< Jozuas 5 >
1 Un notikās, kad visi Amoriešu ķēniņi, kas viņpus Jardānes pret jūru un visi Kanaāniešu ķēniņi, kas jūrmalā, dzirdēja, ka Tas Kungs bija licis izsīkt Jardānes ūdenim Israēla bērnu priekšā, tiekams tie bija gājuši cauri, tad viņu sirds tapa bailīga, un tiem izzuda drošība Israēlu bērnu priekšā.
And it came to pass, when all the kings of the Amorites who were over the Jordan westward, and all the kings of the Canaanites who were by the sea, heard how that Yahweh had dried up the waters of the Jordan, from before the sons of Israel, until they had passed over, that their heart melted, and there was no spirit in them any more, because of the sons of Israel.
2 Tanī laikā Tas Kungs sacīja uz Jozua: taisi sev akmens nažus un apgraizī atkal Israēla bērnus otru reiz.
At that time, said Yahweh unto Joshua, Make thee knives of flint, —and again circumcise the sons of Israel, a second time.
3 Tad Jozuas taisīja sev akmens nažus un apgraizīja Israēla bērnus uz Aralot pakalna.
So Joshua made him knives of flint, —and circumcised the sons of Israel, at the Hill of Foreskins.
4 Un tādēļ Jozuas tos apgraizīja: visi ļaudis no vīriešu kārtas, kas no Ēģiptes zemes bija izgājuši, visi kara vīri bija nomiruši tuksnesī uz ceļa, no Ēģiptes zemes nākot.
Now, this, is the cause why Joshua did circumcise, —all the people who came forth out of Egypt, who were males, all the men of war, died in the desert, by the way, after they came forth out of Egypt.
5 Jo visi ļaudis, kas izgāja, bija apgraizīti. Bet visi ļaudis, kas bija dzimuši tuksnesī, ceļā no Ēģiptes zemes nākot, tie nebija apgraizīti.
For, though all the people who came forth had been circumcised, yet, all the people who were born in the desert by the way, after they came forth out of Egypt, had they not circumcised.
6 Jo Israēla bērni staigāja četrdesmit gadus tuksnesī, tiekams bija izmiruši visi karavīri, kas no Ēģiptes zemes bija izgājuši, tādēļ ka Tā Kunga balsij nebija klausījuši; tiem Tas Kungs bija zvērējis, ka Viņš tiem to zemi negribot ļaut redzēt, ko Viņš viņu tēviem bija zvērējis, mums dot, zemi, kur piens un medus tek.
Because, for forty years, did the sons of Israel journey in the desert, until all the nation who were men of war, who came forth out of Egypt, were consumed, because they hearkened not unto the voice of Yahweh, —unto whom Yahweh sware that he would not let them see the land, which Yahweh sware unto their fathers, that he would give unto us, a land flowing with milk and honey.
7 Bet viņu dēlus Viņš cēla viņu vietā; tos Jozuas apgraizīja, tāpēc ka tiem bija priekšāda, jo tie nebija apgraizīti ceļā.
Their sons, therefore, whom he had raised up in their stead, them, did Joshua circumcise, —for, uncircumcised, they were, in that they had not circumcised them by the way.
8 Un kad visi ļaudis bija apgraizīti, tad tie palika savā vietā lēģerī, tiekams bija dziedināti.
And so it came to pass, when they had made an end of circumcising all the nation, they remained in their place, in the camp, until they were healed.
9 Un Tas Kungs sacīja uz Jozua: šodien Es no jums esmu novērsis visu Ēģiptes kaunu. Tāpēc tās vietas vārds tapa nosaukts Gilgala (novēršana) līdz šai dienai.
Then said Yahweh unto Joshua, To-day, have I rolled away the reproach of Egypt from off you. Wherefore the name of that place is called Gilgal ["a rolling away"]unto this day.
10 Un Israēla bērni apmetās Gilgalā, un turēja Pasa svētkus mēneša četrpadsmitā dienā ap vakaru, Jērikus klajumos,
Thus then the sons of Israel encamped in Gilgal, —and kept the passover on the fourteenth day of the month, in the evening, in the waste plains of Jericho.
11 Un ēda Pasa svētku otrā dienā no tās zemes labības neraudzētu maizi un ceptas vārpas šinī dienā.
And they did eat of the corn of the land, on the morrow of the passover, unleavened cakes and parched ears of corn, —on this selfsame day.
12 Un tas manna beidzās otrā dienā pēc tam, kad tie bija ēduši no tās zemes labības, un tur nebija vairs manna Israēla bērniem, bet tie ēda to gadu no Kanaāna zemes augļiem.
And the manna ceased on the morrow, when they had eaten of the corn of the land, neither had the sons of Israel manna any more, —so they did eat of the yield of the land of Canaan throughout that year.
13 Un kad Jozuas bija pie Jērikus, tad viņš pacēla savas acis, un redzēja, un raugi, tur viens vīrs viņam stāvēja pretī, tam bija izvilkts zobens rokā, un Jozuas pie viņa gāja un sacīja: vai tu esi no mūsējiem vai no mūsu pretiniekiem?
And it came to pass, while Joshua was at Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes, and looked, and lo! a man standing over against him, with his sword drawn, in his hand, —so Joshua went unto him, and said to him, For us, art thou, or for our adversaries?
14 Un tas sacīja: nē, bet es esmu Tā Kunga karaspēka virsnieks, tagad es esmu nācis. Tad Jozuas metās zemē uz savu vaigu un to pielūdza un uz to sacīja: ko mans Kungs runā uz savu kalpu?
And he said—Nay, but, I, as prince of the host of Yahweh, have, now, come. So Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and worshipped, and said unto him, What is my lord speaking unto his servant?
15 Tad Tā Kunga karaspēka virsnieks sacīja uz Jozua: novelc savas kurpes no savām kājām, jo tā vieta, kur tu stāvi, ir svēta. Un Jozuas tā darīja.
Then said the prince of the host of Yahweh unto Joshua—Slip off thy sandals from thy feet, for, as for the place whereon thou art standing, holy, it is. And Joshua did so.