< Jesajas 9 >

1 Bet tumsība nepaliks, kur (tagad) bēdas; pirmajā laikā Viņš kaunā licis Zebulona zemi un Naftalus zemi, bet pastara laikā Viņš cels godā jūrmalu, AizJardāni un pagānu Galileju.
However, those in Judah who have been distressed/worried will not [continue to] suffer. Previously, Yahweh humbled [the people in] the land [where the tribes of] Zebulun and Naphtali [live]. But in the future he will honor [the people who live in] that Galilee region, along the road between the Jordan [River] and the [Mediterranean] Sea, where [many] foreigners live.
2 Tie ļaudis, kas staigā tumsībā, redz lielu gaišumu; kas dzīvo nāves ēnas zemē, pār tiem spīd spožums.
[Some day, it will be as though] [MET] the people who walked in darkness will see a great light. A [great] light will shine on those who live in a land where they have great troubles/distress.
3 To tautu Tu esi vairojis; lielu prieku Tu tai esi devis; tie priecāsies Tavā priekšā, tā kā priecājās pļaujamā laikā, tā kā līksmojās laupījumu dalot.
[Yahweh], you will cause us people in Israel to rejoice; we will become very happy. We will rejoice about what you [have done] like [SIM] people rejoice when they harvest their crops, [or] like soldiers rejoice when they divide up among themselves the things that they have captured in a battle.
4 Jo viņu nastas jūgu un viņu muguras rīksti un viņu dzinēja dzenuli Tu esi salauzis kā Midijana laikā.
You will cause us to no longer be slaves [MET] [of those who captured us]; you will lift the heavy burdens from our shoulders. [It will be as though] you will break the rods of those who oppressed us, like you did when you destroyed [the army of] the Midian people-group.
5 Jo kurpes, autas uz kara troksni, un drēbes, apgānītas asinīm, taps sadedzinātas un no uguns aprītas.
The boots that the enemy soldiers have worn and their clothing which has stains of blood on them will all be burned up; they will only be fuel for a [big] fire.
6 Jo viens bērns mums dzimis, viens dēls mums dots, un valdība ir uz Viņa kamieša; un Viņa vārds top saukts: Brīnums, Padoma devējs, Varenais Dievs, Mūžīgais tēvs, Miera lielkungs.
Another reason that we will rejoice is that a [special] child will be born for us; [a woman will give birth to] a son, who will be our ruler. And his names will be ‘Wonderful Counselor’, ‘Mighty/Powerful God’, ‘[Our] Everlasting Father’, and ‘Prince/Ruler [who enables us to have] Peace’.
7 Lai valdība top vairota, un mieram nav gala uz Dāvida goda krēsla un Viņa valstībā, ka Viņš to sataisa un stiprina ar tiesu un taisnību no šī laika mūžīgi. To darīs Tā Kunga Cebaot karstums.
His rule, and the peace that he [brings/causes], will never end. He will rule [MTY] fairly and justly [DOU], like [his ancestor King] David did. This will happen because the Commander of the armies of angels greatly desires that it happen.
8 Tas Kungs vienu vārdu ir sūtījis pie Jēkaba, un tas ir nolaidies pie Israēla.
The Lord has warned the people of Israel, the descendants of Jacob; he has said that [he will punish] them.
9 Un visi ļaudis to samanīs, Efraīms un Samarijas iedzīvotāji, kas lielībā un sirds lepnībā saka:
And all the people in Samaria and [other places in] Israel know that, [but] they are very proud and arrogant [DOU]. They say, “Our city has been destroyed, but we will [take away the broken bricks from the ruins] [and] replace them with carefully cut stones. Our sycamore-fig trees have been cut down [by our enemies], but we will plant cedar trees [in their place].”
10 Ķieģeļi gruvuši, bet ar cirstiem akmeņiem atkal uztaisīsim, meža vīģu koki ir nocirsti, bet viņu vietā stādīsim ciedru kokus.
11 Jo Tas Kungs paaugstina Recina pretiniekus pār viņu un saskubina viņa ienaidniekus,
But Yahweh brought the armies of [Assyria], the enemies of King Rezin [of Syria, to fight] against Israel and incited [other] nations [to attack Israel].
12 Sīriešus no rītiem un Fīlistus no vakariem, ka tie Israēli ēd pilnā mutē. Ar visu to Viņa dusmība nenovēršas, un Viņa roka vēl ir izstiepta.
[The army of] Syria [came] from the east, and [the army of] Philistia [came] from the west, and they destroyed Israel [like a wild animal tears another animal apart and] [MET] devours it. But even after that happened, Yahweh was still very angry with them. He was ready to strike them with his fist again.
13 Bet tie ļaudis negriežas pie Tā, kas tos sit, un nemeklē To Kungu Cebaot.
[But even though] Yahweh punished his people [like that], they [still] did not return to him [and worship him]. They [still] did not request the Commander of the armies of angels [to assist them].
14 Tādēļ Tas Kungs nocirtīs no Israēla galvu un asti, zaru un celmu vienā dienā.
Therefore, in one day Yahweh will get rid of [those who are like] Israel’s head and [those who are like] its tail; the [ones who are like] the top of the palm tree and the [ones who are like] the bottom.
15 Vecaji un augstie ir tā galva, bet pravietis, kas melus māca, tā aste.
The leaders [DOU] of Israel are the head, and the prophets who tell lies are the tail.
16 Jo šo ļaužu vadoņi ir viltnieki, un kas no tiem top vadīti, tie iet bojā.
The leaders of the people have misled them; they have caused the people that they are ruling to be confused.
17 Tādēļ Tas Kungs par viņu jaunekļiem nepriecāsies un neapžēlosies par viņu bāriņiem un atraitnēm, jo tie visi ir blēži un ļaundari, un ikviena mute runā blēņas. Ar visu to Viņa dusmība nenovēršas, un Viņa roka vēl ir izstiepta.
For that reason, Yahweh is not pleased with the young men [of Israel], and he does not [even] act mercifully toward the widows and orphans, because they are all ungodly and wicked, and they all say things that are foolish. [But] Yahweh still is angry with them; he is ready to strike them with his fist again.
18 Jo bezdievība deg kā uguns un aprij ērkšķus un dadžus un aizdedzina mežu biezumus un augsti dūmi paceļas gaisā.
When people do wicked things, it is like [SIM] a brushfire [that spreads rapidly]. It burns up [not only] briers and thorns; it starts a big fire in the forests from which clouds of smoke will rise.
19 Jo caur Tā Kunga Cebaot bardzību zeme kvēlo, un ļaudis ir kā uguns barība, un viens otru nežēlo.
[It is as though] the [whole] land is burned [black] because the Commander of the armies of angels is extremely angry with the Israeli people. They will become like [SIM] fuel for that great fire, and no one will try to rescue even his [own] brother [from that fire].
20 Pa labo roku rij, un tomēr ir izsalkuši, un pa kreiso roku ēd, un tomēr nav paēduši, ikkatrs ēd sava elkoņa miesu,
Israeli people will attack their neighbors on the right [to get food from them], but they will still be hungry. They will [kill those who live in houses] on the left and eat their flesh, but their stomachs will still not be full.
21 Manasus Efraīmu, un Efraīms Manasu, un abi kopā pret Jūdu. Ar visu to Viņa dusmība nenovēršas, un Viņa roka vēl ir izstiepta.
[People of the tribes of] Manasseh and Ephraim will attack each other, and [then] they will both attack the people of Judah. But even after that happens, Yahweh will still be very angry with them. He will be ready to strike them with his fist again.

< Jesajas 9 >