< Sog̒u 3 >
1 Šie nu ir tie pagāni, ko Tas Kungs atstāja, ka Viņš caur tiem Israēli kārdinātu, kas nekā nezināja no Kanaāna kariem;
And these [are] the nations which the Lord left to prove Israel with them, all that had not known the wars of Chanaan.
2 Lai Israēla bērnu pēcnākamie zinātu un mācītos karu, tie, kas no tā vēl nekā nezināja.
Only for the sake of the generations of Israel, to teach them war, only the men before them knew them not.
3 Pieci Fīlistu valdnieki un visi Kanaānieši un Sidonieši un Hivieši, kas dzīvoja Lībanus kalnos, un no BaālErmona kalna līdz Hamatai.
The five lordships of the Phylistines, and every Chananite, and the Sidonian, and the Evite who dwelt in Libanus from the mount of Aermon to Laboemath.
4 Šie tad bija, lai Israēls caur tiem tiktu kārdināts, ka taptu zināms, vai tie klausīs Tā Kunga baušļiem, ko Viņš viņu tēviem bija pavēlējis caur Mozu.
And [this] was done in order to prove Israel by them, to know whether they would obey the commands of the Lord, which he charged their fathers by the hand of Moses.
5 Un Israēla bērni dzīvoja vidū starp Kanaāniešiem, Hetiešiem un Amoriešiem un Fereziešiem un Hiviešiem un Jebusiešiem.
And the children of Israel dwelt in the midst of the Chananite, and the Chettite, and the Amorite, and the Pherezite, and the Evite, and the Jebusite.
6 Un tie sev ņēma viņu meitas par sievām un deva savas meitas viņu dēliem un kalpoja viņu dieviem,
And they took their daughters for wives to themselves, and they gave their daughters to their sons, and served their gods.
7 Un Israēla bērni darīja, kas Tam Kungam nepatika, un aizmirsa To Kungu, savu Dievu, un kalpoja Baāliem un Astartēm.
And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and forgot the Lord their God, and served Baalim and the groves.
8 Tad Tā Kunga bardzība iedegās pret Israēli un Viņš tos pārdeva Kuzan Rizataīma, Mezopotamijas ķēniņa, rokā, un Israēla bērni kalpoja Kuzan Rizataīmam astoņus gadus.
And the Lord was very angry with Israel, and sold them into the hand of Chusarsathaim king of Syria of the rivers: and the children of Israel served Chusarsathaim eight years.
9 Tad Israēla bērni brēca uz To Kungu, un Tas Kungs Israēla bērniem cēla pestītāju, kas tos izpestīja, Otniēli, Ķenasa, Kāleba jaunākā brāļa, dēlu.
And the children of Israel cried to the Lord; and the Lord raised up a saviour to Israel, and he saved them, Gothoniel the son of Kenez, the brother of Chaleb younger than himself.
10 Un Tā Kunga Gars bija uz viņu, un viņš bija par soģi Israēlim un izgāja karā, un Tas Kungs deva viņa rokā Kuzan Rizataīmu, Mezopotamijas ķēniņu, un viņa roka bija stipra pār Kuzan Rizataīmu.
And the Spirit of the Lord came upon him, and he judged Israel; and he went out to war against Chusarsathaim: and the Lord delivered into his hand Chusarsathaim king of Syria of the rivers, and his hand prevailed against Chusarsathaim.
11 Tad zemei bija miers četrdesmit gadus, un Otniēls, Ķenasa dēls, nomira.
And the land was quiet forty years; and Gothoniel the son of Kenez died.
12 Bet Israēla bērni joprojām darīja, kas Tam Kungam nepatika. Tad Tas Kungs stiprināja Eglonu, Moaba ķēniņu, pret Israēli, tāpēc, ka tie darīja, kas Tam Kungam nepatika.
And the children of Israel continued to do evil before the Lord: and the Lord strengthened Eglom king of Moab against Israel, because they had done evil before the Lord.
13 Un viņš sapulcēja pie sevis Amona bērnus un Amaleku, un cēlās un kāva Israēli, un tie ieņēma to palmu pilsētu.
And he gathered to himself all the children of Ammon and Amalec, and went and smote Israel, and took possession of the city of Palm-trees.
14 Un Israēla bērni kalpoja Eglonam, Moaba ķēniņam, astoņpadsmit gadus.
And the children of Israel served Eglom the king of Moab eighteen years.
15 Tad Israēla bērni brēca uz To Kungu, un Tas Kungs tiem cēla par pestītāju Eūdu, Ģerus dēlu, no Benjamina cilts; tas bija kreilis, un Israēla bērni caur viņu sūtīja dāvanu Eglonam, Moaba ķēniņam.
And the children of Israel cried to the Lord; and he raised up to them a saviour, Aod the son of Gera a son of Jemeni, a man who used both hands alike: and the children of Israel sent gifts by his hand to Eglom king of Moab.
16 Un Eūds taisīja sev abējās pusēs griezīgu zobenu, olekts garumā, un to apjoza apakš savām drēbēm pie savas labās ciskas.
And Aod made himself a dagger of two edges, of a span long, and he girded it under his cloak upon his right thigh.
17 Un viņš Eglonam, Moaba ķēniņam, nonesa dāvanas, un Eglons bija ļoti resns vīrs.
And he went, and brought the presents to Eglom king of Moab, and Eglom [was] a very handsome man.
18 Un kad viņš to dāvanu bija nodevis, tad viņš tos ļaudis atlaida, kas to dāvanu bija nesuši.
And it came to pass when [Aod] had made an end of offering his gifts, that he dismissed those that brought the gifts.
19 Bet viņš griezās atpakaļ no tiem elku stabiem, kas bija Gilgalā un sacīja: man viens noslēpums tev jāsaka, ķēniņ. Un tas sacīja: klusu! Tad visi izgāja ārā, kas ap viņu stāvēja.
And he himself returned from the quarries that are by Galgal; and Aod said, I have a secret errand to thee, O king! and Eglom said to him, Be silent: and he sent away from his presence all who waited upon him.
20 Un Eūds pie viņa pienāca; bet viņš sēdēja kādā dzestrā kambarī, kas bija viņam vienam. Tad Eūds sacīja: man ir Dieva vārds uz tevi. Tad viņš cēlās no tā krēsla.
And Aod went in to him; and he sat in his own upper summer chamber quite alone; and Aod said, I have a message from God to thee, O king: and Eglom rose up from his throne near him.
21 Un Eūds izstiepa savu kreiso roku un ņēma to zobenu no savas labās ciskas un to viņam iedūra vēderā,
And it came to pass as he arose, that Aod stretched forth his left hand, and took the dagger off his right thigh, and plunged it into his belly;
22 Ka gan asmens, gan spals iegāja, un tie tauki to asmeni apklāja, jo viņš to zobenu no viņa vēdera neizvilka, un tas izgāja pakaļā cauri.
and drove in also the haft after the blade, and the fat closed in upon the blade, for he drew not out the dagger from his belly.
23 Tad Eūds izgāja ārā un aizslēdza tā kambara durvis aiz sevis un tās aizšāva.
And Aod went out to the porch, and passed out by the appointed [guards], and shut the doors of the chamber upon him, and locked [them].
24 Kad tas nu bija izgājis, tad viņa kalpi nāca, un redzēja, un lūk, kambara durvis bija aizslēgtas. Un tie sacīja: viņš gan savas kājas apklāj tai dzestrā kambarī.
And he went out: and Eglom's servants came, and saw, and behold, the doors of the upper chamber [were] locked; and they said, Does he not uncover his feet in the summer-chamber?
25 Kad tie nu gaidīja tik ilgi, ka paši kaunējās, un redzi, viņš tā kambara durvis neatdarīja, tad viņi ņēma atslēgu un atslēdza, un redzi, viņu kungs gulēja pie zemes nomiris.
And they waited till they were ashamed, and, behold, there was no one that opened the doors of the upper chamber; and they took the key, and opened them; and, behold, their lord was fallen down dead upon the earth.
26 Un Eūds izmuka, kamēr tie gaidīja, jo viņš gāja gar tiem elku stabiem un aizmuka uz Seīratu.
And Aod escaped while they were in a tumult, and no one paid attention to him; and he passed the quarries, and escaped to Setirotha.
27 Un kad viņš tur nonāca, tad viņš pūta trumetē uz Efraīma kalniem, un Israēla bērni nogāja ar viņu no tiem kalniem un viņš pats viņu priekšā.
And it came to pass when Aod came into the land of Israel, that he blew the horn in mount Ephraim, and the children of Israel came down with him from the mountain, and he [was] before them.
28 Un viņš uz tiem sacīja: steidzaties man pakaļ, jo Tas Kungs devis jūsu rokā jūsu ienaidniekus, tos Moabiešus. Un tie nogāja viņam pakaļ un uzņēma Jardānes pārejamo vietu, kas pret Moabu, un nevienu nelaida pāri.
And he said to them, Come down after me, for the Lord God has delivered our enemies, even Moab, into our hand; and they went down after him, and seized on the fords of Jordan before Moab, and he did not suffer a man to pass over.
29 Un tie kāva no Moabiešiem tanī laikā kādus desmit tūkstoš vīrus, visus brangus un visus stiprus, ka neviens neizspruka.
And they smote Moab on that day about ten thousand men, every [lusty] person and every mighty man; and not a man escaped.
30 Tad Moabs tai dienā tapa pazemots apakš Israēla bērnu rokas, un zemei bija miers astoņdesmit gadus.
So Moab was humbled in that day under the hand of Israel, and the land had rest eighty years; and Aod judged them till he died.
31 Un pēc viņa bija Zamgars, Anata dēls, tas kāva no Fīlistiem sešsimt vīrus ar vēršu dzenamo. Tā viņš arīdzan Israēli izpestīja.
And after him rose up Samegar the son of Dinach, and smote the Philistines to the number of six hundred men with a ploughshare [such as is drawn by] oxen; and he too delivered Israel.