orders the porter to watch.
35 Tad nu esat nomodā! Jo jūs nezināt, kad tas nama kungs nāk, vai vakarā, vai nakts vidū, vai gaiļos, vai no rīta agri,
Therefore watch, for you cannot be sure when the Master of the house is coming – whether in the evening, at midnight, at daybreak, or in the morning –
36 Ka tas nejauši nākdams, jūs neatrod guļam.
otherwise he might come suddenly and find you asleep.
37 Bet ko Es jums saku, to Es saku visiem: esat nomodā.”
And what I say to you I say to all – Watch!”

< Marka Evaņg̒elijs 13 >