< Lūkas Evaņg̒elijs 20 >
1 Un notikās tanīs dienās, kad Viņš Dieva namā tos ļaudis mācīja un evaņģēliju sludināja, tad tie augstie priesteri un rakstu mācītāji ar tiem vecajiem piestājās
Once when Jesus was teaching the people in the Temple, telling them the good news, some of the chief priests and religious teachers came with the elders.
2 Un runāja uz Viņu sacīdami: “Saki mums, kādā varā Tu to dari, un kas tas ir, kas Tev šo varu devis?
They asked him, “Tell us: by whose authority are you doing what you do? Who gave you the right to do this?”
3 Un Viņš atbildēja un uz tiem sacīja: “Es arī jums vienu vārdu vaicāšu, sakāt Man arīdzan:
“Let me ask you a question too,” Jesus replied. “Tell me:
4 Jāņa kristība, vai tā bija no debesīm, vai no cilvēkiem?”
the baptism of John—was it from heaven, or was it just human?”
5 Bet tie apdomājās savā starpā sacīdami: “Ja mēs sakām, no debesīm, tad Viņš sacīs: kādēļ tad jūs viņam neesat ticējuši?
They talked about it among themselves: “If we say it was from heaven, he'll ask, ‘Then why didn't you believe him?’
6 Un ja mēs sakām: no cilvēkiem, tad visi ļaudis mūs akmeņiem nomētās, jo tie tic, ka Jānis esot pravietis.”
And if we say it was just human, everybody will stone us for they're sure John was a prophet.”
7 Un tie atbildēja, ka nezinot, no kurienes.
So they answered, “We don't know where it came from.”
8 Un Jēzus uz tiem sacīja: “Tad Es arīdzan jums nesaku, kādā varā Es šās lietas daru.”
Jesus replied, “Then I won't tell you by whose authority I do what I do.”
9 Bet Viņš iesāka šo līdzību sacīt uz tiem ļaudīm: “Viens cilvēks dēstīja vīna kalnu un to izdeva dārzniekiem un nebija labu laiku mājās.
Then he began to tell the people a story: “Once there was a man who planted a vineyard, leased it to some farmers, and went to live in another country for a long while.
10 Un kad bija laiks, tad viņš sūtīja kalpu pie tiem dārzniekiem, ka tie viņam dotu no vīna kalna augļiem, bet tie dārznieki to sita un to aizsūtīja tukšā.
At harvest time he sent a servant to the tenant farmers to collect his share of the crop, but the farmers beat the servant and sent him away with nothing.
11 Un viņš vēl otru kalpu sūtīja; un tie arī šo sita un apsmēja un aizsūtīja tukšā.
So the owner sent another servant, but they beat him too and treated him shamefully, and sent him away with nothing.
12 Un viņš vēl trešo sūtīja; bet tie arī šo sakāva un izmeta ārā.
So he sent a third servant, but they wounded him and threw him out.
13 Un tā vīna kalna kungs sacīja: ko es darīšu? Es sūtīšu savu mīļo dēlu, varbūt tie šo redzēdami bīsies.
The owner of the vineyard asked himself, ‘What shall I do? I know, I'll send my son whom I love. Perhaps they will respect him.’
14 Bet viņu redzēdami, tie dārznieki sarunājās savā starpā un sacīja: šis tas mantinieks; nāciet, nokausim to, ka tā mantība mums tiek.
But when they saw him coming, the farmers said to themselves, ‘This is the owner's heir. Let's kill him! That way we can take his inheritance.’
15 Un tie viņu izmeta ārā no tā vīna kalna un nokāva. Ko tad nu tā vīna kalna kungs tiem darīs?
They threw him out of the vineyard and killed him. Now what will the owner of the vineyard do to them?
16 Viņš nāks un nomaitās šos dārzniekus un to vīna kalnu dos citiem.” Tie to dzirdējuši sacīja: “Lai tas nenotiek.”
He will come and kill these farmers and let others have the vineyard.” When they heard the story, they said, “May this never happen!”
17 Bet Viņš tos uzlūkoja un sacīja: “Kas tad tas, kas ir rakstīts: tas akmens, ko tie nama taisītāji atmetuši, tas ir tapis par stūra akmeni?
But Jesus looked at them and said, “Then why is it written in the Scriptures, ‘The stone the builders rejected has now become the chief cornerstone’?
18 Ikkatrs, kas uz šo akmeni kritīs, sadauzīsies; bet uz ko tas kritīs, to tas satrieks.”
Anyone who falls on that stone will be broken in pieces; anyone it falls upon will be crushed.”
19 Un tie augstie priesteri un rakstu mācītāji meklēja rokas pielikt pie Viņa tanī pašā stundā un bijās no tiem ļaudīm; jo tie noprata, ka Tas šo līdzību par viņiem bija sacījis.
Immediately the religious teachers and the chief priests wanted to arrest him because they realized that the story Jesus told was aimed at them, but they were afraid of what the people would do.
20 Un tie uz Viņu glūnēja un izsūtīja, kurus bija izmācījuši, lai izliktos taisni, ka Viņu varētu savaldzināt kādā vārdā un nodot valdībai un zemes soģa varai.
Watching for an opportunity they sent spies who pretended to be sincere. They tried to catch Jesus out in something he said so they could hand him over to the power and authority of the governor.
21 Un tie Viņam vaicāja sacīdami: “Mācītāj, mēs zinām, ka Tu pareizi runā un māci un neuzlūko cilvēka vaigu, bet māci Dieva ceļu pēc patiesības.
They said, “Teacher, we know that you speak and teach what is good and right, and that you're not swayed by the opinions of others. You truly teach the way of God.
22 Vai ir brīv, ķeizaram meslus dot, vai ne?”
So should we pay taxes to Caesar or not?”
23 Bet Tas viņu viltību nomanīja un uz tiem sacīja: “Kam jūs Mani kārdinājāt?
But Jesus saw through their trickery, and said to them,
24 Rādiet Man šurp to nomas naudu; kā ir šī zīme un tas virsraksts?” Un tie atbildēdami sacīja: “Ķeizara.”
“Show me a coin—a denarius. Whose image and inscription is on it?” “Caesar's,” they answered.
25 Un Viņš uz tiem sacīja: “Tad dodiet ķeizaram, kas ķeizaram pieder, un Dievam, kas Dievam pieder.”
“Then give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give back to God what belongs to God,” he told them.
26 Un tie Viņu nevienā vārdā nevarēja ķert ļaužu priekšā, un brīnījās par Viņa atbildi un palika klusu.
They weren't able to trap him by what he told the people. They were stunned at his reply, and fell silent.
27 Bet tad kādi no tiem saducejiem (kas pretī runādami saka, augšāmcelšanos neesam) nāca un Viņu vaicāja
Then some of the Sadducees, who deny the resurrection, came to Jesus with this question:
28 Sacīdami: “Mācītāj, Mozus mums ir rakstījis, kad kādam brālis mirst, kam sieva ir, un tas bez bērniem miris, ka viņa brālim to sievu būs apņemt un savam brālim celt dzimumu.
“Teacher,” they began, “Moses gave us a law that if a married man dies leaving a wife without children, then his brother should marry the widow and have children for his dead brother.
29 Tad nu septiņi brāļi bija, un tas pirmais sievu apņēmis nomira bez bērniem.
Once there were seven brothers. The first had a wife, and died without having children.
30 Un tas otrais apņēma to sievu; šis arīdzan nomira bez bērniem.
The second
31 Un tas trešais viņu apņēma. Un tāpat arī visi septiņi; un tiem nepalika bērnu pakaļ un tie nomira.
and then the third brother also married her. In the end all seven brothers married her, and then died without having children.
32 Pēdīgi pēc visiem arī tā sieva nomira.
Finally the wife died too.
33 Kuram no šiem tā sieva būs augšāmcelšanās laikā? Jo visiem septiņiem tā bijusi par sievu.”
Now whose wife will she be in the resurrection, since all seven brothers had married her?”
34 Un Jēzus atbildēdams uz tiem sacīja: “Šīs pasaules bērni precē un top precēti. (aiōn )
“Here in this age people marry and are given in marriage,” Jesus explained. (aiōn )
35 Bet tie, kas būs cienīgi tikt pie mūžīgas dzīvošanas un pie tās augšāmcelšanās no miroņiem, tie nedz precē, nedz top precēti. (aiōn )
“But those who are considered worthy to share in the age to come and the resurrection from the dead don't marry or are given in marriage. (aiōn )
36 Jo tie vairs nevar mirt, un ir eņģeļiem līdzīgi un Dieva bērni, būdami augšāmcelšanās bērni.
They can't die any longer; they're like the angels and are children of God since they're children of the resurrection.
37 Bet, ka miroņi top uzmodināti, to arī Mozus ir parādījis pie tā ērkšķu krūma, kad viņš To Kungu sauc par Ābrahāma Dievu un Īzaka Dievu un Jēkaba Dievu.
But on the question of whether the dead are raised, even Moses proved this when he wrote about the burning bush, when he calls the Lord, ‘the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’
38 Bet Dievs nav mirušu, bet dzīvu Dievs, jo visi Viņam dzīvo.”
He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to him they all are alive.”
39 Bet kādi no tiem rakstu mācītājiem atbildēja un sacīja: “Mācītāj, Tu pareizi esi sacījis.”
Some of the religious teachers responded, “That was a good answer, Teacher.”
40 Un viņi vairs neuzdrīkstējās Viņam nekā vaicāt.
After this no one dared to ask him any more questions.
41 Un Viņš uz tiem sacīja: “Kā tad saka, Kristu esam Dāvida dēlu?
Then Jesus asked them, “Why is it said that Christ is the son of David?
42 Un tas pats Dāvids saka dziesmu grāmatā: Tas Kungs sacīja uz manu Kungu: sēdies pa Manu labo roku,
For David himself says in the book of Psalms: The Lord said to my Lord, ‘Sit at my right hand
43 Tiekams es Tavus ienaidniekus lieku par pameslu Tavām kājām.
until I make all your enemies a footstool for your feet.’
44 Tad nu Dāvids Viņu sauc par Kungu, - kā tad Tas ir viņa dēls?”
David calls him ‘Lord,’ so how can he be David's son?”
45 Un visiem ļaudīm dzirdot Viņš sacīja uz Saviem mācekļiem:
While everyone was paying attention, he said to his disciples,
46 “Sargājaties no tiem rakstu mācītājiem, kam tīk staigāt garos svārkos un mīl sveicinātiem tapt tirgos un sēdēt jo augstos krēslos baznīcās un jo augstās vietās viesībās,
“Watch out for religious leaders who like to go around in long robes, and love to be greeted with respect in the markets, and to have the best seats in the synagogues and places of honor at banquets.
47 Kas atraitņu namus aprij un taisnojās ar savām garām lūgšanām; tie dabūs jo grūtu sodību.”
They cheat widows out of what they own, and cover up the kind of people they really are with long-winded prayers. They will receive severe condemnation in the judgment.”