< Jesajas 43 >

1 Bet nu Tas Kungs, tavs Radītājs, Jēkab, un tavs darītājs, Israēl, saka tā: nebīsties, jo Es tevi esmu atpestījis, Es tevi esmu saucis pie tava vārda; tu esi Mans.
Now, therefore, Thus, saith Yahweh—Creating thee, O Jacob, and Fashioning thee O Israel, —Do not fear, For I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name. Mine, thou art!
2 Kad tu iesi caur ūdeņiem, tad Es būšu pie tevis, un caur upēm, tad tās tevi nepārplūdīs. Kad tu iesi caur uguni, tad tu nesadegsi, un liesma tevi neaizdedzinās.
When thou passest through the waters, with thee, I am, Or, through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee, —When thou walkest through fire, thou shall not be scorched, And, a flame, shall not kindle upon thee;
3 Jo Es esmu Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, tas Svētais iekš Israēla, tavs Pestītājs. Ēģipti Es dodu par tavu izpirkšanas maksu, Moru zemi un Sabu tavā vietā.
For, I,—Yahweh, am, Thy God, The Holy One of Israel Ready to save thee, —I have given, as thy ransom, Egypt, Ethiopia and Seba, in thy stead.
4 Tāpēc ka tu esi dārgs Manās acīs un cienīgs, un Es tevi mīļoju, Es esmu devis cilvēkus tavā vietā un tautas par tavu dvēseli.
Because thou art precious in mine eyes, art honoured And, I, love thee, —And will give mankind, in thy stead, Yea, peoples, for thy life,
5 Nebīsties, jo Es esmu pie tevis, Es atvedīšu tavu dzimumu no rīta puses un tevi sapulcināšu no vakara puses.
Do not fear for, with thee, I am, —From the East, will I bring in thy seed, And, from the West, will I gather thee:
6 Es sacīšu uz ziemeli: Dod šurp! Un uz dienvidu: Neaiztur! Atved Manus dēlus no tālienes un Manas meitas no zemes galiem,
I will say to the North Give up! And to the South Do not withhold! Bring in My sons from far, and My daughters from the end of the earth;
7 Ikkatru, kas pēc Mana Vārda nosaukts, un ko Es esmu radījis Sev par godu, ko esmu taisījis un darījis.
Every one who is called by my Name, Whom for mine own glory, I have created—formed—yea, made!
8 Atved tos aklos ļaudis, kam tomēr acis, un tos kurlos, kam tomēr ausis.
Bring forth A blind people that have, eyes, and A deaf, that have, ears.
9 Lai visi pagāni top sapulcināti, un tautas lai sanāk kopā. Kurš no tiem to stāstīs? Lai tie mums stāsta tās pagājušās lietas, lai tie atved savus lieciniekus un taisnojās, ka šie dzird un saka: Tas ir tiesa.
All the nations, are gathered together Yea there is an assembling of peoples, Who among them, can tell this, And things in advance, can let us hear? Let them set forth their witnesses that they may get their right, Or let them hear, and say Truth!
10 Jūs esat Mani liecinieki, saka Tas Kungs, un Mans kalps, ko esmu izredzējis, lai jūs atzīstat un Man ticat un saprotat, ka Es tas esmu. Priekš Manis neviens dievs nav bijis un pēc Manis neviens nebūs.
Ye, are my witnesses Declareth Yahweh, And my Servant, whom I have chosen, —That ye may take note—and believe me, And perceive that, I, am He, Before me, was not formed a GOD, Nor after me, shall one come into being:
11 Es, Es esmu Tas Kungs, un Pestītāja nav kā vien Es.
I—I, am Yahweh, —And there is none besides me ready to save:
12 Es esmu pasludinājis, Es esmu palīdzējis, Es esmu zināmu darījis, un sveša(dieva) nebija jūsu starpā. Un jūs esat Mani liecinieki, saka Tas Kungs, ka Es esmu Dievs.
I, have told—and will save, and make known, That there is among you no strange one; And, ye, are my witnesses, Declareth Yahweh That, I, am GOD.
13 Arī no šīs dienas Es esmu tas pats, un neviena nav, kas var izglābt no Manas rokas; ko Es daru, kas to var novērst?
Even from To-day, I, am He, And none, out of my hand, can deliver, —I work and who reverseth?
14 Tā saka Tas Kungs, jūsu Pestītājs, tas Svētais iekš Israēla: jūsu dēļ Es uz Bābeli esmu sūtījis un visus Kaldejus aizdzinis, ka bija jābēg ar tām laivām, ar kurām bija līksmojušies.
Thus saith Yahweh, Your Redeemer, The Holy One of Israel, —For your sakes, have I sent into Babylon, And will bring down as fugitives, all of them, —Even the Chaldeans, in the ships which cause them loud outcry.
15 Es esmu Tas Kungs, jūsu Svētais, Israēla Radītājs, jūsu ķēniņš!
I—Yahweh, am Your Holy One, —The Creator of Israel, Your King.
16 Tā saka Tas Kungs, kas ceļu darījis jūrā un teku stipros ūdeņos,
Thus, saith Yahweh, —Who setteth in the sea, a way, —And in the mighty waters, a path;
17 Kas izved ratus un zirgus, kara pulku un spēku, - kopā tie ir apgūlušies, tie necelsies atkal augšām, tie ir izdzēsti, kā dakts tie ir izdzisuši.
Who bringeth forth Chariot and horse, Force and strength, Together, shall they lie down They shall not arise, They are extinguished Like a wick, are they quenched!
18 Nepieminiet tās vecās lietas un nedomājiet vairs uz to, kas pagājis.
Do not keep in mind former things, —And things of old, do not consider:
19 Redzi, Es daru jaunas lietas; jau plaukst, jūs to atzīsiet; Es darīšu ceļu tuksnesī un upes tukšās vietās.
Behold me! doing a new thing, Now, shall it spring forth, Will ye not take note thereof? Surely I will set In the desert, a way, In a desolate land, rivers:
20 Zvēri laukā Mani godās, šakāļi un strausi, jo Es ūdeni došu tuksnesī un upes tukšā vietā, dzirdināt Savus ļaudis, Savus izredzētos.
The wild beast of the field shall honour me, Jackals, and ostriches, Because I have given—In the desert, waters, Rivers in, desolate land, To give drink unto my people, my chosen:
21 Šos ļaudis Es Sev esmu radījis, tie teiks Manu slavu.
A people which I have fashioned for myself, My praise, shall they record.
22 Un tu Mani neesi piesaucis, Jēkab, nedz Manis pēc pūlējies, Israēl!
Yet not upon me, hast thou called, O Jacob, —For thou hast been wearied of me O Israel:
23 Tu Man neesi atnesis savu dedzināmo upuru avis, nedz Mani godājis ar saviem kaujamiem upuriem. Es tevi neesmu kalpinājis ar ēdamiem upuriem, nedz tevi apgrūtinājis ar vīraku.
Thou hast not brought in to me small cattle as thine ascending-offerings, Nor, with thy sacrifices, hast thou honoured me, —I have not oppressed thee with meal-offerings, Nor have I wearied thee with frankincense;
24 Tu Man neesi par naudu pircis smaržīgas kalmes un neesi Mani mielojis ar savu upuru taukiem. Bet tu Mani esi kalpinājis ar saviem grēkiem, tu Mani esi apgrūtinājis ar saviem noziegumiem.
Thou hast not bought for me with silver, fragrant calamus, Nor with the fat of thy sacrifices, hast thou sated me, —Thou hast done nothing but oppress me with thy sins, Thou hast wearied me with thine iniquities.
25 Es, Es tas esmu, kas izdeldu tavus pārkāpumus Sevis dēļ un nepieminu tavus grēkus.
I—I, am he that is ready, To wipe out thy transgressions for mine own sake, —And, thy sins, not remember.
26 Atgādini Mani, lai mēs kopā tiesājamies, teic jel, kā tu vari taisnoties.
Put me in mind, Let us enter into judgment at once, —Recount, thou, that thou mayest be justified:
27 Tavs pirmais tēvs ir grēkojis un tavi aizstāvētāji pret Mani noziegušies.
Thy chief father, hath sinned, And thine interpreters, have transgressed against me;
28 Tāpēc Es esmu licis negodā svētuma virsniekus un Jēkabu nodevis lāstam un Israēli kaunam.
So then I must needs profane the rulers of the holy place, —And deliver Jacob to be devoted to destruction, and Israel, unto reviling!

< Jesajas 43 >