< Sog̒u 14 >

1 Un Simsons nogāja uz Timnatu un redzēja vienu sievieti Timnatā no Fīlistu meitām.
Samson went down to Timnah, and saw a woman in Timnah of the daughters of the Philistines.
2 Un viņš aizgāja un to stāstīja savam tēvam un savai mātei un sacīja: Timnatā es esmu redzējis sievieti no Fīlistu meitām, - un nu ņemiet man to par sievu.
He came up, and told his father and his mother, saying, “I have seen a woman in Timnah of the daughters of the Philistines. Now therefore get her for me as my wife.”
3 Tad viņa tēvs un viņa māte uz viņu sacīja: vai nav starp tavu brāļu meitām kāda sieva un starp visiem maniem ļaudīm, ka tu noej sievu ņemt no Fīlistiem, tiem neapgraizītiem? Un Simsons sacīja uz savu tēvu: ņem man viņu, jo tā manām acīm patīk.
Then his father and his mother said to him, “Isn’t there a woman amongst your brothers’ daughters, or amongst all my people, that you go to take a wife of the uncircumcised Philistines?” Samson said to his father, “Get her for me, for she pleases me well.”
4 Bet viņa tēvs un viņa māte nezināja, ka tas bija no Tā Kunga, ka viņš iemeslus meklētu pie Fīlistiem; bet Fīlisti valdīja tanī laikā pār Israēli.
But his father and his mother didn’t know that it was of the LORD; for he sought an occasion against the Philistines. Now at that time the Philistines ruled over Israel.
5 Tad Simsons ar savu tēvu un ar savu māti nogāja uz Timnatu. Kad tie nu pie Timnatas vīna kalniem nāca, redzi, tad jauns lauva viņam rūca pretī.
Then Samson went down to Timnah with his father and his mother, and came to the vineyards of Timnah; and behold, a young lion roared at him.
6 Un Tā Kunga Gars nāca pār viņu, un viņš to saplēsa, tā kā kazlēnu saplēš, un viņa rokā nebija nekā; bet viņš ne savam tēvam, ne savai mātei nesacīja, ko viņš bija darījis.
The LORD’s Spirit came mightily on him, and he tore him as he would have torn a young goat with his bare hands, but he didn’t tell his father or his mother what he had done.
7 Un viņš nonāca un runāja ar to sievu, un tā patika Simsona acīm.
He went down and talked with the woman, and she pleased Samson well.
8 Un kad viņš pēc kādām dienām griezās atpakaļ, viņu ņemt, tad viņš no ceļa nogāja, raudzīt tā lauvas maitu, un redzi lauvas maitā bija bišu pulks ar medu.
After a while he returned to take her, and he went over to see the carcass of the lion; and behold, there was a swarm of bees in the body of the lion, and honey.
9 Un viņš to ņēma savās rokās un gāja projām un ēda un gāja pie sava tēva un pie savas mātes un tiem deva, un tie ēda, bet viņš tiem nesacīja, ka viņš to medu bija ņēmis no lauvas maitas.
He took it into his hands, and went on, eating as he went. He came to his father and mother and gave to them, and they ate, but he didn’t tell them that he had taken the honey out of the lion’s body.
10 Kad nu viņa tēvs pie tās sievas bija nonācis, tad Simsons tur turēja kāzas, jo tā tie jaunekļi mēdza darīt.
His father went down to the woman; and Samson made a feast there, for the young men used to do so.
11 Un kad tie viņu redzēja, tad tie ņēma trīsdesmit biedrus, un tie bija pie viņa.
When they saw him, they brought thirty companions to be with him.
12 Un Simsons uz tiem sacīja: es jums došu mīklu minēt; kad jūs to man šinīs septiņās kāzu dienās sacīsiet un uzminēsiet, tad es jums došu trīsdesmit kreklus no smalka audekla un trīsdesmit svētku drēbes.
Samson said to them, “Let me tell you a riddle now. If you can tell me the answer within the seven days of the feast, and find it out, then I will give you thirty linen garments and thirty changes of clothing;
13 Un ja jūs man to nevarēsiet uzminēt, tad jums man būs dot trīsdesmit kreklus no smalka audekla un trīsdesmit svētku drēbes. Un tie uz viņu sacīja: pasaki savu mīklu, lai mēs to dzirdam.
but if you can’t tell me the answer, then you shall give me thirty linen garments and thirty changes of clothing.” They said to him, “Tell us your riddle, that we may hear it.”
14 Un viņš uz tiem sacīja: barība izgāja no rijēja un saldums izgāja no stiprā. Un tanīs trijās dienās tie to mīklu nevarēja uzminēt.
He said to them, “Out of the eater came out food. Out of the strong came out sweetness.” They couldn’t in three days declare the riddle.
15 Un septītā dienā tie sacīja uz Simsona sievu: pārrunā savu vīru, lai viņš mums to mīklu saka, ka mēs tevi un tava tēva namu nesadedzinām ar uguni; vai jūs mūs esat aicinājuši, mūsu mantu mums atņemt, vai ne?
On the seventh day, they said to Samson’s wife, “Entice your husband, that he may declare to us the riddle, lest we burn you and your father’s house with fire. Have you called us to impoverish us? Isn’t that so?”
16 Un Simsona sieva raudāja pie viņa un sacīja: tu mani tikai ienīsti, un mani nemīli; tu manu ļaužu bērniem esi devis mīklu un man to nesaki. Un viņš uz to sacīja: redzi, es ne savam tēvam, ne savai mātei to neesmu sacījis, un tev lai es to saku?
Samson’s wife wept before him, and said, “You just hate me, and don’t love me. You’ve told a riddle to the children of my people, and haven’t told it to me.” He said to her, “Behold, I haven’t told my father or my mother, so why should I tell you?”
17 Bet tā raudāja pie viņa septiņas dienas, kamēr tās kāzas bija, bet septītā dienā tas viņai to sacīja, jo viņa to spieda. Un viņa sacīja to mīklu savu ļaužu bērniem.
She wept before him the seven days, while their feast lasted; and on the seventh day, he told her, because she pressed him severely; and she told the riddle to the children of her people.
18 Tad tās pilsētas vīri uz viņu sacīja septītā dienā, pirms saule nogāja: kas ir saldāks nekā medus? Kas ir stiprāks nekā lauva? Un viņš uz tiem sacīja: ja jūs ar manu teļu nebūtu aruši, tad jūs manu mīklu nebūtu uzminējuši.
The men of the city said to him on the seventh day before the sun went down, “What is sweeter than honey? What is stronger than a lion?” He said to them, “If you hadn’t ploughed with my heifer, you wouldn’t have found out my riddle.”
19 Tad Tā Kunga Gars nāca pār viņu un viņš nogāja uz Askalonu un nokāva no tiem trīsdesmit vīrus, un ņēma viņu novilktās drēbes un deva svētku drēbes tiem, kas to mīklu bija uzminējuši. Bet viņa dusmas iedegās un viņš aizgāja sava tēva namā.
The LORD’s Spirit came mightily on him, and he went down to Ashkelon and struck thirty men of them. He took their plunder, then gave the changes of clothing to those who declared the riddle. His anger burnt, and he went up to his father’s house.
20 Un Simsona sieva tika dota viņa biedram, kas tam bija bijis par biedru.
But Samson’s wife was given to his companion, who had been his friend.

< Sog̒u 14 >