< Jesajas 49 >

1 Klausāties uz mani, salas, un ņemiet vērā, tauta no tālienes: Tas Kungs mani aicinājis no mātes miesām, Viņš manu vārdu minējis, kad es vēl biju mātes miesās.
Listen to me, you islands; and attend, you Gentiles; after a long time it shall come to pass, says the Lord: from my mother's womb he has called my name:
2 Un Viņš manu muti darījis kā asu zobenu, Savas rokas ēnā Viņš mani apslēpis. Viņš mani iecēlis par spožu bultu un glabājis Savā bultu makā.
and he has made my mouth as a sharp sword, and he has hid me under the shadow of his hand; he has made me as a choice shaft, and he has hid me in his quiver;
3 Un Viņš uz mani sacījis: tu esi Mans kalps, Israēl, pie kā Es pagodināšos.
and said to me, You are my servant, O Israel, and in you I will be glorified.
4 Bet es sacīju: es esmu velti strādājis, es savu spēku esmu tērējis par neko un velti; tomēr mana tiesa ir pie Tā Kunga un mana alga pie mana Dieva.
Then I said, I have laboured in vain, I have given my strength for vanity and for nothing: therefore is my judgment with the Lord, and my labor before my God.
5 Un nu saka Tas Kungs, kas no mātes miesām mani darījis Sev par kalpu, Jēkabu atkal atvest pie Viņa un Israēli pie Viņa sapulcināt - un es esmu pagodināts Tā Kunga acīs, un mans Dievs ir mans stiprums.
And now, thus says the Lord that formed me from the womb to be his own servant, to gather Jacob to him and Israel. I shall be gathered and glorified before the Lord, and my God shall be my strength.
6 Viņš saka: tas ir maz, ka tu esi Mans kalps, uztaisīt Jēkaba ciltis un atkal atvest Israēla izsargātos; bet Es tevi arī pagāniem esmu iecēlis par gaišumu, ka tu esi Mana pestīšana līdz pasaules galiem.
And he said to me, [It is] a great thing for you to be called my servant, to establish the tribes of Jacob, and to recover the dispersion of Israel: behold, I have given you for the covenant of a race, for a light of the Gentiles, that you should be for salvation to the end of the earth.
7 Tā saka Tas Kungs, Israēla Pestītājs, viņa Svētais, uz to, kam dvēsele top nicināta, ko ļaudis tur par negantību, kas varas darītājiem par kalpu. Ķēniņi redzēs un pacelsies, lielkungi metīsies zemē Tā Kunga dēļ, kas ir uzticīgs, Israēla Svētā dēļ, kas tevi izredzējis.
Thus says the Lord that delivered you, the God of Israel, Sanctify him that despises his life, him that is abhorred by the nations that are the servants of princes: kings shall behold him, and princes shall arise, and shall worship him, for the Lord's sake: for the Holy One of Israel is faithful, and I have chosen you.
8 Tā saka Tas Kungs: Es tevi esmu paklausījis labā pieņemīgā laikā, un tev esmu palīdzējis pestīšanas dienā. Un Es tevi pasargāšu un tevi iecelšu tautai par derību, zemi uztaisīt, ka ikviens iemanto savu postīto daļu,
Thus says the Lord, In an acceptable time have I heard you, and in a day of salvation have I succored you: and I have formed you, and given you for a covenant of the nations, to establish the earth, and to cause to inherit the desert heritages:
9 Un sacīt uz tiem, kas cietumā: ejat ārā! Uz tiem, kas tumsā: nāciet gaismā! Tie ganīsies ceļmalā un ganība tiem būs visās augstās vietās.
saying to them that are in bonds, Go forth; and [bidding] them that are in darkness show themselves. They shall be fed in all the ways, and in all the paths [shall be] their pasture.
10 Tie ne izsalks, nedz izslāps, tos arī nespiedīs ne karstums, ne saule; jo viņu apžēlotājs tos vadīs un tos vedīs lēniņām pie ūdens avotiem.
They shall not hunger, neither shall they thirst; neither shall the heat nor the sun strike them; but he that has mercy on them shall comfort [them], and by fountains of waters shall he lead them.
11 Un Es darīšu visus Savus kalnus par ceļu, un Mani lielceļi taps paaugstināti.
And I will make every mountain a way, and every path a pasture to them.
12 Redzi, šie nāks no tālienes, un redzi, šie no ziemeļa puses un no jūras, un šie no Sinimas zemes.
Behold, these shall come from far: [and] these from the north and the west, and others from the land of the Persians.
13 Gavilējat, debesis, un priecājies, zeme, sākat gavilēt, kalni, jo Tas Kungs iepriecina Savus ļaudis un apžēlojās par Saviem bēdīgiem.
Rejoice, you heavens; and let the earth be glad: let the mountains break forth [with] joy; for the Lard has had mercy on his people, and has comforted the lowly ones of his people.
14 Bet Ciāna saka: Tas Kungs mani atstājis, un Tas Kungs mani aizmirsis.
But Sion said, The Lord has forsaken me, and, The Lord has forgotten me.
15 Vai sieva var aizmirst savu zīdāmo bērnu, neapžēlodamās par savu miesīgo dēlu? Un jebšu viņa to aizmirstu, tomēr Es tevi neaizmirsīšu!
Will a woman forget her child, so as not to have compassion upon the offspring of her womb? but if a woman should even forget these, yet I will not forget you, says the Lord.
16 Redzi, Savās rokās Es tevi esmu rakstījis, tavi mūri ir vienmēr Manā priekšā.
Behold, I have painted your walls on my hands, and you are continually before me.
17 Tavi bērni steigsies šurp, bet tavi postītāji un izdeldētāji ies projām no tevis.
And you shall soon be built by those by whom you were destroyed, and they that made you desolate shall go forth of you.
18 Pacel savas acis visapkārt, un redzi: visi šie sapulcinājās un nāk pie tevis. Tik tiešām kā Es dzīvoju, saka Tas Kungs, tu tapsi ar visiem šiem apģērbta tā kā ar glītumu un apjozīsies ar tiem kā brūte,
Lift up your eyes round about, and look on them all; behold, they are gathered together, and are come to you. [As] I live, says the Lord, you shall clothe yourself with them all as with an ornament, and put them on as a bride her attire.
19 Jo tava aplaupītā, iztukšotā, nopostītā zeme tev nu taps visai šaura tik daudz iedzīvotāju dēļ, un tavi aprijēji atkāpsies tālu no tevis.
For your desert and marred and ruined [places] shall now be too narrow by reason of the inhabitants, and they that devoured you shall be removed far from you.
20 Tad tie bērni, kas bija zuduši, sacīs priekš tavām ausīm: tā vieta priekš manis ir šaura; ej tālāk, ka es varu dzīvot.
For your sons whom you have lost shall say in your ears, The place [is too] narrow for me: make room for me that I may dwell.
21 Bet tu sacīsi savā sirdī: kas man šos dzemdinājis, jo es biju bez bērniem, vientule, es biju cietumā vesta un atstumta; kas tad šos man ir uzaudzinājis? Redzi, es biju atstāta viena, kur tad šie bija?
And you shall say in your heart, Who has begotten me these? whereas I [was] childless, and a widow; but who has brought up these for me? and I was left alone; but whence came these to me?
22 Tā saka Tas Kungs Dievs: redzi, Es pacelšu Savu roku uz pagāniem un izcelšu tautām Savu karogu, tad tie tavus dēlus atnesīs klēpī, un tavas meitas nesīs uz kamiešiem.
Thus says the Lord, [even] the Lord, Behold, I lift up mine hand to the nations, and I will lift up my signal to the islands: and they shall bring your sons in [their] bosom, and shall bear your daughters on [their] shoulders.
23 Un ķēniņi būs tavi audzinātāji un viņu ķēniņienes tavas zīdītājas. Tie metīsies uz vaigu zemē priekš tevis un laizīs tavu kāju pīšļus. Tad tu manīsi, ka Es esmu Tas Kungs, pie kā netop kaunā, kas uz Mani cerē.
And kings shall be your nursing fathers, and their princesses your nurses, they shall bow down to you on the face of the earth, and shall lick the dust of your feet; and you shall know that I am the Lord, and they that wait on me shall not be ashamed.
24 Vai gan varenam var atņemt laupījumu? Jeb vai taisni var izsprukt no viņa cietuma?
Will any one take spoils from a giant? and if one should take [a man] captive unjustly, shall he be delivered?
25 Bet nu Tas Kungs tā saka: tiešām, cietumnieki varenajam taps atņemti, un laupījums izspruks varas darītājam; jo taviem pretiniekiem Es stāšos pretī, un tavus bērnus Es izpestīšu.
For thus says the Lord, If one should take a giant captive, he shall take spoils, and he who takes [them] from a mighty [man] shall be delivered: for I will plead your cause, and I will deliver your children.
26 Un tavus spaidītājus Es ēdināšu ar viņu pašu miesām, un tie piedzersies no savām pašu asinīm kā no salda vīna, un visa miesa manīs, ka Es esmu Tas Kungs, tavs Pestītājs un tavs izglābējs, tas Varenais iekš Jēkaba.
And they that afflicted you shall eat their own flesh; and they shall drink their own blood as new wine, and shall be drunken: and all flesh shall perceive that I am the Lord that delivers you, and that upholds the strength of Jacob.

< Jesajas 49 >