< Jesajas 25 >
1 Kungs, Tu esi mans Dievs, es Tevi gribu paaugstināt, slavēt Tavu vārdu; jo Tu esi darījis brīnumus. Tavi padomi no sen dienām ir patiesība un uzticība.
O Jehovah, thou art my God; I will exalt thee; I will praise thy name, For thou hast done wonderful things; Thine ancient purposes are faithfulness and truth.
2 Jo Tu pilsētu esi padarījis par akmeņu kopu, stipru pili par gruvešiem, svešu ļaužu skaistos namus, ka tā vairs nav pilsēta, - nemūžam to vairs neuzcels.
Thou hast made the city a heap; The fortified city a ruin. The palace of the barbarians is to be no more a city! It shall never be built again.
3 Tāpēc Tevi slavēs stipra tauta, varenu ļaužu pilsētas Tevi bīsies.
Therefore shall mighty kingdoms praise thee; The cities of the terrible nations shall honor thee;
4 Jo Tu esi patvērums nabagam, patvērums vājam viņa bēdās, aizsegs pret plūdiem, pavēnis pret karstumu; jo tie briesmīgie šņāc kā plūdi pret mūri.
For thou hast been a defence to the poor; A defence to the needy in his distress; A refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, When the rage of tyrants was like a storm against a wall.
5 Tā kā karstumu izkaltušā zemē, tā Tu nospiedi svešo ļaužu trakumu; kā karstums caur padebeša ēnu, tā briesmīgo ļaužu dziesma apklusa.
As heat in a dry land is made to vanish, So thou puttest down the tumult of the barbarians; As heat is allayed by a thick cloud, So the triumph of the tyrants is brought low.
6 Un Tas Kungs Cebaot darīs uz šī kalna visām tautām taukas dzīres, dzīres no veca vīna, no taukiem ēdieniem un no veca izkāsta vīna.
Then in this mountain shall Jehovah of hosts prepare for all nations A feast of fat things, and wines kept on the lees; Of fat things full of marrow, of wines kept on the lees well refined.
7 Un Viņš izdeldēs uz šī kalna to vaiga apsegu, ar ko visas tautas ir apsegtas, un to deķi, ar ko visi pagāni apklāti.
He will destroy in this mountain the covering that was cast over all people, And the veil that was spread over all nations.
8 Viņš nāvi aprīs mūžīgi. Un Tas Kungs Dievs noslaucīs asaras no visiem vaigiem un atņems Savu ļaužu negodu no visas zemes virsas; jo Tas Kungs to ir runājis.
He will destroy death forever; The Lord Jehovah will wipe away the tears from all faces, And the reproach of his people will he take away from the whole earth; For Jehovah hath said it.
9 Un tai dienā sacīs: redzi, šis ir mūsu Dievs, uz Viņu esam gaidījuši, ka Viņš mūs izpestī. Šis ir Tas Kungs, uz Viņu esam gaidījuši, lai priecājamies un līksmojamies par Viņa pestīšanu.
In that day shall men say, “Behold, this is our God; We waited for him, and he hath saved us; This is Jehovah, for whom we waited; Let us rejoice and exult in his salvation.”
10 Jo Tā Kunga roka dusēs uz šā kalna. Bet Moabs taps samīts apakš Viņa, tā kā salmi top samīdīti mēslos.
For the hand of Jehovah shall rest upon this mountain, And Moab shall be trodden down in his place, As straw is trodden down in a dung-pool.
11 Un Viņš tur izpletīs Savas rokas tā kā peldētājs tās izpleš peldēdams, un Dievs pazemos viņa greznību līdz ar viņa roku viltību.
And he shall stretch out his hands in the midst of it, As the swimmer stretcheth out his hands to swim, But God shall put down his pride, Together with the devices of his hands.
12 Un tavus augstos stipros pils mūrus Viņš gāzīs, pazemos un pīšļos metīs pie zemes.
And the high bulwarks of thy walls will he lay low; He will bring them down to the ground; he will lay them in the dust.