< Jeremijas 19 >
1 Tā saka Tas Kungs: ej un pērc sev no podnieka māla krūzi, un ņem pie sevis kādus no ļaužu vecajiem un no priesteru vecajiem.
This is another message that Yahweh gave [to me]: “Go and buy a clay jar from a man who makes them. Then take with you some of the elders of the people and leaders of the priests.
2 Un ej ārā uz Ben-Inoma ieleju, kas ir priekš Ķieģeļu vārtiem, un sludini tur tos vārdus, ko Es uz tevi runāšu,
Go out [of the city] past the Gate of Broken Pots, to the place [overlooking the dump for broken pottery in] the Ben-Hinnom Valley. Then give them a message.
3 Un saki: klausiet Tā Kunga vārdu, Jūda ķēniņi un Jeruzālemes iedzīvotāji! Tā saka Tas Kungs Cebaot, Israēla Dievs: redzi, Es vedīšu nelaimi pār šo vietu, no kā visiem, kas to dzirdēs, ausīs skanēs.
Say to them, ‘[This message is for] you kings of Judah and [other] people of Jerusalem. Listen to what Yahweh is saying! The Commander of the armies of angels says that he will cause there to be a terrible disaster in [Jerusalem]. Those who hear about it will be stunned/shocked [IDM].
4 Tāpēc ka tie Mani atstāj un šo vietu svešiem nodevuši un tur kvēpinājuši svešiem dieviem, ko ne viņi, ne viņu tēvi, ne Jūda ķēniņi nav pazinuši, un to vietu piepildījuši ar nenoziedzīgām asinīm,
[That will happen] because [you Israeli] people have stopped worshiping me, and have caused this place to be a place where [you worship] foreign gods. You burn sacrifices to gods that neither you nor your ancestors nor [even] the kings of Judah ever heard about. And you have filled this place with the blood of innocent people [whom you have killed].
5 Un Baālam uztaisījuši altārus un savus bērnus ar uguni sadedzinājuši Baālam par dedzināmiem upuriem, ko Es neesmu pavēlējis, un neesmu runājis, un kas Man nav nācis sirdī.
You have built shrines to honor [your god] Baal, and at those shrines you have [killed] your own children and offered them to be sacrifices to Baal. I never commanded you to do that, I never spoke about doing that, I never even thought about anyone doing that.
6 Tādēļ, redzi, nāks dienas, saka Tas Kungs, ka šī vieta vairs netaps nosaukta Tovete vai Ben-Inoma ieleja, bet slepkavu ieleja.
So, beware, [because I, ] Yahweh, say that there will be a time when this garbage dump will no longer be called Topheth or Ben-Hinnom Valley; it will be called Slaughter Valley.
7 Jo Es iznīcināšu Jūda un Jeruzālemes padomu šinī vietā, un tiem likšu krist caur zobenu priekš viņu ienaidniekiem un caur to rokām, kas viņu dvēseli meklē, un Es nodošu viņu miesas par barību putniem apakš debess un zvēriem virs zemes.
In this place I will ruin the plans of [you people who live in] Jerusalem and in [other places in] Judah. I will allow your enemies who want to kill you to kill [many of] you with their swords. [Then] I will allow your corpses to remain on the ground to be food for vultures and wild animals.
8 Un šo pilsētu Es likšu par posta vietu un par apsmieklu; visi, kas iet garām, tie iztrūksies un svilpos par visām viņu mokām.
I will [completely destroy] Jerusalem and cause it to become a heap of ruins that people will despise. All the people who pass by will be appalled, and they will be shocked when they see that the city has been destroyed.
9 Un Es tiem došu ēst viņu dēlu miesas un viņu meitu miesas, un tie ēdīs ikviens sava tuvāka miesas tais bēdās un bailēs, ar ko tos spaidīs viņu ienaidnieki un kas viņu dvēseles meklē.
I will enable your enemies who want to kill you to surround the city for a long time. [Then the food will be all gone, and you people will be extremely hungry, with the result that] you people in the city will eat the flesh of your own children and your neighbors’ children.’
10 Tad tev to krūzi būs sadauzīt priekš to vīru acīm, kas tev gājuši līdz,
[Jeremiah, after you tell that to them], while the people who are with you are watching, smash the jar [that you brought].
11 Un uz tiem sacīt: tā saka Tas Kungs Cebaot: tāpat es šos ļaudis un šo pilsētu sadauzīšu, tā kā sadauza māla trauku, kas vairs nevar vesels tapt, un Tovetē raks līķus, tāpēc ka citas kapu vietas nebūs.
Then say to them, ‘This is what the Commander of the armies of angels says: “Just like this jar has been smashed and cannot be repaired, I will smash this city of Jerusalem and other places in Judah. You will bury some of your corpses here in this dump, until there is no more space to bury any more corpses.
12 Tā es šai vietai darīšu, saka Tas Kungs, un viņas iedzīvotājiem, un darīšu šo pilsētu kā Toveti.
That is what I will do to this city and to you people who live here. I will cause this city to be desecrated, like [King Josiah caused Topheth to be] a place that was unfit for people to worship me there.
13 Un Jeruzālemes nami un Jūda ķēniņu nami būs sagānīti, tā kā Tovetes vieta, un visi tie nami, uz kuru jumtiem tie kvēpinājuši visam debess spēkam un dzeramus upurus upurējuši svešiem dieviem.
The houses in Jerusalem and the palaces of the kings of Judah will be desecrated like this place will be. All the houses where you burned incense on the rooftops to honor the stars [that you worshiped], and where you poured out wine [to be an offering] to your gods, will become (desecrated/unacceptable places for people to worship me).”’”
14 Kad nu Jeremija no Tovetes pārnāca, kurp Tas Kungs viņu bija sūtījis sludināt, tad viņš nostājās Tā Kunga nama pagalmā un sacīja uz visu tautu:
Then I returned from the garbage dump where Yahweh had sent me to tell them that message. Then I stood in the courtyard of Yahweh’s temple and said this to all the people [who were there]:
15 Tā saka Tas Kungs Cebaot, Israēla Dievs: redzi, Es likšu nākt pār šo pilsētu un visām viņas pilsētām visai nelaimei, ko Es par to esmu runājis, tādēļ ka tie savu pakausi apcietinājuši un Manus Vārdus nav klausījuši.
“This is what the Commander of the armies of angels says: ‘I will cause there to be a disaster in this city and in the villages around it like I promised, because you people have stubbornly [IDM] refused to pay attention to what I said to you.’”