< Jeremijas 21 >

1 Šis ir tas vārds, kas notika uz Jeremiju no Tā Kunga, kad ķēniņš Cedeķija pie viņa sūtīja Pašhuru, Malhijas dēlu, un priesteri Cefaniju, Maāsejas dēlu, un sacīja:
The word which it came to Jeremiah from with Yahweh when sent to him the king Zedekiah Pashhur [the] son of Malkijah and Zephaniah [the] son of Maaseiah the priest saying.
2 Vaicā jel To Kungu par mums; jo Nebukadnecars, Bābeles ķēniņš, pret mums karo. Varbūt ka Tas Kungs ar mums darīs pēc saviem brīnumiem, ka šis no mums atstātos.
Seek please for us Yahweh for Nebuchadnezzar [the] king of Babylon [is] waging war on us perhaps he will do Yahweh with us according to all wonders his and he may go up from on us.
3 Tad Jeremija uz tiem sacīja: sakāt tā Cedeķijam:
And he said Jeremiah to them thus you will say! to Zedekiah.
4 Tā saka Tas Kungs Israēla Dievs: redzi, Es griezīšu atpakaļ tos kara ieročus, kas ir jūsu rokās, ar ko jūs karojat pret Bābeles ķēniņu un pret Kaldejiem, kas pret jums ārpus mūriem apmetušies, un tos sapulcināšu šīs pilsētas vidū.
Thus he says Yahweh [the] God of Israel here I [am] about to turn round [the] weapons of war which [are] in hand your which you [are] fighting by them with [the] king of Babylon and with the Chaldeans who are laying siege on you from [the] outside of the wall and I will gather them into [the] middle of the city this.
5 Un Es pats pret jums karošu ar izstieptu roku un ar stipru elkoni un ar bardzību un ar karstumu un lielām dusmām.
And I will fight I with you by a hand outstretched and by an arm strong and in anger and in rage and in wrath great.
6 Un Es kaušu šās pilsētas iedzīvotājus, gan cilvēkus, gan lopus; caur lielu mēri tiem būs mirt.
And I will strike down [the] inhabitants of the city this and the humankind and the animal[s] by a pestilence great they will die.
7 Un pēc tam, saka Tas Kungs, Es nodošu Cedeķiju, Jūda ķēniņu, un viņa kalpus un tos ļaudis, kas šai pilsētā atlikuši no mēra, no zobena un no bada, Nebukadnecara, Bābeles ķēniņa, rokā un viņu ienaidnieku rokā un to rokā, kas viņu dzīvību meklē. Un viņš tos sitīs ar zobena asmeni, viņš tos nesaudzēs, netaupīs, nežēlos.
And after thus [the] utterance of Yahweh I will give Zedekiah [the] king of Judah and servants his - and the people and those [who] remain in the city this from the pestilence - from the sword and from the famine in [the] hand of Nebuchadnezzar [the] king of Babylon and in [the] hand of enemies their and in [the] hand of [those who] seek life their and he will strike down them to [the] mouth of [the] sword not he will have mercy on them and not he will show pity and not he will have compassion.
8 Un uz šiem ļaudīm tev būs sacīt: tā saka Tas Kungs: redzi, Es jums lieku priekšā dzīvības ceļu un nāves ceļu.
And to the people this you will say thus he says Yahweh here I [am] putting before you [the] way of life and [the] way of death.
9 Kas šai pilsētā paliek, tie mirs caur zobenu, caur badu un caur mēri. Bet kas iziet un dodas pie tiem Kaldejiem, kas pret jums ir apmetušies, tas dzīvos un mantos savu dvēseli.
The [one who] remains in the city this he will die by the sword and by famine and by pestilence and the [one who] goes out and he will fall on the Chaldeans who are laying siege on you (and he will live *Q(K)*) and it will belong to him life his to plunder.
10 Jo Es Savu vaigu esmu griezis pret šo pilsētu par ļaunu un ne par labu, saka Tas Kungs; tā Bābeles ķēniņam taps rokā dota un viņš to sadedzinās ar uguni.
For I have set face my on the city this for harm and not for good [the] utterance of Yahweh in [the] hand of [the] king of Babylon it will be given and he will burn it with fire.
11 Un par Jūda ķēniņa namu klausiet Tā Kunga vārdu:
And to [the] house of [the] king of Judah hear [the] word of Yahweh.
12 Ak Dāvida nams, tā saka Tas Kungs, nesiet ik rītu tiesu un izglābiet aplaupīto no spaidītāja rokas, ka Mana dusmība neizšaujās kā uguns un nedeg, ka neviens nevar dzēst, jūsu darbu ļaunuma dēļ.
O house of David thus he says Yahweh judge to the morning justice and deliver [one who] has been robbed from [the] hand of an oppressor lest it should go forth like fire rage my and it will burn and there not [will be one who] extinguishes because of [the] wickedness of (deeds your. *Q(K)*)
13 Redzi, Es celšos pret tevi, kas dzīvo ielejā, tu klajuma klints, saka Tas Kungs, pret jums, kas teiciet: kas mums varētu uzbrukt vai nākt mūsu māju vietās?
Here I [am] against you O inhabitant of the valley O rock of the plain [the] utterance of Yahweh O those [who] say who? will he come down on us and who? will he come in hiding places our.
14 Es jūs piemeklēšu pēc jūsu darbu augļiem, saka Tas Kungs, un Es iededzināšu viņas mežā uguni, tas aprīs visu viņas apkārtni.
And I will visit [judgment] on you according to [the] fruit of deeds your [the] utterance of Yahweh and I will kindle a fire in forest its and it will consume all around it.

< Jeremijas 21 >