< Hozejas 13 >
1 Kad Efraīms runāja, tad cēlās bailes; viņš augsti cēlās iekš Israēla, bet viņš noziedzās caur Baālu un mira.
When Ephraim spoke, there was trembling; he was exalted in Israel. But he incurred guilt through Baal, and he died.
2 Un nu tie vēl vairāk grēko, un no sava sudraba tie sev taisa elku stabus, dievekļus pēc sava prāta; tas visnotaļ ir kalēju darbs; uz tiem šie runā, cilvēku upurētāji, tie skūpsta teļus.
Now they sin more and more and make for themselves cast images, idols skillfully made from their silver, all of them the work of craftsmen. People say of them, “They offer human sacrifice and kiss the calves!”
3 Tādēļ tie būs kā rīta mākoņi un kā rīta rasa, kas izzūd kā pelavas no klona, un kā dūmi no skursteņa top aizdzīti.
Therefore they will be like the morning mist, like the early dew that vanishes, like chaff blown from a threshing floor, like smoke through an open window.
4 Bet Es esmu Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, kamēr no Ēģiptes zemes, un Dieva bez manis tu nepazīsti neviena, un Pestītāja bez Manis nav neviena.
Yet I am the LORD your God ever since the land of Egypt; you know no God but Me, for there is no Savior besides Me.
5 Es par tevi zināju tuksnesī, tai sausā zemē.
I knew you in the wilderness, in the land of drought.
6 Kad tiem bija ganība, tad tie pieēdās; kad tie bija pieēdušies, tad viņu sirds lepojās, tāpēc tie Mani aizmirsa.
When they had pasture, they became satisfied; when they were satisfied, their hearts became proud, and as a result they forgot Me.
7 Tādēļ Es tiem paliku kā lauva, kā pardelis Es glūnēju uz ceļa.
So like a lion I will pounce on them; like a leopard I will lurk by the path.
8 Es tos sastapšu kā lācis, kam bērni laupīti, un saplosīšu viņu cieto sirdi, Es tos tur aprīšu kā lauva; tie zvēri virs zemes tos saplosīs.
Like a bear robbed of her cubs I will attack them, and I will tear open their chests. There I will devour them like a lion, like a wild beast would tear them apart.
9 Tas tev par postu, Israēl, ka tu esi pret Mani, pret savu palīgu.
You are destroyed, O Israel, because you are against Me— against your helper.
10 Kur nu ir tavs ķēniņš? Lai tas tev palīdz visās tavās pilsētās! Un kur tavi tiesneši, par kuriem tu sacīji: dod man ķēniņu un virsniekus?
Where is your king now to save you in all your cities, and the rulers to whom you said, “Give me a king and princes”?
11 Es tev devu ķēniņu savā dusmībā un to esmu atņēmis savā bardzībā.
So in My anger I gave you a king, and in My wrath I took him away.
12 Efraīma noziegumi ir sakrāti, viņa grēki ir glabāti.
The iniquity of Ephraim is bound up; his sin is stored up.
13 Viņam nāks dzemdētājas sāpes; viņš ir negudrs bērns, jo tas laikā neiet mātes ceļā.
Labor pains come upon him, but he is an unwise son. When the time arrives, he fails to present himself at the opening of the womb.
14 Es tos atpestīšu no elles, Es tos atsvabināšu no nāves. Nāve, kur ir tavs mēris, elle, kur ir tavs posts! Žēlums nebūs priekš Manām acīm. (Sheol )
I will ransom them from the power of Sheol; I will redeem them from Death. Where, O Death, are your plagues? Where, O Sheol, is your sting? Compassion is hidden from My eyes. (Sheol )
15 Lai viņš arī augļus nes brāļu vidū, bet rīta vējš nāks, Tā Kunga vējš celsies no tuksneša, un viņa aka izkaltīs, un viņa avots izsīks; šis laupīs mantu un visus dārgumus.
Although he flourishes among his brothers, an east wind will come— a wind from the LORD rising up from the desert. His fountain will fail, and his spring will run dry. The wind will plunder his treasury of every precious article.
16 Samarija ies postā, jo tā savam Dievam ir turējusies pretī, tā kritīs caur zobenu, viņu bērni taps satriekti un viņu grūtās sievas taps uzšķērstas.
Samaria will bear her guilt because she has rebelled against her God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to pieces, and their pregnant women ripped open.