< Trešā Mozus 9 >
1 Un astotā dienā Mozus sauca Āronu un viņa dēlus un Israēla vecajus.
On the eighth day after the ordination Moses called Aaron and his sons, and the elders of Israel, to meet with him.
2 Un viņš sacīja uz Āronu: ņem jaunu teļu par grēku upuri un aunu par dedzināmo upuri, kas ir bez vainas, un atved tos Tā Kunga priekšā.
He told Aaron, “You need to bring a young bull as a sin offering and a ram as a burnt offering, both without defects, and present them before the Lord.
3 Pēc tam runā uz Israēla bērniem un saki: ņemiet āzi par grēku upuri un teļu un jēru, kas gadu veci un bez vainas, par dedzināmo upuri;
Then tell the Israelites, ‘Bring the following offerings: a male goat as a sin offering; a calf and a lamb, (both a year old and without defects), for a burnt offering;
4 Un vērsi un aunu par pateicības upuri, Tā Kunga priekšā upurēt, un ēdamu upuri ar eļļu sajauktu, jo šodien jums Tas Kungs parādīsies.
a bull and a ram as a peace offering to sacrifice before the Lord; and a grain offering mixed with olive oil. Do this because today the Lord is going to reveal himself to you today.’”
5 Tad tie ņēma, ko Mozus bija pavēlējis, un to noveda pie saiešanas telts, un visa draudze piegāja un stāvēja Tā Kunga priekšā.
Following Moses' orders they brought what he'd said to the front of the Tent of Meeting. Everyone came and stood before the Lord.
6 Un Mozus sacīja: šo lietu, ko Tas Kungs pavēlējis, jums būs darīt, tad Tā Kunga godība jums parādīsies.
Moses said, “This is what the Lord ordered me to tell you to do, so that you may see his glory.”
7 Un Mozus sacīja uz Āronu: pieej pie altāra un sataisi savu grēku upuri un savu dedzināmo upuri un dari salīdzināšanu priekš sevis un priekš tiem ļaudīm, pēc upurē to ļaužu upuri un salīdzini tos, itin kā Tas Kungs pavēlējis.
Then Moses told Aaron, “Go to the altar and sacrifice your sin offering and your burnt offering to make you and the people right. Then sacrifice the offerings brought by the people as a means to make them right, as the Lord ordered.”
8 Tad Ārons piegāja pie altāra un nokāva grēku upura teļu priekš sevis.
So Aaron went to the altar and killed the calf as a sin offering for himself.
9 Un Ārona dēli pienesa tās asinis pie viņa, un viņš savu pirkstu iemērca tanīs asinīs un lika tās uz altāra ragiem, pēc tam viņš izlēja tās asinis uz altāra grīdu.
His sons brought the blood to him. He dipped his finger in the blood and put it on the horns of the altar. He poured out the rest of the blood at the bottom of the altar.
10 Bet taukus un īkstis un taukus no aknām pie tā grēku upura viņš iededzināja uz altāra, itin kā Tas Kungs Mozum bija pavēlējis.
He burned the fat, the kidneys, and the best part of the liver from the sin offering on the altar, as the Lord had ordered Moses to do.
11 Un gaļu un ādu viņš sadedzināja ar uguni ārpus lēģera.
However, he burned up the meat and the skin outside the camp.
12 Pēc tam viņš nokāva to dedzināmo upuri, un Ārona dēli nesa tās asinis pie viņa un to slacīja ap altāri,
Aaron killed the burnt offering. His sons brought him the blood, and he sprinkled it on the sides of the altar.
13 Un tie pienesa pie viņa to dedzināmo upuri savos gabalos ar to galvu, un viņš to iededzināja uz altāra.
They brought him the head and all the other pieces of the burnt offering, and he burned them on the altar.
14 Un viņš mazgāja tās iekšas un tās kājas un tās iededzināja virs tā dedzināmā upura uz altāra.
He washed the insides and the legs and burned them with the rest of the burnt offering on the altar.
15 Pēc tam viņš pienesa to ļaužu upuri un ņēma to grēku upura āzi, kas bija priekš tiem ļaudīm, un to nokāva un to sataisīja par grēku upuri, tā kā to pirmo.
Then Aaron presented the offerings of the people. He killed the male goat as the sin offering for the people, and offered it in the same way as his own sin offering.
16 Un viņš pieveda to dedzināmo upuri un to sataisīja pēc tiesas.
He presented the burnt offering, doing so in accordance with the regulations.
17 Un viņš pienesa to ēdamo upuri un ņēma no tā pilnu sauju un to iededzināja uz altāra, vēl klāt pie tā rīta dedzināmā upura.
He presented the grain offering. He took a handful from it and burned it on the altar, in addition to the burnt offering presented earlier that morning.
18 Pēc tam viņš nokāva to vērsi un to aunu par pateicības upuri priekš tiem ļaudīm. Un Ārona dēli pienesa tās asinis pie viņa, un viņš tās slacīja ap altāri,
Aaron killed the bull and the ram as the peace offering for the people. His sons brought him the blood, and he sprinkled it on the sides of the altar.
19 Un tos taukus no tā vērša un no tā auna to asti, un kas iekšas apklāj, un tās īkstis un tos aknu taukus.
They also brought him the fat portions from the bull, and from the ram—the fat tail, the fat covering the insides, the kidneys, and the best part of the liver—
20 Un tie lika tos taukus uz tām krūtīm, un viņš iededzināja tos taukus uz altāra,
and put them on the breasts. Aaron burned the fat portions on the altar,
21 Bet tās krūtis un to labo pleci Ārons līgoja par līgojamu upuri Tā Kunga priekšā, tā kā Mozus bija pavēlējis.
but he waved the breasts and the right thigh as a wave offering before the Lord, as Moses had ordered him to do.
22 Pēc tam Ārons pacēla savu roku uz tiem ļaudīm un tos svētīja, un nokāpa, kad bija beidzis grēku upuri un dedzināmo upuri un pateicības upuri.
Then Aaron held up his hands towards the people and blessed them. After that he came down from the altar, having completed the sin offering, the burnt offering, and the peace offering.
23 Un Mozus un Ārons gāja saiešanas teltī; pēc tie nāca ārā un svētīja tos ļaudis. Un Tā Kunga godība parādījās visiem ļaudīm.
Moses and Aaron went into the Tent of Meeting. When they came out, they blessed the people, and the glory of the Lord was revealed to everyone.
24 Jo uguns izgāja no Tā Kunga un aprija uz altāra to dedzināmo upuri un tos taukus; un visi ļaudis to redzēja un gavilēja un krita uz savu vaigu.
Fire came from the presence of the Lord and burned up the burnt offering and the fat portions on the altar. When everyone saw this, they shouted for joy and fell down with their faces to the ground.