< Jēkaba Vēstule 3 >
1 Netopiet daudzi par mācītājiem, mani brāļi, zinādami, ka mēs grūtāku spriedumu dabūsim.
Not many of you should become teachers, my friends, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly than others.
2 Jo mēs visi klūpam daudz; ja kas ne vārdā neklūp, tas ir pilnīgs vīrs, spēcīgs, arī savaldīt visu miesu.
We often make mistakes, every one of us. Anyone who does not make mistakes when speaking is indeed a perfect person, able to bridle their whole body as well.
3 Redzi, zirgiem liekam iemauktus mutē, lai tie mums paklausa, un valdām visu viņu miesu.
When we put bits into horses’ mouths to make them obey us, we change their course the rest of their bodies.
4 Redzi, arī tādas lielas un no stipriem vējiem mētātas laivas top valdītas no mazas stūres, uz kurieni stūrmaņa prāts nesās.
Again, think of ships. Large as they are, and even when driven by fierce winds, they are guided by a very small rudder and steered in whatever direction the man at the helm may determine.
5 Tāpat arī mēle ir mazs loceklis un daudz ko padara; redzi, maza uguns, kādu lielu mežu tā iededzina!
So is it with the tongue. Small as it is, it is a great boaster. Think how a tiny spark may set the largest forest ablaze!
6 Mēle arīdzan ir uguns, pasaule pilna netaisnības; tāpat mēle starp mūsu locekļiem ir tas, kas visu miesu apgāna un iededzina visapkārt mūsu dzīvības ceļu, pati iededzināta no elles. (Geenna )
And the tongue is like a spark. It is a world of unrighteousness among the parts of our body. It contaminates the whole body; it sets the whole course of our existence on fire, and is itself set on fire by the flames of Gehenna. (Geenna )
7 Jo ikkatra daba, tā zvēru, kā putnu, tā tārpu, kā jūras zvēru, top valdīta un ir tapusi valdīta no cilvēcīgas dabas;
For while all kinds of animals, birds and reptiles and sea creatures can be tamed and have been tamed by humans,
8 Bet mēli neviens cilvēks nespēj savaldīt, to nepārvaramo ļaunumu ar nāves dzeloni.
no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless plague! It is charged with deadly poison!
9 Ar to mēs slavējam To Kungu un Tēvu, un ar to mēs nolādam cilvēkus, kas pēc Dieva ģīmja radīti.
With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made ‘in God’s likeness.’
10 No tās pašas mutes iziet svētīšana un lādēšana. Tam nebūs tā notikt, mani brāļi.
From the very same mouth come blessings and curses! My friends, it is not right that this should be so.
11 Vai arī no tā paša akas avota izverd salds un rūgts?
Does a spring give both good and bad water from the same source?
12 Mani brāļi, vai vīģes koks var nest eļļas koka augļus, vai vīna koks vīģes? Tāpat aka nevar dot sāļu un saldu ūdeni.
Can a fig tree, my friends, bear olives? Or a vine bear figs? No, nor can a brackish well give good water.
13 Kurš ir gudrs un prātīgs starp jums? Tas lai rāda caur savu labo dzīvošanu savus darbus iekš lēnīgas gudrības.
Who among you claims to be wise and intelligent? They should show that their actions are the outcome of a good life lived in the humility of true wisdom.
14 Bet ja jūs rūgtu bardzību un ienaidību turat savā sirdī, tad nelielāties un nemelojiet pret patiesību.
But if you harbor bitter envy and a spirit of rivalry in your hearts, do not boast or deny the truth.
15 Šī nav tā gudrība, kas nāk no augšienes zemē, bet tā ir pasaules, dabas un velna gudrība.
That is not the wisdom which comes from above; no, it is earthly, animalistic, demonic.
16 Jo kur bardzība un ienaids, tur ir sajukšana un visāds ļaunums.
For where envy and rivalry exist, there you will also find disorder and all kinds of bad, worthless actions.
17 Bet tā gudrība, kas ir no augšienes, papriekš ir šķīsta, pēc tam mierīga, lēna, paklausīga, pilna apžēlošanas un labu augļu, taisna un bez liekulības.
But the wisdom from above is, before everything else, pure; then peace-loving, gentle, open to conviction, rich in compassion and good deeds, and free from partiality and insincerity.
18 Bet taisnības auglis top sēts iekš miera tiem, kas mieru dara.
Justice is the harvest peacemakers will reap from seeds sown in a spirit of peace.