< Jozuas 21 >

1 Tad Levitu cilts tēvi piegāja pie priestera Eleazara un pie Jozuas, Nuna dēla, un pie Israēla bērnu cilts tēviem,
While Eleazar the Supreme Priest and Joshua and the leaders of all the Israeli tribes were at Shiloh, the leaders of the clans of the tribe of Levi went to them and said, “Yahweh commanded Moses that you should give us towns where we can have pasture/fields/grassland for our animals, [but you have not done these things yet].”
2 Un runāja uz tiem Šīlo Kanaāna zemē, sacīdami: Tas Kungs caur Mozu pavēlējis, mums dot pilsētas, kur varam dzīvot, ar ganībām priekš mūsu lopiem.
3 Tad Israēla bērni Levitiem deva no savām daļām pēc Tā Kunga vārda šīs pilsētas un viņu ganības.
So the Israeli leaders obeyed this command from Yahweh. They agreed to give towns and pasturelands to the tribe of Levi.
4 Un mesli krita Kehāta radiem. Un priestera Ārona bērniem no Levitiem caur mesliem krita trīspadsmit pilsētas no Jūda cilts un no Sīmeana cilts un no Benjamina cilts.
[First] they allotted some cities to the Kohath clans, who belonged to the tribe of Levi. To those who were descendants of the first Supreme Priest Aaron, they allotted 13 towns in the areas that had been allotted to the tribes of Judah, Simeon, and Benjamin.
5 Un tiem citiem Kehāta bērniem caur mesliem krita desmit pilsētas no Efraīma cilts radiem un no Dana cilts un no Manasus puscilts.
To the other members of the Kohath clan they allotted ten cities in the areas that had been allotted to the tribes of Ephraim, Dan, and the part of the tribe of Manasseh [that lives on the west side of the Jordan River].
6 Un Geršona bērniem caur mesliem krita trīspadsmit pilsētas no Īsašara cilts radiem un no Ašera cilts un no Naftalus cilts un no Manasus puscilts Basanā.
The people from the Gershon clans were allotted 13 cities in the areas that had been allotted to the tribes of Issachar, Asher, Naphtali, and the part of the tribe of Manasseh that lives on the east side of the Jordan [River].
7 Merarus bērniem pēc viņu radiem krita divpadsmit pilsētas no Rūbena cilts un no Gada cilts un no Zebulona cilts.
The people from the Merari clans were allotted twelve cities in the areas that had been allotted to the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and Zebulun.
8 Tā Israēla bērni Levitiem deva caur meslošanu šīs pilsētas un viņu ganības, kā Tas Kungs caur Mozu bija pavēlējis.
So the Israeli leaders gave cities and pastureland to the tribe of Levi, just as Yahweh had commanded Moses that they should do.
9 Un no Jūda bērnu cilts un no Sīmeana bērnu cilts tie deva šīs pilsētas, ko pie vārda nosauca,
These are the names of the cities and surrounding pasturelands that were allotted to them, that were in the areas where the tribes of Judah and Simeon lived.
10 Ka tie piederētu Ārona bērnu bērniem, no Kehāta radiem, no Levja bērniem; jo tie pirmie mesli viņiem krita.
First, they allotted cities to the members of the Kohath clans.
11 Un tie tiem deva Kiriat-Arbu, Enaka tēva pilsētu, tā ir Hebrone Jūda kalnos un viņas apkārtējās ganības.
They allotted to them Kiriath-Arba (which is [now named] Hebron), in the hilly area of Judah. Arba received its name because Arba was the ancestor of [the giants of] the Anak people-group.
12 Bet tās pilsētas tīrumu un līdz ar viņas ciemiem tie deva Kālebam, Jefunna dēlam, par dzimtu.
But the fields and villages surrounding Arba had already been allotted to Caleb.
13 Un tie deva priestera Ārona bērniem to glābšanas pilsētu priekš nokāvējiem, Hebroni un viņas ganības, un Libnu un viņas ganības,
They allotted to them Hebron, which was one of the cities to which people could run/escape to be safe/protected. They also allotted to the Kohath clan the cities of Libnah,
14 Un Jatiru un viņas ganības, un Estemou un viņas ganības,
Jattir, Eshtemoa,
15 Un Holonu un viņas ganības, un Debiru un viņas ganības,
Holon, Debir,
16 Un Aīnu un viņas ganības, un Jūtu un viņas ganības, un BetŠemesu un viņas ganības, - deviņas pilsētas no šīm divām ciltīm.
Ain, Juttah, and Beth-Shemesh. Altogether they were allotted those nine cities which were located in the areas that had been allotted to the tribes of Judah and Simeon.
17 Un no Benjamina cilts: Gibeonu un viņas ganības, Ģebu un viņas ganības,
The Kohath clan was also allotted these four cities: Gibeon, Geba,
18 Un Anatotu un viņas ganības, un Almonu un viņas ganības, - četras pilsētas.
Anathoth, and Almon. Those cities were in the area that had been allotted to the tribe of Benjamin.
19 Pavisam priestera Ārona dēliem bija trīspadsmit pilsētas ar savām ganībām.
Altogether those 13 towns and surrounding pastureland were allotted to the priests who were descended from Aaron.
20 Bet Kehāta bērnu radiem, tiem Levitiem, tiem citiem Kehāta bērniem krita caur mesliem tās pilsētas no Efraīma cilts.
The other members the Kohath clan were allotted four cities and the surrounding pastureland in the area that had been allotted to the tribe of Ephraim.
21 Un tiem deva Šehemi, to glābšanās pilsētu priekš nokāvējiem, un viņas ganības Efraīma kalnos, un Ģezeru un viņas ganības,
Those cities were Shechem (which was one of the cities to which people could run/escape to be safe/protected), Gezer,
22 Un Ķibcaīm un viņas ganības, un Bet-Oronu un viņas ganības, četras pilsētas.
Kibzaim, and Beth-Horon.
23 Un no Dana cilts: Elteku un viņas ganības, un Ģibetonu un viņas ganības,
They were also allotted four cities and surrounding pastureland in the area that had been allotted to the tribe of Dan. Those cities were Eltekeh, Gibbethon,
24 Un Ajaloni un viņas ganības, Gat-Rimonu un viņas ganības, - četras pilsētas.
Aijalon, and Gath-Rimmon.
25 Un no Manasus puscilts: Taēnaku un viņas ganības, un Gat-Rimonu un viņas ganības, divas pilsētas:
They were also allotted two towns and surrounding pastureland that had been allotted to [the] part of the tribe of Manasseh [that lived on the west side of the Jordan River]. Those cities were Taanach and Gath-Rimmon.
26 Pavisam kopā priekš tiem citiem Kehāta bērnu radiem desmit pilsētas ar savām ganībām.
Those were the ten cities and surrounding pastureland that were allotted to the other members of the Kohath clan.
27 Un Geršona bērniem no Levitu radiem (krita) no Manasus puscilts tā glābšanās pilsēta priekš nokāvējiem, Golana Basanā un viņas ganības un Beēstra un viņas ganības, - divas pilsētas.
They also allotted towns and the surrounding pastureland to the Gershon clans. Those clans were also descended from Levi. They were allotted two cities from the area that had been allotted to the tribe of Manasseh [that is on the east side of the Jordan River]. Those cities were Golan in the Bashan region, which was one of the cities to which people could run/escape to be safe/protected, and Be-Eshtarah.
28 Un no Īsašara cilts Ķisjone un viņas ganības, un Dobrate un viņas ganības,
From the area that had been allotted to the tribe of Issachar they were allotted four cities. Those cities were Kishion, Daberath,
29 Jarmute un viņas ganības, Enganim un viņas ganības, - četras pilsētas,
Jarmuth, and En-Gannim.
30 Un no Ašera cilts Mizeale un viņas ganības, Abdone un viņas ganības.
From the area that had been allotted to the tribe of Asher they were allotted four cities. Those cities were Mishal, Abdon,
31 Elkata un viņas ganības, un Reoba un viņas ganības, - četras pilsētas.
Helkath, and Rehob.
32 Un no Naftalus cilts tā glābšanās pilsēta priekš nokāvējiem Ķedesā Galilejā un viņas ganības, Amot-Dore un viņas ganības, un Kartane un viņas ganības, - trīs pilsētas.
From the area that had been allotted to the tribe of Naphtali they were allotted three cities. Those cities were Kedesh in the Galilee region (it was one of the cities to which people could run/escape to be safe/protected), Hammoth-Dor, and Kartan.
33 Pavisam Geršona bērniem pēc viņu radiem ir trīspadsmit pilsētas ar savām ganībām.
So altogether the Gershon clans were allotted 13 cities and the surrounding pasturelands.
34 Un Merarus bērnu radiem, tiem citiem Levitiem, (krita) no Zebulona cilts Jokneane un viņas ganības, un Karta un viņas ganības,
The other descendants of Levi, the ones who belonged to the Merari clans, were also allotted towns and their surrounding pasturelands. From the area that had been allotted to the tribe of Zebulun they were allotted four cities. They were Jokneam, Kartah,
35 Dimna un viņas ganības, Naālale un viņas ganības, - četras pilsētas.
Dimnah, and Nahalal.
36 Un no Rūbena cilts Becere un viņas ganības, Jāca un viņas ganības.
From the area that had been allotted to the tribe of Reuben they were allotted four cities. They were Bezer, Jahaz,
37 Ķedemota un viņas ganības, un Mepaāta un viņas ganības, - četras pilsētas.
Kedemoth, and Mephaath.
38 Un no Gada cilts krita tā glābšanās pilsēta priekš nokāvējiem, Rāmote Gileādā un viņas ganības,
From the area that had been allotted to the tribe of Gad they were allotted four cities. They were Ramoth, which was one of the cities in the Gilead region to which people could run/escape to be safe/protected, Mahanaim,
39 Un Mahānaīm un viņas ganības, Hešbona un viņas ganības, Jaēzere un viņas ganības, pavisam četras pilsētas.
Heshbon, and Jazer.
40 Visas šīs pilsētas piederēja Merarus bērniem pēc viņu radiem, kas arī vēl bija no Levitu radiem, un caur mesliem tiem krita divpadsmit pilsētas.
Altogether twelve cities were allotted to the Merari clans.
41 Pavisam Levitu pilsētu Israēla bērnu zemē bija četrdesmit un astoņas ar savām ganībām.
So altogether 48 cities were allotted to the tribe of Levi,
42 Visas šīs pilsētas bija savrup ar savām apkārtējām ganībām; tā bija ar visām šīm pilsētām.
and each city had surrounding pastureland.
43 Tā Tas Kungs Israēlim deva visu to zemi, ko Viņš bija zvērējis dot viņu tēviem, un tie to uzņēma un tur dzīvoja.
In that way Yahweh allotted to the Israeli people all the land that he had promised to give to their/our ancestors. The Israeli people took control of [most of] those areas and started to live there.
44 Un Tas Kungs tiem deva mieru visapkārt, tā kā Tas Kungs viņu tēviem bija zvērējis, un no visiem viņu ienaidniekiem neviens nepastāvēja viņu priekšā, visus viņu ienaidniekus Tas Kungs deva viņu rokā.
Just like he had promised our ancestors, Yahweh allowed them/us to have peace with the enemies that surrounded them/us. Yahweh enabled the Israelis/us to defeat their/our enemies.
45 Un neviena vārda netrūka no visiem tiem labiem vārdiem, ko Tas Kungs uz Israēla namu bija runājis, - viss tas notika.
Yahweh did all the things that he had promised to the Israeli people/us. Everything that he said would happen did happen.

< Jozuas 21 >