< Jesajas 22 >
1 Spriedums par parādīšanas ieleju. Kas tev ir, ka jūs visi kāpiet uz jumtiem?
This is the burden against the Valley of Vision: What ails you now, that you have all gone up to the rooftops,
2 Tu biji trokšņa pilna, ļaužu pilna pilsēta, līksma pils. Tavi nokautie nav ar zobenu nokauti nedz karā krituši.
O city of commotion, O town of revelry? Your slain did not die by the sword, nor were they killed in battle.
3 Visi tavi virsnieki kopā bēguši, bez stopiem tie ir gūstīti, visi, kas pie tevis top atrasti, ir sasieti, tie tālu bēguši.
All your rulers have fled together, captured without a bow. All your fugitives were captured together, having fled to a distant place.
4 Tādēļ es saku: Atstājaties nost no manis, lai es gauži raudu, nepūlējaties, mani iepriecināt par manas tautas nopostīšanu.
Therefore I said, “Turn away from me, let me weep bitterly! Do not try to console me over the destruction of the daughter of my people.”
5 Jo tā ir trokšņa un posta un jukas diena no Tā Kunga Dieva Cebaot parādīšanas ielejā, kur mūri grūst, un brēkšana atskan kalnos.
For the Lord GOD of Hosts has set a day of tumult and trampling and confusion in the Valley of Vision— of breaking down the walls and crying to the mountains.
6 Jo Elams nes bultu maku, tur ir vīri uz ratiem, tur ir jātnieki, un Ķire nāk ar spožām priekšturamām bruņām.
Elam takes up a quiver, with chariots and horsemen, and Kir uncovers the shield.
7 Un tavas jaukās ielejas būs pilnas ratu, un jātnieki apmetīsies pret vārtiem.
Your choicest valleys are full of chariots, and horsemen are posted at the gates.
8 Viņš atsegs apsegu no Jūda, un tai dienā tu lūkosi pēc tām bruņām ciedru koku namā.
He has uncovered the defenses of Judah. On that day you looked to the weapons in the House of the Forest.
9 Un jūs redzat Dāvida pilsētas plaisas esam daudz, un jūs krājat lejas dīķa ūdeni.
You saw that there were many breaches in the walls of the City of David. You collected water from the lower pool.
10 Un jūs skaitiet Jeruzālemes namus un nolaužat namus, mūri stiprināt.
You counted the houses of Jerusalem and tore them down to strengthen the wall.
11 Jūs rokat arīdzan grāvi starp abējiem mūriem priekš vecā dīķa ūdens. Bet jūs neskatāties uz to, kas to dara, un nelūkojiet uz to, kas to sen nolicis.
You built a reservoir between the walls for the waters of the ancient pool, but you did not look to the One who made it, or consider Him who planned it long ago.
12 Un tai dienā Tas Kungs Dievs Cebaot aicinās raudāt un žēloties, un apcirpties un maisus apvilkt.
On that day the Lord GOD of Hosts called for weeping and wailing, for shaven heads and the wearing of sackcloth.
13 Bet redzi, prieks un līksmība, vēršu kaušana un avju kaušana, gaļas ēšana un vīna dzeršana: ēdīsim un dzersim, jo rītu mums jāmirst
But look, there is joy and gladness, butchering of cattle and slaughtering of sheep, eating of meat and drinking of wine: “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!”
14 Bet Tas Kungs Cebaot darījis zināmu manās ausīs: tiešām, šis noziegums jums netaps piedots, kamēr jūs mirsiet, saka Tas Kungs Dievs Cebaot.
The LORD of Hosts has revealed in my hearing: “Until your dying day, this sin of yours will never be atoned for,”
15 Tā saka Tas Kungs Dievs Cebaot: celies, ej pie šī mantas sarga, pie Šebnas, kas celts pār to namu, (un saki)
This is what the Lord GOD of Hosts says: “Go, say to Shebna, the steward in charge of the palace:
16 Ko tu še dari, un kam tu še to dari, ka tu še kapu sev izcērt, ka kalnā roc savu kapu, klintī sev izcērt mājokli?
What are you doing here, and who authorized you to carve out a tomb for yourself here—to chisel your tomb in the height and cut your resting place in the rock?
17 Redzi, Tas Kungs ar varenu sviedienu tevi nosviedīs, cieti tevi sagrābis.
Look, O mighty man! The LORD is about to shake you violently. He will take hold of you,
18 Velšus Viņš tevi aizvels ar tādu velšanu kā lodi uz zemi, lielu un plašu; tur tu nomirsi, tur paliks tavas godības rati, tu negods sava kunga namam.
roll you into a ball, and sling you into a wide land. There you will die, and there your glorious chariots will remain—a disgrace to the house of your master.
19 Un Es tevi nogāzīšu no tavas vietas, un no tava amata Es tevi nocelšu.
I will remove you from office, and you will be ousted from your position.
20 Un notiks tai dienā, tad Es aicināšu Savu kalpu Elijaķimu, Hilķijas dēlu,
On that day I will summon My servant, Eliakim son of Hilkiah.
21 Un Es viņu apģērbšu ar taviem svārkiem un viņu apjozīšu ar tavu jostu, un tavu valdīšanu Es nodošu viņa rokā, un viņš būs par tēvu Jeruzālemes iedzīvotājiem un Jūda namam.
I will clothe him with your robe and tie your sash around him. I will put your authority in his hand, and he will be a father to the dwellers of Jerusalem and to the house of Judah.
22 Un Es Dāvida nama atslēgu likšu uz viņa pleciem, un kur viņš atvērs, tur neviens neaizslēgs, un kur viņš aizslēgs, tur neviens neatvērs.
I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.
23 Un Es viņu iesitīšu kā naglu stiprā vietā, un viņš būs par goda krēslu sava tēva namā.
I will drive him like a peg into a firm place, and he will be a throne of glory for the house of his father.
24 Un pie viņa pieķersies visa viņa tēva nama godība, bērni un bērnu bērni, visi mazie trauki, bļodas un krūzes.
So they will hang on him the whole burden of his father’s house: the descendants and the offshoots—all the lesser vessels, from bowls to every kind of jar.
25 Tai dienā, saka Tas Kungs Cebaot, tā nagla lieksies, kas stiprā vietā bija iesista, tā lūzīs un kritīs, un tā nasta pie tās ies bojā; jo Tas Kungs to ir runājis.
In that day, declares the LORD of Hosts, the peg driven into a firm place will give way; it will be sheared off and fall, and the load upon it will be cut down.” Indeed, the LORD has spoken.