< Jesajas 65 >
1 Es topu meklēts no tiem, kas pēc Manis nevaicāja, Es topu atrasts no tiem, kas Mani nemeklēja. Es esmu sacījis uz tautu, kas Manu vārdu nepiesauca: redzi, še Es esmu, redzi, še Es esmu.
“I have been inquired of by those who did not ask, I have been found by those who did not seek Me, I have said, Behold Me, behold Me, To a nation not calling on My Name.
2 Es izplešu Savas rokas cauru dienu uz pārgalvīgiem ļaudīm, kas uz nelaba ceļa staigā pēc savām pašu domām,
I have spread out My hands all the day To an apostate people, Who are going in the way [that is] not good, After their own thoughts.
3 Uz ļaudīm, kas vienmēr Mani kaitina, kas Manā priekšā upurē dārzos un kvēpina uz ķieģeļiem,
The people who are continually provoking Me to anger, To My face, Sacrificing in gardens, and making incense on the bricks:
4 Kas sēž pie kapenēm un kapu alās paliek pa naktīm un ēd cūku gaļu, un negantas sulas ir viņu traukos.
Who are dwelling among tombs, And lodge in reserved places, Who are eating flesh of the sow, And a piece of abominations—their vessels.
5 Kas saka: paliec, nenāc man klāt, jo es esmu svēts priekš tevis. Šie būs par dūmiem Manā dusmībā, par uguni, kas deg cauru dienu.
Who are saying, Keep to yourself, do not come near to me, For I have declared you unholy. These [are] smoke in My anger, A fire burning all the day.
6 Redzi, tas ir Manā priekšā rakstīts: Es necietīšu klusu, bet Es atmaksāšu, un pat viņu azotē Es atmaksāšu
Behold, it is written before Me: I am not silent, but have repaid; And I have repaid into their bosom,
7 Jūsu noziegumus un jūsu tēvu noziegumus kopā, saka Tas Kungs, ka ir kvēpinājuši uz kalniem un Mani zaimojuši uz pakalniem; tāpēc viņu algu Es papriekš atmaksāšu viņu azotē.
Your iniquities, and the iniquities of your fathers together,” said YHWH, “Who have made incense on the mountains, And have reproached Me on the heights, And I have measured their former work into their bosom.”
8 Tā saka Tas Kungs: tā kā kad vīnu atrod ķekarā un saka: nemaitā to, jo svētība tur iekšā, tāpat Es darīšu Savu kalpu dēļ, ka Es tos visus nenomaitāju.
Thus said YHWH: “As the new wine is found in the cluster, And one has said, Do not destroy it for a blessing [is] in it, So I do for My servants’ sake, Not to destroy the whole.
9 Bet Es no Jēkaba radīšu dzimumu un no Jūda, kas manto Manus kalnus, un Mani izredzētie to iemantos, un Mani kalpi tur dzīvos.
And I have brought out a Seed from Jacob, And from Judah a Possessor of My mountain, And My chosen ones possess it, And My servants dwell there.
10 Un Šarons taps par avju ganībām, un Ahora ieleja par lopu laidaru priekš Maniem ļaudīm, kas Mani meklējuši.
And Sharon has been for the habitation of a flock, And the Valley of Achor for the lying down of a herd, For My people who have sought Me.
11 Bet jūs, kas no Tā Kunga atkāpušies, kas Manu svēto kalnu aizmirstat un galdu sataisiet tam Gad (Liktenim) un dzeramus upurus ielejat tai Meni (Laimei), -
And you [are] those forsaking YHWH, Who are forgetting My holy mountain, Who are setting a table in array for Gad, And who are filling a mixture for Meni.
12 Es jūs arī nolikšu zobenam, ka jums visiem būs locīties pie kaušanas, tāpēc ka Es esmu aicinājis, bet jūs neesat atbildējuši, Es esmu runājis, un jūs neesat klausījuši, bet darījuši, kas ļauns bija Manās acīs, un izraudzījušies, kas Man nepatika.
And I have numbered you for the sword, And all of you bow down for slaughter, Because I called, and you have not answered, I have spoken, and you have not listened, And you do evil in My eyes, And on that which I did not desire—fixed.”
13 Tādēļ Tas Kungs Dievs tā saka: redzi, Mani kalpi ēdīs, bet jūs būsiet izsalkuši; redzi, Mani kalpi dzers, bet jūs iztvīksiet; redzi, Mani kalpi priecāsies, bet jūs tapsiet kaunā;
Therefore, thus said Lord YHWH: “Behold, My servants eat, and you hunger, Behold, My servants drink, and you thirst, Behold, My servants rejoice, and you are ashamed,
14 Redzi, Mani kalpi gavilēs sirds priekā, bet jūs brēksiet sirdēstos un kauksiet satriektā garā.
Behold, My servants sing from joy of heart, And you cry from pain of heart, And you howl from breaking of spirit.
15 Un jūs atstāsiet savu vārdu Maniem izredzētiem par lāstu vārdu, un Tas Kungs Dievs tevi nokaus, bet Savus kalpus Viņš nosauks ar citu vārdu;
And you have left your name For an oath for My chosen ones, And Lord YHWH has put you to death, And He gives another name to His servants;
16 Un kas virs zemes svētīsies, tas svētīsies pie tā patiesā Dieva, un kas virs zemes zvērēs, tas zvērēs pie tā patiesā Dieva; jo tās pirmās bēdas būs aizmirstas un priekš Manām acīm apslēptas.
So that he who is blessing himself in the earth, Blesses himself in the God of faithfulness, And he who is swearing in the earth, Swears by the God of faithfulness, Because the former distresses have been forgotten, And because they have been hid from My eyes.
17 Jo redzi, Es radu jaunas debesis un jaunu zemi, un tās pirmās lietas vairs nepieminēs, un tās vairs nenāks prātā.
For behold, I am creating new heavens and a new earth, And the former things are not remembered, Nor do they ascend on the heart.
18 Bet priecājaties un līksmojaties mūžīgi mūžam par to, ko Es radu. Jo redzi, Es radīšu Jeruzālemi par prieku un viņas ļaudis par līksmību.
But rejoice, and rejoice forever, that I [am] Creator, For behold, I am creating Jerusalem [to be] a rejoicing, And her people a joy.
19 Un Es priecāšos par Jeruzālemi un līksmošos par Saviem ļaudīm, un tur vairs netaps dzirdēta ne raudāšanas balss, ne kaukšanas balss.
And I have rejoiced in Jerusalem, And have rejoiced in My people, And the voice of weeping is not heard in her anymore, and the voice of crying.
20 Tur nebūs vairs bērniņi, kas ilgi nedzīvos, nedz veci, kas savas dienas nepiepilda; bet jauneklis mirs simts gadus vecs būdams, un bezdievīgais taps nolādēts simts gadus vecs būdams.
There is not a suckling of [mere] days there anymore, And an aged man who does not complete his days, For the youth dies one hundred years old, And the sinner, one hundred years old, is lightly esteemed.
21 Un tie uztaisīs namus un dzīvos iekš tiem, tie dēstīs vīna dārzus un ēdīs viņu augļus.
And they have built houses, and inhabited, And planted vineyards, and eaten their fruit.
22 Tie neuztaisīs, lai cits tur dzīvo, un nedēstīs, lai cits to ēd; jo Manu ļaužu mūžs būs ka koku mūžs un Mani izredzētie baudīs savu roku darbu.
They do not build, and another inhabit, They do not plant, and another eat, For as the days of a tree [are] the days of My people, And My chosen wear out the work of their hands.
23 Tie nestrādās velti, nedz dzemdēs bērnus briesmīgam galam. Jo tie ir Tā Kunga svētīto dzimums un viņu bērnu bērni līdz ar tiem.
They do not labor for a vain thing, Nor do they bring forth for trouble, For they [are] the seed of the blessed of YHWH, And their offspring with them.
24 Un notiks, pirms tie sauc, tad Es atbildēšu, kad tie vēl runā, tad Es klausīšu.
And it has come to pass, They do not yet call, and I answer, They are yet speaking, and I hear.
25 Vilki un jēri ies kopā ganos un lauva ēdīs salmus kā vērsis, un pīšļi būs čūskas barība; tie nedarīs ļauna un nedarīs posta visā Manā svētā kalnā, saka Tas Kungs.
Wolf and lamb feed as one, And a lion eats straw as an ox, As for the serpent—its food [is] dust, They do no evil, nor destroy, In all My holy mountain,” said YHWH!