< Jesajas 31 >

1 Ak vai, tiem, kas uz Ēģipti iet pēc palīdzības un paļaujas uz zirgiem un cerē uz ratiem, tāpēc ka to ir daudz, un uz jātniekiem, tāpēc ka to ir liels pulks, bet uz to Svēto iekš Israēla nerauga un To Kungu nemeklē.
Terrible things will happen to those who reply on Egypt to help them, trusting in their soldiers’ horses and their many chariots and their strong chariot-drivers, instead of trusting that Yahweh, the Holy One of Israel, will help them.
2 Bet arī Viņš ir gudrs un liek ļaunumam nākt un neņem atpakaļ Savus vārdus, bet ceļas pret bezdievīgo namu un pret ļauna darītāju palīgu.
Yahweh is [very] wise, [but] he also causes people to experience disaster! And [when he decides to do that], he does not change his mind! He will strike/punish the wicked people and [all] those who help them.
3 Jo ēģiptieši ir cilvēki un ne Dievs, un viņu zirgi ir miesa un ne gars. Un Tas Kungs izstieps Savu roku, un tas palīgs klūp un, kam top līdzēts, tas krīt, un tie visi kopā iet bojā.
The soldiers of Egypt [that you people of Judah are relying on] are humans, not God! And their horses are only horses; they are not [powerful] spirits! So when Yahweh raises his fist to strike/punish the [soldiers of Egypt whom you thought would help you], he will also strike [you who thought that you would be helped], and you and they will stumble and fall down; all of you will die together.
4 Jo tā Tas Kungs uz mani sacījis: tā kā lauva un kā jauns lauva rūc par savu laupījumu, un, jebšu pret viņu liels ganu pulks top sasaukts, tomēr viņš neizbīstas priekš viņu balss un nebaidās no viņa lielā pulka, tāpat Tas Kungs Cebaot nolaidīsies, karot uz Ciānas kalna un uz viņas augstuma.
But this is what Yahweh said to me: “When a huge lion stands over the body of a sheep that he has killed and growls, even if a large group of shepherds comes [to chase/shoo away the lion], even if they shout loudly, the lion will not be afraid and will not leave. Similarly, I, the Commander of the armies of angels, will come down to fight [my enemies] on Zion Hill, [and nothing will hinder me].
5 Tā kā putni lidinājās, tāpat Tas Kungs Cebaot apklās Jeruzālemi, un apklādams izpestīs un žēlodams izglābs.
[I], the Commander of the armies of angels, will protect Jerusalem like [SIM] a [mother] bird protects [the baby birds in] her nest: I will defend the city and rescue it from its enemies.”
6 Atgriežaties, Israēla bērni, pie Tā, no kā tik tālu esat atkāpušies.
My people, [even though] you have greatly rebelled against Yahweh, return to him.
7 Jo tai dienā tie atmetīs ikkatrs savus sudraba elkus un savus zelta elkus, ko jūsu rokas ir taisījušas sev par grēku.
When you do that, each of you will throw away the idols that you [SYN] have sinned by making, idols that are [covered with] silver and gold.
8 Un Asurs kritīs caur zobenu, bet ne caur vīra zobenu, un to norīs, bet ne cilvēka zobens, un tas bēgs no zobena un viņa jaunekļi paliks par vergiem.
[Many of the] Assyrian [soldiers] will be killed, but not by swords that men use. They will be destroyed by the sword of God; and [those who are not killed] will (panic/be very afraid) and flee. And some of them will [be captured] and forced to become slaves.
9 Un viņa kalns trīcēs no bailēm, un viņa lielkungi iztrūcināti bēgs no karoga; to saka Tas Kungs, kam Ciānā uguns un Jeruzālemē ugunskurs.
[Even] their very strong soldiers [MTY] will be terrified; they will abandon their battle flags and run away! Yahweh will cause his enemies who attack Jerusalem to be destroyed. Yahweh’s presence on Zion Hill is [like] a fire, [like] a furnace that blazes in Jerusalem; and that is what Yahweh says [about what will happen to the Assyrian army]!

< Jesajas 31 >