< Maleachija 1 >

1 Tā Kunga vārda spriedums par Israēli caur Malahiju.
The declaration of the word of Yahweh to Israel by the hand of Malachi.
2 Es jūs esmu mīlējis, saka Tas Kungs; bet jūs sakāt: kā Tu mūs esi mīlējis? Vai Ēsavs nav Jēkabam brālis? Saka Tas Kungs; tomēr Es Jēkabu mīlēju
“I have loved you,” says Yahweh. But you say, “How have you loved us?” “Was not Esau Jacob's brother?” declares Yahweh. “Yet I have loved Jacob,
3 Un Ēsavu Es ienīdēju un viņa kalnus darīju par posta vietu un viņa mantas tiesu priekš šakāļiem tuksnesī.
but Esau I have hated. I have made his mountains an abandoned devastation, and I have made his inheritance a place for the jackals of the wilderness.”
4 Un jebšu Edoms sacītu: mēs esam salauzti, tomēr tās posta vietas atkal gribam uztaisīt, - tad Tas Kungs Cebaot saka tā: tie uztaisīs, bet Es noārdīšu, un tos nosauks par bezdievības robežām un par ļaudīm, par ko Tas Kungs mūžīgi dusmo.
If Edom says, “We are beaten down, but we will rebuild the ruins,” Yahweh of hosts will say, “They may rebuild, but I will throw down again. Others will call them 'The country of wickedness' and 'The people whom Yahweh has cursed forever.'
5 Un jūsu acis to redzēs, un jūs sacīsiet: Tas Kungs pagodināsies pāri pār Israēla robežām. -
Your own eyes will see this, and you will say, 'Yahweh is great beyond the borders of Israel.'”
6 Dēlam būs godāt savu tēvu, un kalpam savu kungu. Ja Es esmu Tēvs, kur ir Mans gods? Un ja Es esmu Kungs, kur ir Mana bijāšana? saka Tas Kungs Cebaot uz jums priesteriem, Mana Vārda nicinātajiem; bet jūs sakāt: kā tad mēs nicinājam Tavu Vārdu?
“A son honors his father, and a servant honors his master. If I, then, am a father, where is my honor? If I am a master, where is the reverence for me?” says Yahweh of hosts to you priests, who despise my name. “But you say, 'How have we despised your name?'
7 Jūs nesat uz Manu altāri sagānītu maizi. Tad jūs sakāt: ar ko mēs Tevi sagānījām? Ar to, ka jūs sakāt: Tā Kunga galds nav cienījams.
By offering polluted bread upon my altar. But you say, 'How have we polluted you?' By saying that Yahweh's table is contemptible.
8 Jo kad jūs ko aklu atnesat upurēt, tad tas jums nav nelabs, un ja jūs ko tizlu vai vāju atnesat, tad tas nav nelabs. Atnesat to jel savam valdītājam, vai viņam pie tevis būs labs prāts, jeb vai viņš tavu vaigu žēlīgi uzlūkos? saka Tas Kungs Cebaot.
When you offer blind animals for sacrifice, is that not evil? When you offer the lame and sick, is that not evil? Present that to your governor! Will he accept you or will he lift up your face?” says Yahweh of hosts.
9 Nu tad pielūdziet jel Dieva vaigu, lai Viņš mums ir žēlīgs. No jūsu rokas tas noticis: vai tad Viņš jūsu vaigu žēlīgi uzskatīs? saka Tas Kungs Cebaot.
Now you keep asking the face of God, that he may be gracious to us. But Yahweh of hosts says that with such an offering in your hand, would he lift up any of your faces?
10 Kaut jel kāds būtu jūsu starpā, kas durvis aizslēdz, lai jūs velti uguni neiededzinājāt uz Mana altāra; Man nav labs prāts pie jums, saka Tas Kungs Cebaot, un tas upuris no jūsu rokām Man nepatīk.
“Oh, if only there were one of you who would shut the temple gates, so that you might not light fires on my altar in vain! I have no pleasure in you,” says Yahweh of hosts, “and I will not accept any offering from your hand.
11 Jo no saules uzlēkšanas līdz noiešanai Mans Vārds ir paaugstināts starp tautām, un ikkatrā vietā Manam Vārdam top kvēpināts un šķīsts upuris atnests. Jo Mans Vārds ir liels starp tautām, saka Tas Kungs Cebaot.
For from the rising of the sun to its setting my name will be great among the nations and in every place incense and pure offerings will be offered in my name. For my name will be great among the nations,” says Yahweh of hosts.
12 Bet jūs to sagānat, sacīdami: Tā Kunga galds, tas ir sagānīts, un viņa ienākumu riebj baudīt.
“But you are profaning it when you say the Lord's table is polluted, and that its fruit, its food, is to be despised.
13 Un jūs sakāt: redzi, kāds grūtums! Un nebēdājat par to, saka Tas Kungs Cebaot, jūs atnesat, kas ir laupīts, un kas tizls un vājš, un tā upurējat upuri. Vai tas Man var patikt no jūsu rokas? saka Tas Kungs.
You also say, 'How tiresome this is,' and you snort at it,” says Yahweh of hosts. “You bring what has been taken by a wild animal or is lame or sick; and this you bring as your offering. Should I accept this from your hand?” says Yahweh.
14 Nolādēts tas blēdis, kam savā ganāma pulkā ir auniņš, un kas sola un upurē Tam Kungam ko maitātu! Jo Es esmu liels Ķēniņš, saka Tas Kungs Cebaot: un Mans Vārds ir bijājams starp tautām.
“May the deceiver be cursed who has a male animal in his flock and vows to give it to me, and yet sacrifices to me, the Lord, what is flawed! For I am a great king,” says Yahweh of hosts, “and my name will be honored among the nations.”

< Maleachija 1 >