< Jesajas 1 >
1 Jesajas, Amoca dēla, parādīšana, ko viņš redzējis par Jūdu un Jeruzālemi Uzijas, Jotama, Ahaza un Hizkijas, Jūda ķēniņu, dienās.
This is the vision that Isaiah, son of Amoz, saw about Judah and Jerusalem in the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.
2 Klausāties, debesis, un ņem vērā, zeme, jo Tas Kungs runā: “Bērnus Es esmu uzaudzinājis un izvilcis, bet tie no Manis atkāpušies.
Heavens, listen! Earth, pay attention! For the Lord has spoken! I brought up children, I cared for them, but they have rebelled against me.
3 Vērsis pazīst savu kungu un ēzelis sava kunga sili; Israēls nepazīst, Mani ļaudis nesaprot.”
An ox knows its owner, and a donkey knows its feeding trough; but my people don't know me, they don't understand me.
4 Ak vai, tai grēcīgai tautai, tiem ļaudīm, kas grūti noziegušies, tam ļaundarītāju dzimumam, tiem bērniem, kas samaitājās; tie ir atstājuši To Kungu, nicinājuši to Svēto iekš Israēla, nogriezušies atpakaļ.
What a sinful nation—a people carrying such a load of guilt, an evil generation, corrupt children! They have abandoned the Lord. They have despised Israel's Holy One. They have become strangers. They have gone backwards.
5 Par ko jūs vēl vairāk būs sist, kad jūs vienmēr atkāpjaties? Visa galva ir vāja, un visa sirds nogurusi.
Are you wanting to be punished? Are you going to continue to rebel? The whole of your head is damaged, and your heart is totally giving out.
6 No pēdas līdz pat galvai tur nav veseluma, bet vātis un brūces un jaunas vainas, kas nav izspiestas nedz sasietas nedz ar eļļu mīkstinātas.
You're injured from head to toe, bruised and sore, with open wounds that haven't been cleaned or bandaged or treated with olive oil.
7 Jūsu zeme ir postaža, jūsu pilsētas ar uguni sadedzinātas, jūsu tīrumus, sveši ļaudis tos ēd, jums klāt esot, un ir posts, kā sveši ļaudis posta.
Your country has been devastated, your towns burned down, your fields stripped bare by foreigners right in front of you, as they turn it all into a wasteland.
8 Un Ciānas meita atlikusi kā būdiņa vīna dārzā, tā kā pieguļnieka vietiņa gurķu dārzā, kā aplēģerēta pilsēta.
The daughter of Zion is left like a shack in a vineyard, like a hut in a cucumber field, like a city under attack.
9 Ja Tas Kungs Cebaot mums nebūtu atlicinājis kādu mazumu, mēs būtu kā Sodoma, mēs būtu tā kā Gomora.
If the Lord Almighty hadn't let a few of us survive, we would have become like Sodom and Gomorrah.
10 Klausiet Tā Kunga vārdu, Sodomas virsnieki, ņemiet vērā mūsu Dieva mācību, Gomoras ļaudis.
Listen to what the Lord has to say, you rulers of Sodom! Pay attention to the instructions of our God, you people of Gomorrah!
11 Kas man no jūsu upuru pulka? Saka Tas Kungs; Es esmu apnicis aunu dedzināmos upurus un barotu teļu taukus, un vēršu un jēru un āžu asinis Es negribu.
What use are all your many sacrifices to me? asks the Lord. I am sick and tired of your burnt offerings of rams and the fat of sacrificial animals. I don't delight in the blood of bulls and lambs and goats!
12 Kad jūs nākat parādīties Manā priekšā, kas to no jums prasa, ka jūs saminat Manus pagalmus?
When you come to appear before me in worship, who asked you to proudly tramp around my courts?
13 Nenesiet vairs nelietīgu ēdamu upuri, tā Man ir neganta kvēpināšana; jaunos mēnešus un svētdienas un draudzes sapulces Es neieredzu, jūsu svētki ir blēdība.
Don't bring me any more meaningless offerings; your incense is offensive to me. Your new moon festivals and Sabbath observations and your calling of special religious meetings—I can't stand them because they're evil, as are your solemn assemblies.
14 Mana dvēsele ienīst jūsu jaunos mēnešus un jūsu svētku laikus. Tie Man ir par nastu, Es esmu piekusis tos panest.
I detest your new moon and yearly festivals with my whole being! They've become just a burden to me—I can't bear them anymore!
15 Un kad jūs savas rokas izpletīsiet, Es apslēpju Savas acis no jums, un kad jūs daudz lūgšanas turiet, tomēr Es neklausu, jo jūsu rokas ir asiņu pilnas.
When you hold up your hands to me in prayer, I'll look away. Even though you pray many prayers, I won't pay attention to them, because your hands are full of blood.
16 Mazgājaties, šķīstaties, atmetat savus ļaunos darbus no Manām acīm nost, nedarāt vairs ļauna.
Wash yourselves and clean yourselves up. Get rid of your sins—I don't want to see them! Stop doing evil!
17 Mācieties labu darīt, meklējat tiesu, atgriežat varas darītāju, izdodiet bāriņam tiesu, aizstāviet atraitni.
Learn to do good; strive for justice, condemn those who oppress others; support the rights of orphans, take up cases to defend widows.
18 Tad nāciet nu, tiesāsimies, saka Tas Kungs: kad jūsu grēki tik sarkani būtu kā asinis, taču tie taps balti kā sniegs, un jebšu tie būtu kā purpurs, taču tie kļūs tāpat kā vilna.
Come on, let's argue this out, says the Lord. Even though your sins are like scarlet, they will become white like snow. Even though they are red like crimson, they will become like wool.
19 Ja jūs gribēsiet un klausīsiet, tad jūs ēdīsiet zemes labumu.
If you really want this, and if you do as you're told, then you yourselves will eat the best things that the land produces.
20 Bet ja jūs liedzaties un turaties pretī, tad jūs no zobena tapsiet aprīti; jo Tā Kunga mute to runājusi.
But if you are defiant, and if you are rebellious, you'll be killed by the sword. This is what the Lord has declared!
21 Kā tā ticīgā pilsēta palikusi par mauku? Tā bija pilna tiesas, taisnība tur mājoja, bet nu slepkavas.
The city that used to be faithful has turned into a prostitute! Once she operated on principles of justice and followed what was right, but now only murderers live there.
22 Tavs sudrabs ir tapis par sārņiem, tavs vīns ir jaukts ar ūdeni.
Your silver has become worthless waste; you wine has been watered down.
23 Tavi virsnieki ir atkāpēji un zagļu biedri; tie visi kāro dāvanas un dzenās pēc maksas; bāriņam tie neizdod tiesu un atraitnes sūdzība nenāk viņu priekšā.
Your leaders are rebels, friends of thieves. They all love bribes and want to get kickbacks. They don't defend the rights of orphans, and refuse to take cases to help widows.
24 Tādēļ saka Tas Kungs Dievs Cebaot, Israēla Varenais: ak vai! Es iepriecināšos par Saviem pretiniekiem, es atriebšos pie Saviem ienaidniekiem.
So this is what the Lord says, the Lord Almighty, the Mighty One of Israel: Ha! I will take satisfaction in punishing my enemies, by paying back those who hate me!
25 Un Es griezīšu Savu roku pret tevi un tīrīšu kā ar sārmu tavus sārņus un nošķiršu visu tavu alvu.
I will turn against you. I will refine you in a furnace, removing all impurities.
26 Un Es tev atkal došu soģus kā senāk, un padoma devējus kā vecos laikos. Pēc tam tu tapsi saukta taisnības pils, ticīgā pilsēta.
I will give you good leaders as you used to have before, wise counselors as you had in the beginning. After that you will once again be called the City of Integrity, the Faithful City.
27 Ciāna caur tiesu taps izpestīta un viņas(dēli) atgriezīsies caur taisnību.
Zion will be rescued by justice, those who repent by doing right.
28 Bet tie pārkāpēji un grēcinieki visi taps satriekti, un kas no Tā Kunga atkāpjās, ies bojā.
But rebels and sinners will be destroyed together, and those who abandon the Lord will die.
29 Jo tie taps kaunā to ozolu dēļ, ko jūs bijāt iekārojuši, un jūs kaunēsities to dārzu dēļ, ko bijāt izredzējušies.
You will be ashamed about how you enjoyed your pagan worship among the oak trees; you will be embarrassed because you chose the pleasure gardens of idols.
30 Jo jūs būsiet tā kā ozols, kam lapas savīst, un kā dārzs, kam ūdens nav.
As a result you will become like an oak whose leaves have withered, a dried-out garden that has no water.
31 Tad varenais būs kā pakulas, un viņa darbs kā dzirkstele, un abi kopā degs un nebūs neviena, kas dzēš.
Your strong people will become like tinder, and their work will become like a spark. They will burn together, and nobody will be able to put out the flames.