< Jesajas 12 >
1 Un tai dienā tu sacīsi: es Tev pateicos, Kungs, ka Tu dusmīgs bijis uz mani, un Tava dusmība ir novērsusies, un Tu mani iepriecini.
And you will say in the day that I will give thanks you O Yahweh for you were angry with me let it turn back anger your and may you comfort me.
2 Redzi, Dievs ir mana pestīšana, es cerēšu un nebīšos, jo Tas Kungs Dievs ir mans stiprums un mana slavas dziesma, un Viņš man ir par pestīšanu.
Here! God [is] salvation my I will trust and not I will be in dread for [is] might my and strength Yahweh Yahweh and he has become of me salvation.
3 Un ar prieku jūs smelsiet ūdeni no pestīšanas avotiem
And you will draw water with joy from [the] springs of salvation.
4 Un sacīsiet tai dienā: pateicieties Tam Kungam, piesauciet Viņa vārdu, dariet zināmus Viņa darbus starp tautām, pieminiet, ka Viņa vārds ir paaugstināts.
And you will say in the day that give thanks to Yahweh call on name his make known among the peoples deeds his bring to remembrance that [is] exalted name his.
5 Dziedājiet Tam Kungam, jo Viņš ir darījis augsti teicamas lietas, lai tas tiek zināms pa visām zemēm.
Sing praises to Yahweh for majesty he has done ([is] made known *Q(K)*) this in all the earth.
6 Gavilē un slavē, Ciānas iedzīvotāja, jo Israēla Svētais ir liels tavā vidū.
Cry aloud and cry out O inhabitant[s] of Zion for [is] great in midst your [the] holy [one] of Israel.