< Lūkas Evaņg̒elijs 7 >
1 Kad nu Viņš tiem ļaudīm dzirdot visus Savus vārdus bija pabeidzis, tad Viņš iegāja Kapernaūmā.
When he'd finished speaking to the people, Jesus left for Capernaum.
2 Bet viena virsnieka kalps, ko tas turēja mīļu, gulēja slims uz miršanu.
A centurion lived there who had a servant he greatly valued who was sick and was about to die.
3 Bet kad tas par Jēzu dzirdēja, tad tas nosūtīja pie Viņa Jūdu vecajus, un Viņu lūdza, lai nāktu, viņa kalpam palīdzēt.
When he heard about Jesus, the centurion sent some Jewish elders to him, asking him to come and heal his servant.
4 Un pie Jēzus nogājuši, tie Viņu mīļi lūdza sacīdami: “Viņš ir vērts, ka Tu viņu paklausi.”
When the elders came to Jesus, they pleaded with him strongly, saying, “Please come and do what he asks. He deserves your help,
5 Jo viņš mīļo mūsu tautu un mums ir uztaisījis šo baznīcu.
because he loves our people and he built a synagogue for us.”
6 Un Jēzus gāja tiem līdz; bet kad Viņš vairs nebija tālu no tā nama, tad tas virsnieks draugus pie Viņa sūtīja, Tam sacīdams: “Kungs, nepūlējies, jo es neesmu cienīgs, ka Tu nāci apakš mana jumta.
Jesus went with them and as they approached the house, the centurion sent some friends to Jesus to tell him, “Lord, please don't trouble yourself by coming into my house, because I'm not worthy of that.
7 Tāpēc arī pats sevi neesmu turējis cienīgu pie Tevis nākt; bet saki tik vienu vārdu, tad mans kalps taps vesels.
I didn't even think that I was worthy to come and see you. Just give the command, and my servant will be healed.
8 Jo arī es esmu cilvēks, apakš valdīšanas stāvēdams, un apakš manis ir karavīri, un es saku šim: ej, tad viņš iet; un otram: nāc, tad viņš nāk; un savam kalpam: dari to, tad viņš dara.”
For I'm under the authority of my superior officers, and I have soldiers under my authority too. I command one to go and he goes, another to come and he comes. I command my servant to do something and he does it.”
9 Bet Jēzus to dzirdējis, par viņu brīnījās un atgriezdamies sacīja uz tiem ļaudīm, kas Viņam gāja pakaļ: “Es jums saku: tādu ticību ne pat iekš Israēla neesmu atradis.”
When Jesus heard this he was astounded. He turned to the crowd that was following him, and said, “I tell you, I haven't found trust like this even in Israel.”
10 Un tie, kas bija sūtīti, atgriezušies uz māju atrada to vājo kalpu veselu.
Then the centurion's friends returned to the house and found the servant in good health.
11 Un pēc tam notikās, ka Viņš gāja uz vienu pilsētu ar vārdu Naīne, un daudz no Viņa mācekļiem gāja līdz un daudz ļaužu.
Soon after Jesus went to a town called Nain, accompanied by his disciples and a large crowd.
12 Bet kad Viņš tuvu pie pilsētas vārtiem bija nācis, lūk, tad iznesa vienu mironi, kas bija savas mātes vienīgais dēls, un tā bija atraitne, un liels pulks pilsētnieku tai gāja līdz.
As he approached the town gate a funeral procession was coming the other way. The man who had died was the only son of a widow, and a sizeable crowd from the town was with her.
13 Un to redzējis Tas Kungs par to iežēlojās un uz to sacīja: “Neraudi!”
When the Lord saw her he was filled with compassion for her. “Don't cry,” he told her.
14 Un piegājis aizskāra zārku, un tie nesēji apstājās, un Viņš sacīja: “Jaunekli, Es tev saku, celies augšām.”
Jesus went over to the coffin and touched it, and the pall-bearers stopped. Jesus said, “Young man, I tell you, get up.”
15 Un tas mironis cēlās sēdus un iesāka runāt, un Viņš to atdeva viņa mātei.
The dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him back to his mother.
16 Un bailība uzgāja visiem, un tie teica Dievu sacīdami: “Liels pravietis mūsu starpā ir cēlies, un Dievs Savus ļaudis uzlūkojis.”
A sense of awe filled everyone there and they praised God, saying, “A great prophet has arisen among us,” and “God has visited his people.”
17 Un šī slava no Viņa izpaudās pa visu Jūdu zemi un visapkārt.
News about Jesus spread throughout Judea, and all around.
18 Un Jānim viņa mācekļi pasludināja par visām šīm lietām.
The disciples of John told John about all this.
19 Un Jānis ataicināja divus no saviem mācekļiem un tos sūtīja pie Jēzus sacīdams: “Vai Tu esi Tas, kam būs nākt, jeb vai mums būs citu gaidīt?”
John called two of his disciples and told them to go and see Jesus, and ask, “Are you the one we've been expecting, or should we wait for someone else?”
20 Bet tie vīri pie Viņa nogājuši sacīja: “Jānis, tas Kristītājs, mūs pie Tevis sūtījis sacīdams: vai Tu esi Tas, kam būs nākt, jeb vai mums būs citu gaidīt?”
When they came to Jesus, they said, “John the Baptist sent us to you, to ask you, ‘Are you the one we've been expecting or should we wait for someone else?’”
21 Bet tanī pašā stundā Viņš daudz darīja veselus no sērgām un sāpēm un ļauniem gariem, un daudz akliem Viņš dāvināja gaismu.
At that very moment Jesus was healing many people of their diseases, illnesses, evil spirits, and making the blind to see.
22 Un Jēzus atbildēja un uz tiem sacīja: “Ejat un atsakāt Jānim, ko esat redzējuši un dzirdējuši, ka akli redz, tizli iet, spitālīgi top šķīsti, kurli dzird, miroņi top uzmodināti, nabagiem prieka vārds top sludināts;
Jesus answered John's disciples, “Go and tell John what you've seen and heard. The blind see, the lame walk, the lepers cured, the deaf hear, the dead raised back to life, the poor are told the good news.
23 Un svētīgs ir, kas pie Manis neapgrēcinājās.”
How good it is for those who are not offended because of me!”
24 Un Jāņa vēstnešiem aizejot, Viņš iesāka runāt uz tiem ļaudīm par Jāni: “Ko esat izgājuši tuksnesī skatīties? Vai niedri, ko vējš šauba?
After the messengers from John had left, Jesus began telling the crowd, “About John: what did you expect to see when you went out to meet him in the desert? Some reed blown about by the wind?
25 Jeb ko esat izgājuši redzēt? Vai cilvēku, mīkstās drēbēs apģērbtu? Redzi, tie, kas dārgās drānās un kārībā dzīvo, ir ķēniņu namos.
Did you come looking for a man dressed in fine clothes? No, those who have stylish clothes and live in luxury are found in palaces.
26 Jeb ko esat izgājuši redzēt? Vai pravieti? Tiešām, Es jums saku, tas arī augstāks nekā pravietis.
Were you looking for a prophet? Yes he is, and I'm telling you, he's much more than a prophet.
27 Šis ir, par ko rakstīts: redzi, Es sūtu Savu eņģeli Tavā priekšā, kas Tavu ceļu sataisīs Tavā priekšā.
It was written about him in Scripture: ‘Look, I'm sending my messenger to go before you to prepare your way.’
28 Jo Es jums saku: no visiem, kas dzimuši no sievām, neviens pravietis nav lielāks pār Jāni, to Kristītāju; bet tas mazākais Dieva valstībā ir lielāks pār viņu.”
I tell you, no one born of women is greater than John, but even the most unimportant person in God's kingdom is greater than he is!”
29 Un visi ļaudis, kas Viņu dzirdēja, un tie muitnieki apliecināja, ka Dievs taisns, likdamies kristīties ar Jāņa kristību.
When they heard this, all of them—even the tax collectors—followed what God said was good and right, for they had been baptized by John.
30 Bet tie farizeji un bauslības mācītāji Dieva padomu par sev pašiem ir iznīcinājuši, nelikdamies no viņa kristīties.
But the Pharisees and the religious teachers rejected what God wanted them to do, for they had refused to be baptized by John.
31 Bet Tas Kungs sacīja: “Kam šās cilts ļaudis līdzināšu, un kam tie ir līdzinājami?
“What shall I compare these people to?” asked Jesus. “What are they like?
32 Tie ir līdzinājami bērniem, kas sēž uz tirgus, un viens otram uzsauc un saka: mēs jums esam stabulējuši, un jūs neesat dejojuši; mēs jums dziedājuši raudu dziesmas, un jūs neesat raudājuši.
They're like children sitting in the market who tell one other, ‘We played the flute for you but you didn't dance; we sang sad songs but you didn't cry.’
33 Jo Jānis tas Kristītājs, ir nācis, nedz maizi ēzdams nedz vīnu dzerdams, un jūs sakāt: viņam ir velns.
When John the Baptist came he didn't eat bread or drink wine, but you say he's demon-possessed.
34 Tas Cilvēka Dēls ir nācis, ēd un dzer, un jūs sakāt: redzi, šis cilvēks ir rijējs un vīna dzērājs, muitnieku un grēcinieku draugs.
Now the Son of man is here, and eats and drinks with people, but you say, ‘Look, he spends his time eating too much food and drinking too much wine. Plus he's a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’
35 Un gudrība top taisnota no visiem saviem bērniem.”
However, God's wise ways are proved right by all who follow him!”
36 Bet kāds no farizejiem Viņu lūdza, ka Viņš pie tā ēstu, un Viņš tā farizeja namā iegājis apsēdās.
One of the Pharisees invited Jesus to come and eat with him. Jesus went to the Pharisee's house and sat down to the meal.
37 Un redzi, tanī pilsētā viena sieva, kas bija grēciniece, dzirdējusi, ka Viņš tā farizeja namā pie galda sēžot, atnesa akmens trauciņu ar dārgām zālēm,
A woman who was a sinner in that town found out that Jesus was eating in the Pharisee's house. She went there, carrying an alabaster jar of perfume.
38 Un stāvēja aiz Viņa pie Viņa kājām, raudāja un iesāka slapināt Viņa kājas ar savām asarām, un ar saviem galvas matiem nožāvēja un skūpstīja Viņa kājas un tās svaidīja ar tām zālēm.
She kneeled beside Jesus and with her tears wet his feet, and dried them with her hair. She kissed his feet, and then she poured the perfume over them.
39 Bet tas farizejs, kas Viņu bija aicinājis, to redzēdams sacīja pats pie sevis: “Kad Šis būtu pravietis, tad Viņš zinātu, kas šī tāda sieva, kas Viņu aizskar, jo tā ir grēciniece.”
When the Pharisee who had invited Jesus saw this he said to himself, “If this man was really a prophet he would know who this woman was who's touching him, and what kind of person she was—that she's a sinner!”
40 Un Jēzus atbildēdams uz to sacīja: “Sīmani, Man tev kas jāsaka;” viņš atbildēja: “Mācītāj, saki.”
Jesus spoke up and said, “Simon, I have something to tell you.” “Tell me, Teacher,” he responded.
41 Jēzus sacīja: “Vienam naudas aizdevējam bija divi parādnieki; viens tam bija parādā piecsimt grašus, un otrs piecdesmit.
“Once two people were in debt to a money-lender. One owed five hundred denarii, the other only fifty.
42 Kad nu tie nespēja atdot, tad viņš abiem diviem atlaida. Kurš tad no tiem, saki jel, to vairāk mīlēs?”
Neither of them could repay him, so he forgave the debts. Which one will love him the most?”
43 Bet Sīmanis atbildēdams sacīja: “Man šķiet tas, kam viņš vairāk atlaidis.” Bet Viņš uz to sacīja: “Tu pareizi esi spriedis.”
“The one he forgave the most, I would think,” Simon answered. “You're absolutely right,” said Jesus.
44 Un griezies pie tās sievas Viņš uz Sīmani sacīja: “Vai tu šo sievu redzi? Es esmu nācis tavā namā, tu Man ūdeni neesi devis priekš Manām kājām, bet šī ar savām asarām Manas kājas slapinājusi un ar saviem galvas matiem nožāvējusi.
Turning to the woman, he said to Simon, “You see this woman? When I came into your house, you didn't give me water to wash my feet. But she has washed my feet with her tears, and wiped them with her hair.
45 Tu Mani neesi skūpstījis, bet šī, kamēr tā ir iekšā nākusi, nav mitējusies Manas kājas skūpstīt.
You didn't give me a kiss, but since I came in she hasn't stopped kissing my feet.
46 Ar eļļu tu neesi svaidījis Manu galvu, bet šī ar zālēm ir svaidījusi Manas kājas.
You didn't anoint my head with oil, but she poured perfume over my feet.
47 Tādēļ Es tev saku: viņas grēki, kuru bija daudz, ir piedoti, jo tā daudz ir mīlējusi; bet kam maz top piedots, tas mīl maz.”
So I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—that's why she loves so much. But whoever is forgiven little, only loves a little.”
48 Un Viņš uz to sacīja: “Tev tavi grēki piedoti.”
Then Jesus said to the woman, “Your sins have been forgiven.”
49 Un tie, kas līdz pie galda sēdēja, iesāka pie sev pašiem sacīt: “Kas Tas tāds, kas arī grēkus piedod?”
Those who were sitting eating with him began talking among themselves, saying, “Who is this who even forgives sins?”
50 Bet Viņš uz to sievu sacīja: “Tava ticība tev palīdzējusi. Ej ar mieru.”
But Jesus told the woman, “Your trust has saved you, go in peace.”