< Ījaba 8 >
1 Tad Bildads no Šuhas atbildēja un sacīja:
But Baldad the Suhite, responding, said:
2 Cik ilgi tu tā gribi runāt? tavas mutes vārdi ir kā stiprs vējš, kas greznojās.
How long will you speak this way, so that the words of your mouth are like a changeable wind?
3 Vai Dievs pārgrozītu tiesu, un tas Visuvarenais pārgrozītu taisnību?
Does God supplant judgment, or does the Almighty subvert that which is just?
4 Kad tavi bērni pret Viņu grēkojuši, tad Viņš tos arī nodevis viņu grēku varā.
And if now your children have sinned against him, and he has dismissed them into the power of their iniquity,
5 Bet ja tu pie laika to stipro Dievu meklēsi un no tā Visuvarenā žēlastības lūgsies,
even so, you should arise early to God, so as to beseech the Almighty.
6 Ja tu šķīsts būsi un taisns, tad Viņš tevi gan uzlūkos un atkal uztaisīs tavas taisnības dzīvokli.
If you approach with purity and honesty, he will quickly be attentive to you, and a peaceful life will repay your righteousness,
7 Un ja tu iesākumā biji sīks, pēcgalā tu būsi ļoti liels.
so much so that, if your former things were small, your latter things would be multiplied greatly.
8 Jo vaicā jel tiem senajiem, un liec vērā, ko viņu tēvi piedzīvojuši.
For inquire of the earliest generation, and investigate diligently the history of the fathers,
9 Jo mēs esam vakarēji un nezinām nenieka; jo mūsu dienas ir kā ēna virs zemes.
(of course, we are but of yesterday and are ignorant that our days on earth are like a shadow, )
10 Viņi tevi gan mācīs un tev sacīs un no savas sirds runās.
and they will teach you; they will speak with you and will offer you the eloquence of their hearts.
11 Vai ašķi aug bez dūņām, vai niedres izaug bez ūdens?
Can the marsh plant live without moisture? Or can sedges grow without water?
12 Vēl zaļo, netiek plūktas, bet nokalst ātrāki nekā visa cita zāle.
When it is still in flower, and has not been pulled up by hand, it withers before all other plants.
13 Tā iet visiem, kas Dievu aizmirst, un blēža cerība iet bojā,
Just so are the ways of all who forget God, and the hope of the hypocrite will perish.
14 Viņa drošums iznīkst, un viņa patvērums ir kā zirnekļa tīkls.
His frenzy will not please him, and his faith will be like a spider’s web.
15 Viņš atslienas pie sava nama, bet tas nestāv, viņš gan pie tā turas, bet tas nepastāv.
He will lean on his house, and it will not stand; he will prop it up, but it will not rise.
16 Gan viņš ir zaļš, saulei spīdot, un viņa zari izplešas viņa dārzā,
He seems to have moisture before the sun arrives; and at sunrise, his sprout shoots forth.
17 Viņa saknes vijās ap akmeņiem un ķērās pie mūra ēkas.
His roots will crowd together over a heap of stones, and among the stones he will remain.
18 Kad viņš to izdeldē no viņa vietas, tad šī viņu aizliedz: Es tevi neesmu redzējusi.
If someone is devoured right beside him, he will deny him and will say: “I do not know you.”
19 Redzi, tāds ir viņa ceļa prieks, un no pīšļiem izaug atkal citi.
For this is the benefit of his way, that others in turn may spring up from the earth.
20 Redzi, Dievs neatmet sirdsskaidro, un neņem bezdievīgo pie rokas.
God will not discard the simple, nor will he extend his hand to the spiteful,
21 Kamēr Viņš tavu muti piepildīs ar smiešanos un tavas lūpas ar gavilēšanu,
even until your mouth is filled with laughter and your lips with rejoicing.
22 Tavi ienaidnieki taps apģērbti ar kaunu, un bezdievīgo dzīvokļa vairs nebūs.
Those who hate you, will be clothed with confusion, and the tabernacle of the impious will not continue.