< Jāņa Evaņg̒elijs 21 >
1 Pēc tam Jēzus tiem mācekļiem atkal parādījās pie Tiberijas jūras, un Viņš tā parādījās.
After this, Jesus again showed Himself to the disciples. It was at the Lake of Tiberias. The circumstances were as follows.
2 Tur bija kopā Sīmanis Pēteris un Toms, dvīnis saukts, un Natanaēls no Kānas iekš Galilejas un tie Cebedeja dēli un divi citi no Viņa mācekļiem.
Simon Peter was with Thomas, called the Twin, Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zabdi, and two others of the Master's disciples.
3 Sīmanis Pēteris uz tiem saka: “Es iešu zvejot.” Tad tie uz viņu saka: “Mēs arī iesim tev līdz!” Tad tie izgāja un tūdaļ iekāpa laivā un nekā nedabūja tajā naktī.
Simon Peter said to them, "I am going fishing." "We will go too," said they. So they set out and went on board their boat; but they caught nothing that night.
4 Bet kad gaisma jau bija aususi, Jēzus stāvēja malā, un tie mācekļi nezināja, to esam Jēzu.
When, however, day was now dawning, Jesus stood on the beach, though the disciples did not know that it was Jesus.
5 Tad Jēzus uz tiem saka: “Bērni, vai jums nav ko ēst?” Tie Viņam atbildēja: “Nav nekā!”
He called to them. "Children," He said, "have you any food there?" "No," they answered.
6 Bet Viņš uz tiem sacīja: “Metiet tīklu pa laivas labo pusi, tad jūs atradīsiet.” Tad tie izmeta tīklu un vairs nespēja to vilkt tā pulka zivju dēļ.
"Throw the net in on the right hand side," He said, "and you will find fish." So they threw the net in, and now they could scarcely drag it along for the quantity of fish.
7 Tad tas māceklis, ko Jēzus mīlēja, uz Pēteri saka: “Tas ir Tas Kungs!” Tad Pēteris dzirdēdams, ka Tas esot Tas Kungs, drēbi apvilka (jo viņš bija noģērbies) un iemetās jūrā.
This made the disciple whom Jesus loved say to Peter, "It is the Master." Simon Peter therefore, when he heard the words, "It is the Master," drew on his fisherman's shirt--for he had not been wearing it--put on his girdle, and sprang into the water.
8 Bet tie citi mācekļi nāca ar laivu, jo tie nebija tālu no malas, bet pie divsimt olekšu nost, un vilka to tīklu ar tām zivīm.
But the rest of the disciples came in the small boat (for they were not far from land--only about a hundred yards off), dragging the net full of fish.
9 Kad tie nu izkāpa pie malas, tad tie redzēja ogles liktas un zivis uz tām un maizi.
As soon as they landed, they saw a charcoal fire burning there, with fish broiling on it, and bread close by.
10 Jēzus uz tiem saka: “Atnesiet šurp no tām zivīm, ko jūs tagad esat dabūjuši.”
Jesus told them to fetch some of the fish which they had just caught.
11 Sīmanis Pēteris iekāpa un to tīklu izvilka malā pilnu ar lielām zivīm, pusotru simts un trīs. Un jebšu to tik daudz bija, tomēr tas tīkls nesaplīsa.
So Simon Peter went on board the boat and drew the net ashore full of large fish, 153 in number; and yet, although there were so many, the net had not broken.
12 Jēzus uz tiem saka: “Nāciet un turiet azaidu.” Bet neviens no tiem mācekļiem nedrīkstēja Viņam jautāt, kas Tu esi? Jo tie gan zināja, ka Viņš bija Tas Kungs.
"Come this way and have breakfast," said Jesus. But not one of the disciples ventured to question Him as to who He was, for they felt sure that it was the Master.
13 Tad Jēzus nāk un to maizi ņem un tiem to dod, tā arī no tām zivīm.
Then Jesus came and took the bread and gave them some, and the fish in the same way.
14 Šī nu trešā reize, ka Jēzus Saviem mācekļiem parādījies pēc Savas augšām celšanās no miroņiem.
This was now the third occasion on which Jesus showed Himself to the disciples after He had risen from among the dead.
15 Kad tie nu to azaidu bija noturējuši, tad Jēzus uz Sīmani Pēteri saka: “Sīmani, Jonas dēls, vai tu Mani vairāk mīli nekā šie?” Tas uz Viņu saka: “Tiešām, Kungs, Tu zini, ka es Tevi mīlēju.” Viņš uz to saka: “Gani Manus jērus!”
When they had finished breakfast, Jesus asked Simon Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these others do?" "Yes, Master," was his answer; "you know that you are dear to me." "Then feed my lambs," replied Jesus.
16 Atkal otru reiz Viņš uz to saka: “Sīmani, Jonas dēls, vai tu Mani mīli?” Tas uz Viņu saka: “Tiešām, Kungs, Tu zini, ka es Tevi mīlēju.” Viņš uz to saka: “Gani Manas avis!”
Again a second time He asked him, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" "Yes, Master," he said, "you know that you are dear to me." "Then be a shepherd to my sheep," He said.
17 Trešo reiz Viņš uz to saka: “Sīmani, Jonas dēls, vai tu Mani mīli?” Pēteris noskuma, ka Viņš trešo lāgu uz to sacīja: “Vai tu Mani mīli?” Un sacīja uz Viņu: “Kungs Tu visas lietas zini; Tu zini, ka es Tevi mīlēju.” Jēzus uz to saka: “Gani Manas avis!
A third time Jesus put the question: "Simon, son of John, am I dear to you?" It grieved Peter that Jesus asked him the third time, "Am I dear to you?" "Master," he replied, "you know everything, you can see that you are dear to me." "Then feed my much-loved sheep," said Jesus.
18 Patiesi, patiesi, Es tev saku: tu, jaunāks būdams, pats esi jozies un esi gājis, kur gribēdams; bet, vecs tapis, tu savas rokas izstiepsi, un cits tevi jozīs un tevi vedīs, kur tu negribi.”
"In most solemn truth I tell you that whereas, when you were young, you used to put on your girdle and walk whichever way you chose, when you have grown old you will stretch out your arms and some one else will put a girdle round you and carry you where you have no wish to go."
19 Bet to Viņš sacīja, gribēdams rādīt, ar kādu nāvi tam bija Dievu godāt. Un to runājis Viņš uz to saka: “Nāc Man pakaļ!”
This He said to indicate the kind of death by which that disciple would bring glory to God; and after speaking thus He said to him, "Follow me."
20 Un Pēteris apgriezies redz to mācekli, ko Jēzus mīlēja, pakaļ nākam, kas arī pie tā vakariņa pie Viņa krūtīm bija gulējis un sacījis: Kungs, kurš ir tas, kas Tevi nodos?
Peter turned round and noticed the disciple whom Jesus loved following--the one who at the supper had leaned back on His breast and had asked, "Master, who is it that is betraying you?"
21 Kad Pēteris to redzēja, tad viņš saka uz Jēzu: “Kungs, kas tad būs ar šo?”
On seeing him, Peter asked Jesus, "And, Master, what about him?"
22 Jēzus uz to saka: “Ja Es gribu, ka šis paliek, kamēr Es nāku, kas tev par to? Nāc tu Man pakaļ!”
"If I desire him to remain till I come," replied Jesus, "what concern is that of yours? You, yourself, must follow me."
23 Tad šī valoda cēlās starp tiem brāļiem: “Šis māceklis nemirs.” Bet Jēzus viņam nebija sacījis, ka viņš nemirs, bet: “Ja Es gribu, ka viņš paliek, kamēr Es nāku, kas tev par to?”
Hence the report spread among the brethren that that disciple would never die. Yet Jesus did not say, "He is not to die," but, "If I desire him to remain till I come, what concern is that of yours?"
24 Šis ir tas māceklis, kas liecību dod par šīm lietām un tās ir sarakstījis; un mēs zinām, ka viņa liecība uzticama.
That is the disciple who gives his testimony as to these matters, and has written this history; and we know that his testimony is true.
25 (Un vēl daudz citas lietas Jēzus ir darījis, un ja visas tās pēc kārtas uzrakstītu, tad man šķiet, ka arī visa pasaule tās sarakstītas grāmatas nevarētu saņemt. Āmen.)
But there are also many other things which Jesus did--so vast a number indeed that if they were all described in detail, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would have to be written.