< Jesajas 58 >

1 Sauc pilnā kaklā, netaupi, pacel savu balsi kā bazūni, un pasludini Maniem ļaudīm viņu pārkāpumus un Jēkaba namam viņa grēkus.
[Yahweh said to me], “Shout loudly! Shout like [SIM] a loud trumpet! Shout to warn my Israeli people about their sins [DOU]!
2 Jo Tie Mani meklē ikdienas, tā kā tiem būtu labs prāts pie Manu ceļu atzīšanas. Kā ļaudis, kas darījuši taisnību un nebūtu atstājuši sava Dieva tiesu, tie prasa no Manis taisnības tiesu; tie grib, lai Dievs tiem tuvojās.
They worship me every day; [they come to my temple because they say that] they are eager to know what I want them to do. They act as though they are a nation that does things that are righteous, who would never abandon their God. They request me to decide matters justly, and they delight to come to worship me.
3 Kāpēc (tā tie saka) mēs gavējam, un tu to neuzlūko? Kāpēc mēs mērdējam savu dvēseli, un tu to negribi zināt? Redzi, tai dienā, kad jūs gavējat, tad jūs ejat pēc savas peļņas un dzenat visus savus strādniekus.
[They say], ‘We have (fasted/abstained from eating food) to please you, but you did not [RHQ] notice our doing that. We humbled ourselves, but you did not [RHQ] pay any attention!’ I will tell you why I did not pay attention. It is because when you fast, you do it only to please yourselves, and you act cruelly toward all your workers.
4 Redzi, jūs gavējat bārdamies un riedamies un bezdievīgi kaudamies ar dūri. Jūs negavējat, kā pieklājās, lai jūsu balsis būtu dzirdamas augstībā.
You fast, but you also quarrel and fight [with each other] with your fists. [Doing things like that while] you fast will [certainly] not cause [me] to hear your prayers [where I am], high in heaven.
5 Vai tāda ir gavēšana, kas Man patīk, diena, kur cilvēks savu dvēseli mērdē? Kad galvu nokar kā niedre un gulstas uz maisa un pelnos, vai jūs to saucat par gavēšanu un par dienu, kas Tam Kungam patīk?
You [act as though] [IRO] you humble yourselves [RHQ] by bowing your heads like [SIM] [the tops of] reeds bend [when the wind blows], and you wear [RHQ] rough clothes and cover your heads with ashes [like people do when they are grieving]. That is what you do when you are fasting, but do you really think [RHQ] that will please me?
6 Vai tā nav gavēšana, kas Man patīk: atraisīt no netaisnām saitēm, no jūga atsvabināt, spaidītus atlaist vaļā un salauzt ikkatru jūgu?
No, that is not the kind of fasting that I desire. What I really want [RHQ] is for you to free those who have been unjustly put in prison [DOU], and to encourage those who are (treated cruelly/oppressed); I want you to free those who have been oppressed in any way.
7 Vai tā nepiederas, maizi lauzt izsalkušiem, namā ievest nabaga izdzītus, kailu ieraugot, to apsegt un neapslēpties no sava tuvāka?
I want you to [RHQ] share your food with those who are hungry and to allow those who have no houses to stay in your houses. Give clothes to those who do not have clothes, and do not hide from your relatives who need help from you.
8 Tad ausīs tava gaisma kā dienas blāzma, un tava dzīvība no jauna zels, un tava taisnība ies tavā priekšā, un Tā Kunga godība tevi pavadīs.
If you do those things, [what you do for others will be like] [SIM] a light that shines when it dawns. The troubles [that have been caused by your sins] will end quickly. Others will know about your righteous behavior, and with my glorious presence I will protect you from behind [like I protected the Israeli people when they left Egypt].
9 Tad tu sauksi, un Tas Kungs atbildēs, tu brēksi, un Viņš sacīs: redzi, še Es esmu. Ja no sava vidus izraidīsi varmācību, mitēsies ar pirkstiem rādīt un nerunāsi ļauna,
Then you will call out to me, and I will [quickly] answer [and say that I will help you].’ Stop (oppressing people/treating people cruelly); stop falsely accusing people; and stop saying evil [things about people].
10 Un ja tu izsalkušam atdarīsi savu sirdi un paēdināsi apbēdināto dvēseli, tad tava gaisma atspīdēs tumsībā, un tava krēsla būs kā dienas vidus;
Give food to those who are hungry, and give to people who are afflicted/suffering the things that they need. [Your doing that will be like] [MET] a light that shines in the darkness; instead of doing evil to people [MET], [the good things that you do for them will be like] [SIM] sunshine at noontime.
11 Un Tas Kungs tevi vadīs bez mitēšanās un pieēdinās tavu dvēseli tuksnesī un stiprinās tavus kaulus. Un tu būsi kā slacināts dārzs un kā ūdens avots, kam ūdens netrūkst.
[I], Yahweh, will guide you continually, and I will give you good things to satisfy you. I will enable you to remain strong and healthy. You will be like [SIM] a garden that is well watered, like [SIM] a spring that never dries up.
12 Un tavi bērni uzcels vecu vecās posta vietas, tu atjaunosi pagājušu cilšu pamatus un tevi sauks (par) plaisumu aizmūrētāju un ceļu atjaunotāju, kur var dzīvot.
[Your people] will rebuild the cities that were destroyed long ago; they will build [houses] on top of the old foundations. People will say that you are the ones who are repairing the holes [in the city walls], and who are repairing the streets where people live.
13 Ja tu savu kāju savaldi svētdienā un nedari, kas tev patīk, Manā svētā dienā, un ja tu dusas dienu nosauci par līksmību, par Tā Kunga svēto (dienu), kas cienījama, un tu tā viņu godā turi, ka nestaigā savus ceļus nedz ej pēc savas pelņas nedz runā liekus vārdus.
Do not travel [MTY] long distances on Sabbath/rest days, and on Sabbath days do not do only the things that you delight to do. Enjoy the Sabbath days, and consider them to be delightful. The Sabbath days are my holy days. Honor me, Yahweh, in everything that you do [on the Sabbath days]. Do not talk about and do things [only] to please yourselves. If you do all the things that I have just now told you to do,
14 Tad tu priecāsies iekš Tā Kunga, un Es tevi vadīšu pār zemes augstumiem, un Es tevi mielošu ar tava tēva Jēkaba mantību; jo Tā Kunga mute to runājusi.
I will enable you to be joyful. I will greatly honor you; [I will honor you everywhere!] I will give to you the [blessings] that I gave to your ancestor Jacob. [Those things will surely happen because I], Yahweh, have said it.”

< Jesajas 58 >